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Short-Term Memory Effects in Subjective Image Quality Assessment of Natural Images

Tanzima Habib, Marius Pedersen
2019 2019 8th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP)  
In this paper we discuss the influence of short-term memory in judging image quality of natural images.  ...  Many different orders of the ratings have been considered to draw a meaningful conclusion on the presence of short-term memory effect while evaluating the quality of natural images.  ...  But investigating sequential effect for judging quality of images is fairly new. Le Moan et al. [5] worked on understanding the role of short-term memory in subjective image quality assessment.  ... 
doi:10.1109/euvip47703.2019.8946228 dblp:conf/euvip/HabibP19 fatcat:qbfyhvaih5gt3lll2xsma7dcb4

Spatial frequency and the performance of image-based visual complexity metrics

Dorukalp Durmus
2020 IEEE Access  
INDEX TERMS Digital images, image analysis, natural image statistics, spatial complexity, spatial frequency information.  ...  Here, a visual experiment is conducted to assess the performance of image-based metrics and spatial frequency information using 16 abstract and natural images.  ...  In immersive viewing conditions, the reference point of a subjective evaluation is typically stored in participants' short or long-term memory.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.2998292 fatcat:qdlylvbmqfdopo5pt64f3dsomu

The Combinator – a computer-based tool for creative idea generation based on a simulation approach

Ji Han, Feng Shi, Liuqing Chen, Peter R. N. Childs
2018 Design Science  
The results also indicate that the tool could benefit its users in generating high-novelty and high-quality ideas effectively.  ...  It can generate combinational prompts in text and image forms through combining unrelated ideas. A case study has been conducted to evaluate the Combinator.  ...  This is similar to how information in human long-term memory is retrieved and transferred into short-term memory.  ... 
doi:10.1017/dsj.2018.7 fatcat:mmmdvzexijgdtgvl3bhto7vqsq

Re-experiencing old memories via hippocampus: a PET study of autobiographical memory

Pascale Piolino, Gaëlle Giffard-Quillon, Béatrice Desgranges, Gaël Chételat, Jean-Claude Baron, Francis Eustache
2004 NeuroImage  
The time-scale of medial temporal lobe (MTL) involvement in storage and retrieval of episodic memory is keenly debated.  ...  Cognitive results showed that specificity and emotion did not change with time interval although both autonoetic consciousness and mental image quality were significantly higher for recent memories, suggesting  ...  Kalpouzos for their invaluable help in tracer production and data acquisition. This study was supported by Inserm U320 (Director: JC Baron).  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2004.02.025 pmid:15219608 fatcat:2w5dtnusordczjmt5zm7bkcbuu

IMPACT OF FUNCTIONAL IMAGING IN NEUROLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY SERIES: CURRENT PROBLEMS IN NEUROLOGY: 5. Edited by J. Wade, S. Knezevic, V.A. Maximilian, Z. Mubrin, I. Prohivnik. Published by John Libbey & Company, 208 pages. $58Cdn approx

W.R. Martin
1989 Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences  
of brain imaging of migraine" and "remote metabolic effects of stroke".  ...  IP address:, on 24 Jul 2018 at 15:51:45, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0317167100029000 fatcat:iimbmhlfzzdnfkiiqk2w7ch46y

Overview of Eye tracking Datasets

Stefan Winkler, Ramanathan Subramanian
2013 2013 Fifth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)  
Datasets of images or videos annotated with eye tracking data constitute important ground truth for studies on saliency models, which have applications in quality assessment and other areas.  ...  Over two dozen such databases are now available in the public domain; they are presented in this paper.  ...  influence of a quality assessment task on image viewing.  ... 
doi:10.1109/qomex.2013.6603239 dblp:conf/qomex/WinklerS13 fatcat:vycot2gegfaztgfeyinrq5whh4

MEMORY DISORDERS IN CLINICAL PRACTICE. By Narinder Kapur. Published by Butterworths, 289 pages. $63Cdn approx

Sandra E. Black
1989 Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences  
of brain imaging of migraine" and "remote metabolic effects of stroke".  ...  IP address:, on 01 May 2019 at 11:56:09, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0317167100028997 fatcat:syximtjuafcx7l6kdkhrcp25fe

Short-term memory for scenes with affective content

Vera Maljkovic, Paolo Martini
2005 Journal of Vision  
, and propose that the effects are specific to the short-term memory mechanism.  ...  In this study we ask how these distinct emotional dimensions affect the short-term memory of human observers viewing a rapid stream of images and trying to remember their content.  ...  We wish to thank Hany Farid for consulting on image statistics, Mari Sian Davies for piloting the memory experiment, and Julie Berger for her invaluable contributions to all aspects of experimental design  ... 
doi:10.1167/5.3.6 pmid:15929647 pmcid:PMC1307514 fatcat:j5rrbbib2rclthasmjqtdrwtfi

Cognitive Impairments in Early Multiple Sclerosis [chapter]

