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D3.1 SDN/NFV environment in the home network Definition, description and preliminary implementation of the IoRL home network

Anastasios Kourtis, Andreas Foteas, Charilaos Koumaras, Charilaos Zarakovitis, Michail-Alexandros Kourtis, Themistocles Anagnostopoulos, Adam Kapovits, John Cosmas, Mukhald Salih, Nawar Jawad, Mathias Lacaud, Krzystof Cabaj (+4 others)
2018 Zenodo  
The internet of radio light (IoRL) home network is described together with its architectural design using software defined network (SDN), network function virtualisation (NFV) and virtual network function (VNF) virtualisation technologies jointly to support the identified use cases, implementation scenarios and fifth generation (5G) key performance indicators (KPIs). The preliminary testbed on which the IoRL home network will be implemented and tested is introduced and evaluated using practical scenarios and measures.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2579869 fatcat:6loefhzs4be3zkhxcmjsz6ib5y