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Self-Validation: Early Stopping for Single-Instance Deep Generative Priors [article]

Taihui Li, Zhong Zhuang, Hengyue Liang, Le Peng, Hengkang Wang, Ju Sun
2021 arXiv   pre-print
We call these models, such as deep image prior and deep decoder, collectively as single-instance deep generative priors (SIDGPs).  ...  The successes, however, often hinge on appropriate early stopping (ES), which by far has largely been handled in an ad-hoc manner.  ...  The authors acknowledge the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (MSI) at the University of Minnesota for providing resources that contributed to the research results reported within this paper.  ... 
arXiv:2110.12271v1 fatcat:ohdbqcbvbva6bair62nk4putxy

Towards Architecture-Agnostic Untrained Network Priors for Image Reconstruction with Frequency Regularization [article]

Yilin Liu, Yunkui Pang, Jiang Li, Yong Chen, Pew-Thian Yap
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Untrained networks inspired by deep image prior have shown promising capabilities in recovering a high-quality image from noisy or partial measurements, without requiring training data.  ...  In this work, we propose efficient, architecture-agnostic methods for a more direct frequency control over the network priors: 1) constraining the bandwidth of the white-noise input, 2) controlling the  ...  PSNR shown for A2 256. ZS-SSL uses a self-validation strategy for early stopping. We further compare it with our methods. Tab. 5 shows that self-validation is not as effective as ours.  ... 
arXiv:2312.09988v2 fatcat:tp6yipykenhbfhzifakh6njfyy

Test-Time Training Can Close the Natural Distribution Shift Performance Gap in Deep Learning Based Compressed Sensing [article]

Mohammad Zalbagi Darestani, Jiayu Liu, Reinhard Heckel
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Deep learning based image reconstruction methods outperform traditional methods.  ...  In this work, we propose a domain adaptation method for deep learning based compressive sensing that relies on self-supervision during training paired with test-time training at inference.  ...  We then perform TTT on y train and monitor the error between y val and the predicted frequencies by the network for self-validation to stop TTT early when the self-validation error starts to rise.  ... 
arXiv:2204.07204v2 fatcat:xck6gkw4k5hglg7rmrzuqnnniq

Self-validation : sources that Aboriginal university students pursue

Natasha Alexandria Wawrykow
This collaborative method of analysis, was used to identify themes across participants' self-validation narratives.  ...  It is recommended that researchers investigate Aboriginal students' preferred and accessed sources of self-validation while attending university needs to focus on programming that supports the role of  ...  Internal sources of self-validation.  ... 
doi:10.14288/1.0389728 fatcat:4tx4gsm5treatbregud5xg75zq

Physics-Driven Deep Learning for Computational Magnetic Resonance Imaging [article]

Kerstin Hammernik, Thomas Küstner, Burhaneddin Yaman, Zhengnan Huang, Daniel Rueckert, Florian Knoll, Mehmet Akçakaya
2022 arXiv   pre-print
We then focus on physics-driven deep learning approaches, covering physics-driven loss functions, plug-and-play methods, generative models, and unrolled networks.  ...  Physics-driven deep learning methods have emerged as a powerful tool for computational magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) problems, pushing reconstruction performance to new limits.  ...  This self-validation loss starts to increase once overfitting is observed.  ... 
arXiv:2203.12215v3 fatcat:6x42wwnrhvhyhp5s6o73ohramm

Bringing Fault-Tolerant GigaHertz-Computing to Space: A Multi-Stage Software-Side Fault-Tolerance Approach for Miniaturized Spacecraft [article]

Christian M. Fuchs, Todor Stefanov, Nadia Murillo, Aske Plaat
2017 arXiv   pre-print
The presented multi-stage approach consists of three FT stages, combining coarse-grained thread-level distributed self-validation, FPGA reconfiguration, and mixed criticality to assure long-term FT and  ...  We present the first integral, real-world solution to enable fault-tolerant general-purpose computing with modern multiprocessor-SoCs (MPSoCs) for spaceflight, thereby enabling their use in future high-priority  ...  Prior concepts required deep modifications to the OS to allow a proprietary central health-management entity to retrieve this information directly [18] , [25] , or utilized no application-internal information  ... 
arXiv:1708.06931v1 fatcat:3dmd33xwhbezlc2htibwwx7yqe

"I need somebody who knows about feet" a qualitative study investigating the lived experiences of conservative treatment for patients with posterior tibial tendon dysfunction

