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Webcard: A Java Card Web Server [chapter]

Jim Rees, Peter Honeyman
2000 Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications  
Webcard is a Java application that implements a TCP /IP stack and HTTP server and runs on a Schlumberger Cyberflex Access smartca.rd.  ...  In this report, we describe the architecture and implementation of Webcard and the constraints and assumptions that influenced its design.  ...  TECHNICAL DETAILS Webcard is a web server running on a Schlumberger Cyberflex Access Java Card [Schlumberger, Inc., 1998 ].  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-35528-3_11 fatcat:2drc2scgvnhcpo7ajepy5her2y

Middleware for Smart Cards [chapter]

Harald Vogt, Michael Rohs, Roger Kilian-Kehr
2005 Middleware for Communications  
Java Card RMI will be described further down. An alternative card object factory, called JCCardProxyFactory, does not require the availability of a stub class.  ...  Programming a smart card in Java is, however, less error prone and more efficient than programming it in the assembly language of the smart card's microcontroller.  ...  New card services can be deployed by uploading new card explorers to a well-known Web server and by providing corresponding card service implementations.  ... 
doi:10.1002/0470862084.ch15 fatcat:linagtbqhvdite4cv4iw724oay

Smartcard Firewalls Revisited [chapter]

Henrich C. Pöhls, Joachim Posegga
2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We envision in particular a proxy firewall running on a smartcard and combining the best of both worlds: the smartcard as a secure environment, and the proxy firewall for securing the network.  ...  Facilitating the various security options smartcards offer, we show how to design a secure network firewall on a smartcard. We illustrate the usefulness of such a device in several scenarios.  ...  Honeyman and Rees showed in [9] that smartcards can indeed become part of the network: "The Webcard is a TCP/IP stack and web server written in Java that runs on a Schlumberger Cyberlfex card; the card  ... 
doi:10.1007/11733447_13 fatcat:jimmv6tdmrbcjooceel5yqkuaa

A Framework for Distributed Inter-smartcard Communication

Masayuki Terada, Kensaku Mori, Kazuhiko Ishii, Sadayuki Hongo, Tomonori Usaka, Noboru Koshizuka, Ken Sakamura
2006 IPSJ Digital Courier  
these interactions are handled distribution-transparently through message dispatching agents deployed on each host, the smartcards can autonomously conduct distributed protocols without turning to off-card  ...  This paper proposes a framework based on a new architecture that allows distributed smartcards to interact with one another as well as with application programs on their hosts.  ...  Webcard 13) and WebSIM 9) enable a smartcard to mimic an HTTP server, with which users and off-card APs can interact using the HTTP protocol; that is to say, a user can access a smartcard by using his  ... 
doi:10.2197/ipsjdc.2.120 fatcat:kucdz4q3qjdafap5lkzl5dlt3i

Securing Operating System Services Based on Smart Cards [chapter]

Luigi Catuogno, Roberto Gassirà, Michele Masullo, Ivan Visconti
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
computations that a smart card can perform.  ...  The executions of operating system services based on smart cards allow one to personalize some functionalities of the operating system by using the secret information stored in a smart card and the basic  ...  Webcard [20] implements a tiny web server on a Java card. Card-ware applications access to data stored on the card by using the HTTP protocol. Trusted Computing Architectures.  ... 
doi:10.1007/11537878_32 fatcat:mvelioli65am7jhibrfskkbodu

GeneCards Version 3: the human gene integrator

M. Safran, I. Dalah, J. Alexander, N. Rosen, T. Iny Stein, M. Shmoish, N. Nativ, I. Bahir, T. Doniger, H. Krug, A. Sirota-Madi, T. Olender (+4 others)
2010 Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation  
Its gene-centric content is automatically mined and integrated from over 80 digital sources, resulting in a web-based deep-linked card for each of >73 000 human gene entries, encompassing the following  ...  We now introduce GeneCards Version 3, featuring a speedy and sophisticated search engine and a revamped, technologically enabling infrastructure, catering to the expanding needs of biomedical researchers  ...  GeneDecks's Partner Hunter and Set Distiller server is written in Java. GeneQArds for V3 is implemented in PHP and is fully integrated with the V3 MySQL database.  ... 
doi:10.1093/database/baq020 pmid:20689021 pmcid:PMC2938269 fatcat:sgouahhtubhvxo7qkzn2qugaqu

Designing Physical and Virtual Communities [chapter]

Mark McGuire
2009 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Conclusions How to integrating computer-mediated social networking into HP's clinical and professional practice in a way that is meaningful for them is clearly an area that needs further research and development  ...  Since the launch, 1051 member accounts have been created and 581 new email addresses have been added to the alumni database. 128 'webcards' (online business cards) and resumes have been enabled and 122  ...  The SL server (called a Sim) runs scripts server side. Scripts must provide a considerable load on the servers, simply due to the large number running in a typical sim (see section 4 below).  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02276-0_1 fatcat:fzp2fbw2cvhshn37rli3ojdgva