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Belief Base Revision for Datalog+/- Ontologies [chapter]

Songxin Wang, Jeff Z. Pan, Yuting Zhao, Wei Li, Songqiao Han, Dongmei Han
2014 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Datalog+/-is a family of emerging ontology languages that can be used for representing and reasoning over lightweight ontologies in Semantic Web. In this paper, we propose an approach to performing belief base revision for Datalog+/-ontologies. We define a kernel based belief revision operator for Datalog+/and study its properties using extended postulates, as well as an algorithm to revise Datalog+/-ontologies. Finally, we give the complexity results by showing that query answering for a revised linear Datalog+/-ontology is tractable.
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-06826-8_14 fatcat:ayqivf5zwfbnncbnudyj4ocjsi