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Page 7562 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 2001J [page]

2001 Mathematical Reviews  
Two-moment analysis of open queueing networks with general workstation capabilities. (English summary) Oper. Res. 44 (1996), no. 6, 936-950.  ...  Summary: “The QNET method for two-moment analysis of mul- ticlass open networks is extended to allow complex workstations of various types.  ... 

Minimum Required Local Storages of an Automated Assembly System

Behnam Pourbabai
1992 Journal of the Operational Research Society  
For this purpose, a mixed non-Markovian queueing network (e.g. an open queueing network with a finite capacity) is developed to model the performance of the system, a chance constrained optimization model  ...  SAUER (1985) Elements of Practical Performance Modeling. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. . P. J. KUEHN (1979) Approximate analysis on general queueing networks, by decomposition.  ... 
doi:10.1057/jors.1992.16 fatcat:2vmoz3idz5gmdcozdoskjyrbg4

Performance Modeling of Parallel Computers NOW and Grid

Peter Hanuliak
2013 American Journal of Networks and Communications  
The achieved results of the developed models were compared with the results of the common used analytical and simulation model to estimate the magnitude of their improvement.  ...  The suggested model considers for every node of the NOW or Grid networks one part for the own workstation's activities and another one for node's communication channel modeling of performed data communications  ...  Acknowledgements This work was done within the project "Modeling, optimization and prediction of parallel computers and algorithms" at University of Zilina.  ... 
doi:10.11648/j.ajnc.20130205.11 fatcat:nnutdf6canf3hpxqubxakqeztm

Cluster Computing [chapter]

Mark Baker, John Brooke, Ken Hawick, Rajkumar Buyya
2001 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This ownership often brings problems when attempting to form a cluster of workstations.  ...  Generally a workstation will be "owned" by, for example, an individual, a groups, a department, or an organisation. They are dedicated to the exclusive use by the "owners".  ...  The processing elements are interconnected by two parallel Ethernet networks with a peak capacity of 10 Mbps per network.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-44681-8_100 fatcat:cr6rpynstjgufacwbmciciriha

Simulation Framework for Modeling Large-Scale Distributed Systems [article]

Dobre Ciprian, Cristea Valentin, Iosif C. Legrand
2011 arXiv   pre-print
Simulation has become the evaluation method of choice for many areas of distributing computing research.  ...  However, most existing simulation packages have several limitations on the size and complexity of the system being modeled.  ...  Generally, at any given moment of time, the CPU unit of the workstation is able to handle only one process, so if the context switching between processes takes longer that would take for the network message  ... 
arXiv:1106.6122v1 fatcat:3gj6hgxnfvbqtkkhci6loobypi

Modeling a Healthcare System as a Queueing Network: The Case of a Belgian Hospital

Stefan Creemers, Marc Lambrecht
2007 Social Science Research Network  
Several queueing network solution procedures are developed such as the decomposition and Brownian motion approaches. Simulation is used as a validation tool.  ...  The performance of healthcare systems in terms of patient flow times and utilization of critical resources can be assessed through queueing and simulation models.  ...  Combining both types of workstations in a single queueing network, proves to be a difficult task.  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.1093618 fatcat:6oh5msr5ivbcpj3uwiup7osg64

Performance evaluation for general queueing networks in manufacturing systems: Characterizing the trade-off between queue time and utilization

Kan Wu, Leon McGinnis
2012 European Journal of Operational Research  
The model decomposes system queue time and variability into bottleneck and non-bottleneck parts while capturing the dependence among workstations.  ...  Inspired by the underlying structure of tandem queues, we have derived an approximate model to characterize the system performance.  ...  The first author would like to thank Yawen Cheng for her generous help in improving the readability of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2012.03.019 fatcat:wqhnl2a3ubbx7dp3dunrhpttlu

Models and Methods for Improving Performance of Wireless Computer Networks Based on the Decomposition of Lower Layers of the OSI Reference Model

Andriy Dudnik, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 60 Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine, Ivan Bakhov, Oleksandr Makhovych, Yulia Ryabokin, Oleksandr Usachenko
2022 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering  
A model of the block diagram of a device for improving data transmission quality in marginal reception areas or those with insufficient noise immunity is developed based on the so-called communication  ...  The paper discusses models and methods for improving the performance of wireless computer networks built based on the decomposition of the lower levels of the OSI reference model.  ...  Conceptual models of networks using various queue management algorithms in IEEE 802.11 protocol networks are represented by an open multiphase queuing system.  ... 
doi:10.46338/ijetae0122_15 fatcat:s5irrxx22jhv7nfbdn7hmpikyq