Raphiq Ibrahim
2022 Mild Cognitive Impairment - New Insights [Working Title]  
Over the past few decades clinical and research awareness has grown about the nature and prevalence of cognitive disorders in multiple sclerosis (MS).  ...  The second tried to evaluate the clinical imaging and neuroanatomical aspects. And the third focuses on cognitive assessment therapy and rehabilitation based on the literature.  ...  normal short-term memory functions, while having difficulties in recollection of long-term information].  ... 
doi:10.5772/intechopen.108928 fatcat:3mng25g7dffnhljlrmcfv36bdu

The Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle-Rate of Change sub-study (AIBL-ROCS): Rationale, design, acceptability and pilot data for the first three months of assessment

Yen Ying Lim, Karra Harrington, Kathryn Ellis, David Ames, Tim Ashwood, Judith Jaeger, Rebecca Lachovitzki, Ralph Martins, Colin Masters, Christopher Rowe, Greg Savage, Cassandra Szoeke (+3 others)
2012 Alzheimer's & Dementia  
As such, group mean estimates (and the associated error) of the rate of long and short term cognitive change in a natural history cohort may allow for a reliable estimation of the effect sizes necessary  ...  Conclusions: These data provide estimates of the rate of short term cognitive change and the level of error associated with that change.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jalz.2012.05.1500 fatcat:twk4atpakngovntxy7qbxzmmoi

PPIQ: A probabilistic framework for Image Quality Assessment

Koohyar Minoo, Truong Q. Nguyen
2009 2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)  
The sample IQM, based on the PPIQ framework, exhibits comparable accuracy to that of the legacy methods in terms of predicting the outcome of subjective image quality experiments.  ...  In this paper a framework for Image Quality Assessment (IQA) is introduced based on the properties of Receptive Fields (RFs) which are the primary mechanism for detection of visual patterns in the Human  ...  quality assessment as opposed to the perfect photographic memory model used in conventional IQA methods. 2-Capturing the random nature of quality assessment amongst different observers and subjective  ... 
doi:10.1109/icip.2009.5413604 dblp:conf/icip/MinooN09 fatcat:kwqscjazgvc43cfsl4piyn2lqa

Effects of viewing a preferred nature image and hearing preferred music on engagement, agitation, and mental status in persons with dementia

Julia Eggert, Cheryl J Dye, Ellen Vincent, Veronica Parker, Shaundra B Daily, Hiep Pham, Alison Turner Watson, Hollie Summey, Tania Roy
2015 SAGE Open Medicine  
Study participants resided in an Memory Care unit of an assisted living community.  ...  Result: The within-subject study design revealed that use of both music and nature images hold promise for reducing undesirable behaviors and improving engagement of residents.  ...  The sponsor did not have any role in the study design, collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; writing of the report; or the decision to submit the article for publication.  ... 
doi:10.1177/2050312115602579 pmid:26770801 pmcid:PMC4679336 fatcat:76dd6eyn65aaranacm7d4gpvza

Survival of the Fittest: Increased Stimulus Competition During Encoding Results in Fewer but More Robust Memory Traces

Oliver Baumann, Eloise Crawshaw, Jessica McFadyen
2019 Frontiers in Psychology  
They revealed that, in short-term memory, time-based forgetting occurred at a faster rate under conditions of high proactive interference compared to conditions of low proactive interference.  ...  was indexed by the number of images in a semantic category.  ...  For instance, changes in gene expression are required to convert short-term memory (STM) that lasts less than ∼1 h to long-term memory (LTM).  ... 
doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00021 pmid:30740071 pmcid:PMC6357916 fatcat:p4mlzoojmndmjcq3phd3xdbk3e

Multi-Dimensional Feature Fusion Network for No-Reference Quality Assessment of In-the-Wild Videos

Jiu Jiang, Xianpei Wang, Bowen Li, Meng Tian, Hongtai Yao
2021 Sensors  
In order to address this barrier, we propose a no-reference video quality assessment (NR-VQA) method that adds the enhanced awareness of dynamic information to the perception of static objects.  ...  Extensive experiments have demonstrated that the proposed method not only outperforms other NR-VQA methods in terms of overall performance of mixed datasets but also achieves competitive performance in  ...  Therefore, 2D-CNN backbones for image recognition, such as ResNet, are regularly used in image/video quality assessment.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21165322 pmid:34450761 pmcid:PMC8401047 fatcat:mdlv5ypulffkxasaqpnnctxck4

A critical review of the effects of wearable cameras on memory

A. R. Silva, M. S. Pinho, L. Macedo, C. J. A. Moulin
2016 Neuropsychological Rehabilitation  
The rise of "lifelogging" in this era of rapid technological innovation has led to great interest in whether such technologies could be used to rehabilitate memory.  ...  We conclude by suggesting that research should focus on the theory-driven measure of efficacy described in this review, so that lifelogging technologies can contribute to memory rehabilitation in a meaningful  ...  Acknowledgements This work was supported by funding from the Region of Bourgogne (FABER) and Fondation  ... 
doi:10.1080/09602011.2015.1128450 pmid:26732623 fatcat:5vwk3dapyjevjhffgt7hokceti
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