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Multimodal redundancy across handwriting and speech during computer mediated human-human interactions

Edward C. Kaiser, Paulo Barthelmess, Candice Erdmann, Phil Cohen
2007 Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '07  
speech to dynamically learn new vocabulary.  ...  We show that redundantly presented words, compared to other words used during a presentation or meeting, tend to be topic specific and thus are likely to be out-of-vocabulary.  ...  Photo Annotation (PA) using Digital Paper and Pen In [6] we reported on some aspects of a pilot study in which photos printed on digital paper were discussed and simultaneously annotated with a digital  ... 
doi:10.1145/1240624.1240778 dblp:conf/chi/KaiserBEC07 fatcat:slcjyespnzgmbjyvmzunr5fage

An interface for mutual disambiguation of recognition errors in a multimodal navigational assistant

Henry Lieberman, Amy Chu
2006 Multimedia Systems  
Potentially, these multimedia capabilities can be used for multimediaintensive tasks, but two things stand in the way.  ...  Today's mobile devices have multimedia capabilities; cell phones have cameras, displays, sound output, and (soon) speech recognition.  ...  The ARIA system is a software agent that proactively looks for opportunities for image annotation and retrieval in everyday work, like email messaging [12] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00530-006-0052-y fatcat:tegnigy6gnck3kpx5rwxttyaiy

How are gestures used by politicians? A multimodal co-gesture analysis

Daniela Trotta, Raffaele Guarasci
2021 Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics  
ii) Since the corpus used presents an annotation of "speech constants" (Voghera 2001), is the Lexical Retrieval hypothesis confirmed or are gestures used in correlation with other and different constants  ...  Finally, we analyse semantic patterns of gesture-speech relationship.  ...  What are the semantic patterns of gesture-speech relationship? A summary of the hand movement annotations in the corpus is reported in Table 4 and 3 .  ... 
doi:10.4000/ijcol.827 fatcat:7dl6fe6bjjcqzhzd4p47c6roxi

Automatic Summarization

Martha Larson
2012 Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval  
Spoken content retrieval (SCR) requires the combination of audio and speech processing technologies with methods from information retrieval (IR).  ...  This growth has motivated extensive research on techniques and technologies that facilitate reliable indexing and retrieval.  ...  The approach is evaluated on Mandarin Chinese speech annotations of a photo collection. Finally, morphemes have also been used as indexing units.  ... 
doi:10.1561/1500000020 fatcat:o424mjxnp5abbexhjsobtom2ry

Issues on Retrieval of Sound Effects in Large Collaborative Databases

Elena Martínez, Xavier Serra
2008 Zenodo  
Specifically, aspects concerning the annotation of such large databases by means of collaborative tagging, and others dealing with the study of alternative ways to retrieve audio content, such as sound  ...  and the scarcity of the existing annotations.  ...  Figure 5 . 1 : 51 Automatic speech recognition system applied to extract information from non-speech sounds at the phoneme level.consequetive phonemes or syllables when building the Finite State Network  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3744728 fatcat:taqgakq5z5dp5n6d4rpjj7nrte

Automatic Assessment Of Singing Voice Pronunciation: A Case Study With Jingju Music

Rong Gong, Xavier Serra
2018 Zenodo  
Chinese tonal languages and the strict conventions in oral transmission adopted by jingju singing training pose unique challenges that have not been addressed by the current MIR research, which motivates us  ...  music retrieval.  ...  Their note and expression segmentation are achieved using a photo resistor and four rings of surfacemounted light-emitting diodes (SMD LEDs).  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1490343 fatcat:f3mrhstkdff6ppmdadeasfuo7m

Co-verbal gestures among speakers with aphasia: Influence of aphasia severity, linguistic and semantic skills, and hemiplegia on gesture employment in oral discourse

Anthony Pak-Hin Kong, Sam-Po Law, Watson Ka-Chun Wat, Christy Lai
2015 Journal of Communication Disorders  
As for the non-content carrying gestures, beats were used primarily for reinforcing speech prosody or guiding speech flow, while non-identifiable gestures were associated with assisting lexical retrieval  ...  The use of co-verbal gestures is common in human communication and has been reported to assist word retrieval and to facilitate verbal interactions.  ...  scholars, who conducted studies that compared gestural profiles between individuals with and without aphasia, and concluded that speakers with impaired oral ability secondary to language deficits tended to use  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jcomdis.2015.06.007 pmid:26186256 pmcid:PMC4530578 fatcat:3u26fh4mprf2vgmxdrn25trjxm

Retrieving ancient Maya glyphs with Shape Context

Edgar Roman-Rangel, Carlos Pallan, Jean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez
2009 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ICCV Workshops  
Our first task is the automatic retrieval of Maya syllabic glyphs using the Shape Context descriptor.  ...  We propose an improvement in the cost function used to compute similarity between shapes making it more restrictive and precise.  ...  One of the most representative works in this domain is [9] , in which a system for retrieval of paintings and photos of art objects, using content and metadata, was developed by a multidisciplinary team  ... 
doi:10.1109/iccvw.2009.5457594 dblp:conf/iccvw/Roman-RangelPOG09 fatcat:r63b7shpqjb3lkhztr6zrugnpq