Robotized Warehouse Systems: Developments and Research Opportunities

Kaveh Azadeh, M. B. M. de Koster, Debjit Roy
2017 Social Science Research Network  
With the advent of e-commerce, companies store millions of unique items and handle large and variable daily order volumes.  ...  A new generation of automated guided vehicles (AGVs), supporting the order picking process has recently been introduced. These systems will gradually result in automated picking processes.  ...  Resource Queue Customer Arrival Customer Exit Synchronization Figure 3: A general semi-open queueing network ).  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.2977779 fatcat:pavuv4daffbfnnhai55oo4tqee

Efficient use of workstations for passive monitoring of local area networks

J. Mogul
1990 Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Communications architectures & protocols - SIGCOMM '90  
We do work in the design, fabrication and packaging of hardware; language processing and scaling issues in system software design; and the exploration of new applications areas that are opening up with  ...  Passive monitoring can be done using either a dedicated system or a general-purpose system.  ...  Acknowledgements David Boggs and Bill Nowicki deserve thanks for their help in recalling some of the lost early history of network monitoring.  ... 
doi:10.1145/99508.99562 dblp:conf/sigcomm/Mogul90 fatcat:qeqsm7kqivfahkxzai2riauqwa

Materials-to-develop-with: The making of a makerspace

Anna Keune, Kylie Peppler
2018 British Journal of Educational Technology  
Connected by network cables, microcomputers and custom-made software, the printers automatically queue prints.  ...  Assembling the first 3D printer kit and being part of the development of the workstation from scattered printers, to a row of 3D printers, and finally to the elaborate 3D printer queue, Darnel and the  ...  Statements on open data, ethics and conflict of interest The data of this study can be made available upon request. The Institutional Review Board at Indiana University approved this study.  ... 
doi:10.1111/bjet.12702 fatcat:p7lhgz5ydvfpvh6t65qjjk3p5q

Efficient use of workstations for passive monitoring of local area networks

J. Mogul
1990 Computer communication review  
Effective management of a local area network (LAN) requires not only a protocol to manage the active entities, but also a means to monitor the LAN channel.  ...  Passive monitoring can be done using either a dedicated system or a general-purpose system.  ...  Acknowledgements David Boggs and Bill Nowicki deserve thanks for their help in recalling some of the lost early history of network monitoring.  ... 
doi:10.1145/99517.99562 fatcat:hspcntazu5amnpezs72zlgij7q

Java Simulation Library (JSL): an open-source object-oriented library for discrete-event simulation in Java

Manuel D. Rossetti
2008 International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling  
The capabilities of the library are illustrated through a number of code examples.  ...  This paper describes the design and functionality of an open-source objectoriented library for executing discrete-event simulation models in the Java programming language.  ...  Future research within the JSL involves adding to the modelling capabilities for supply chains, queueing networks, and transportation networks.  ... 
doi:10.1504/ijspm.2008.020614 fatcat:bw3pi3373rfsjlq274unwguuou

Nested Fork-Join Queueing Network Model for Analysis of Airfield Operations

Craig J. Willits, Dennis C. Dietz
2001 Journal of Aircraft  
B., and Whitt, W., “The Influence of Service Time Variability in a Closed Network of Queues,” Performance Evaluation, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1986, pp. 219-234. '7Dallery, Y., “Approximate Analysis of General Open  ...  the capability to process at least two loads of cargo at the same time.  ... 
doi:10.2514/2.2870 fatcat:kblkvlmbubdyfmi6p4kb3zjmam

Operating Policies in Robotic Compact Storage and Retrieval Systems

Bipan Zou, René De Koster, Xianhao Xu
2018 Transportation Science  
Semi-open queueing networks (SOQNs) are built to estimate the system performance, which can handle both immediate and delayed reshuffling processes.  ...  Robots with transport and lifting capabilities move on the grid roof to transport bins between manual workstations and storage stacks.  ...  A closed queueing network for the first composite service node A closed queueing network for the second composite service node λ µ c1 (n 1 ) µ c2 (n 2 ) Figure 8 : 8 The reduced semi-open queueing network  ... 
doi:10.1287/trsc.2017.0786 fatcat:b3ahsdfoqvcurfepajrdak7p7q
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