Rona Frances Campbell, Christopher Morriss-Roberts, Beverley Durrant, Simon Cahill
2019 Journal of Foot and Ankle Research  
tibial tendon dysfunction are generally undertaken during early management.  ...  This evidence is important because it highlights the need for a greater understanding of the psychological and social factors that can influence the lived experience of treatment for this group of patients  ...  Wearing footwear that causes conflict within a person's self-concept and does not allow for self-validation, increases the loss of identity which influences the lived experience and transpires in a resistance  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13047-019-0360-z pmid:31719845 pmcid:PMC6839224 fatcat:busbajgsujcgrjg2tbfppzcpxq

Extreme sports are good for your health: A phenomenological understanding of fear and anxiety in extreme sport

Eric Brymer, Robert Schweitzer
2012 Journal of Health Psychology  
I realised that all that stuff that I had feared, like everybody else, was fundamentally wrong ... and [the idea that] I don't do that so I'm not crazy you know it's one of those self-validations.  ...  In each instance fear is both a primal emotion and an experience to be savoured, confronted or broken through rather than as stimulus for retreat.  ... 
doi:10.1177/1359105312446770 pmid:22689592 fatcat:xeumhhcwqjcs7lnq3jiqxo5j2i

Strategies for Endogenous Design of Educational Games

Sandeep Athavale, Girish Dalvi
2019 Conference of the Digital Games Research Association  
In this paper, we propose strategies for the endogenous design of educational games.  ...  The identification of these design strategies is a significant step towards building a framework for endogenous design of educational games.  ...  It is considered a self-validating method due to the natural process of induction and constant comparison of data between participants.  ... 
dblp:conf/digra/AthavaleD19 fatcat:ibd3ohiu3vgqzjc26ojceirodu

A Connectionist Model of Attitude Formation and Change

Frank Van Overwalle, Frank Siebler
2005 Personality and Social Psychology Review  
We use an autoassociative network architecture with a linear activation update and the delta learning algorithm for adjusting the connection weights.  ...  The human data are from Figure 1 in "Ease of retrieval effect in persuasion: A self-validation analysis" by Z. L. Tormala et al., 2002, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, pp. 1705-1707.  ...  Take, for instance, the consensus heuristic.  ... 
doi:10.1207/s15327957pspr0903_3 pmid:16083362 fatcat:z2yob7yfkncnnmm4d3b5thecoq

Bioentropy, Aesthetics and Meta-dualism: The Transdisciplinary Ecology of Gregory Bateson

Peter Harries-Jones
2010 Entropy  
Finally, he believed that his own systemic approach was insufficient for meta-dualism.  ...  Acknowledgements I would like to acknowledge Thomas Hylland Eriksen for an invitation to his conference on "Flexibility", Oslo, 2002; Alenna Leonard, for an invitation to speak at the American Society  ...  Collingwood in Gregory Bateson's thinking; and to Soren Brier for editorial comments.  ... 
doi:10.3390/e12122359 fatcat:ffmwzri7rzgvxiuf6jbvsyhg4e

Resolving unfinished business: Relating process to outcome

Leslie S. Greenberg, Wanda Malcolm
2002 Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology  
Stop it."  ...  Ratings on the EXP and SASB scales differed, however, as a function of whether the resolution was of the self-validating and affirming type or of the understanding and (possibly) forgiving type.  ... 
doi:10.1037//0022-006x.70.2.416 pmid:11952199 fatcat:xq4etzgosngjhc77nhzlfgs45i

Resolving unfinished business: Relating process to outcome

Leslie S. Greenberg, Wanda Malcolm
2002 Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology  
Stop it."  ...  Ratings on the EXP and SASB scales differed, however, as a function of whether the resolution was of the self-validating and affirming type or of the understanding and (possibly) forgiving type.  ... 
doi:10.1037//0022-006x.70.2.406 pmid:11952199 fatcat:qgtwfm5x75fzjptiq4bytpmz3u

Resolving unfinished business: Relating process to outcome

Leslie S. Greenberg, Wanda Malcolm
2002 Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology  
Stop it."  ...  Ratings on the EXP and SASB scales differed, however, as a function of whether the resolution was of the self-validating and affirming type or of the understanding and (possibly) forgiving type.  ... 
doi:10.1037/0022-006x.70.2.406 fatcat:upxhdew4ibbjxcabtpfhn6h5du

Resolving unfinished business: Relating process to outcome

Leslie S. Greenberg, Wanda Malcolm
2002 Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology  
Stop it."  ...  Ratings on the EXP and SASB scales differed, however, as a function of whether the resolution was of the self-validating and affirming type or of the understanding and (possibly) forgiving type.  ... 
doi:10.1037/0022-006x.70.2.416 pmid:11952199 fatcat:orkbbj5gajdijjdhrkicezpa7y
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