Detection of speech events and speaker characteristics through photo-plethysmographic signal neural processing [article]

Guillermo Cámbara, Jordi Luque, Mireia Farrús
2019 arXiv   pre-print
Furthermore, speech detection experiments reporting AUCs around 69% encourage us for further exploration about the feasibility of PPG for speech processing tasks.  ...  In addition, we evaluate whether speech/non-speech events may be inferred from PPG signal, where speech might translate in fluctuations into the pulse signal.  ...  They performed feature extraction using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), and various machine learning algorithms such as SVM or Naïve Bayes.  ... 
arXiv:1911.04808v1 fatcat:v6i3rp7ngnhofd4ez5ln7ezfme

NTU corpus of Formosan languages: A state-of-the-art report

Lily I-wen Su, Li-May Sung, Shuping Huang, Fuhui Hsieh, Zhemin Lin
2008 Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory  
emphasized") prominent syllable which sometimes does not coincide with the stressed pattern of a word.  ...  as a focused (or "emphasized") prominent syllable which sometimes does not coincide with the stressed pattern of a word.  ... 
doi:10.1515/cllt.2008.012 fatcat:duz5ebcp5jantcuplkqiwkkamm

Morpho-syntactic variations in English and Spanish clipped words: a contrastive study

Félix Rodríguez González, José A. Sánchez Fajardo
2018 Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie  
This suggests that clipped or elliptical units are not only necessarily dependent on intrinsic morpho-grammatical and phonological traits, but they are also characterized by regularities and universal patterns  ...  The other type of variation concerns syllable stress, and the corresponding use of a 'tilde'.  ...  This is particularly useful in marginal speech and slang language: s'up? < what's up?, gotcha < I got you, kinda < kind of, outta < out of (Dalzell/Victor 2013).  ... 
doi:10.1515/zrp-2018-0051 fatcat:hlwlx54dwre25lzxe5bkkaru6i

Analyzing Ancient Maya Glyph Collections with Contextual Shape Descriptors

Edgar Roman-Rangel, Carlos Pallan, Jean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez
2010 International Journal of Computer Vision  
Second, we present an objective evaluation of the performance of two state-ofthe-art shape-based contextual descriptors (Shape Context and Generalized Shape Context) in retrieval tasks, using two datasets  ...  Our work is guided by realistic needs of archaeologists and scholars who critically need support for search and retrieval tasks in large Maya imagery collections.  ...  One of the most representative works in this domain is Lewis et al. (2004) , in which a system for retrieval of paintings and photos of art objects, using content and metadata, was developed by a multidisciplinary  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11263-010-0387-x fatcat:okcausjtu5bofpaj3jrymnqhnu

Early Language Experience in a Tseltal Mayan Village

Marisa Casillas, Penelope Brown, Stephen C. Levinson
2019 Child Development  
Most directed speech came in the mornings, and interactional peaks contained nearly four times the baseline rate of directed speech.  ...  Children were infrequently directly spoken to, with most directed speech coming from adults, and no increase with age.  ...  Data Selection and Annotation Although the Tseltal corpus contains more than 500 hr of raw photo-linked audio, very little of it is useful without adding manual annotation.  ... 
doi:10.1111/cdev.13349 pmid:31891183 fatcat:ggove6l55za4lfbruulpax3crm

Error Variability in Apraxia of Speech: A Matter of Controversy

Anja Staiger, Wolf Finger-Berg, Ingrid Aichert, Wolfram Ziegler
2012 Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research  
Purpose: Error variability has traditionally been considered a hallmark of apraxia of speech (AOS).  ...  However, in some of the current AOS literature, relatively invariable error patterns are claimed as a mandatory criterion for a diagnosis of AOS.  ...  Acknowledgments This article originated from a presentation given at the "Apraxia of Speech: Mechanisms and Symptoms" satellite workshop during the 6th International Conference on Speech Motor Control  ... 
doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2012/11-0319) pmid:23033448 fatcat:cdw3co4at5bnrovo6fs72lw2re

Searching the past

Edgar Roman-Rangel, Carlos Pallan Gayol, Jean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez
2011 Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM '11  
The first one is the introduction and analysis of a new dataset of 3400+ Maya hieroglyphs, whose compilation involved manual search, annotation and segmentation by experts.  ...  This dataset presents several challenges for visual description and automatic retrieval as it is rich in complex visual details.  ...  In [13] , a system to retrieve paintings and photos of art objects using content and metadata is presented. Description and retrieval of Chinese characters has been broadly studied.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2072298.2072321 dblp:conf/mm/Roman-RangelGOG11 fatcat:2j5yw5mstndwtb2jqt2t5wgo7q
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