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A Survey On Various Approaches Of Text Extraction In Images

C.P Sumathi
2012 International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Survey  
These text characters are difficult to be detected and recognized due to their deviation of size, font, style, orientation, alignment, contrast, complex colored, textured background.  ...  Due to rapid growth of available multimedia documents and growing requirement for information, identification, indexing and retrieval, many researches have been done on text extraction in images.Several  ...  The grayscale textline was enhanced by using multi-oriented multi-scale anisotropic Gaussian smoothing. Detection of central lines of curled textlines was found using ridges.  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijcses.2012.3403 fatcat:wbessaps7baehi2mnyz4mccu4a

Multi-script and Multi-oriented Text Localization from Scene Images [chapter]

Thotreingam Kasar, Angarai G. Ramakrishnan
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
A representative set of colors is first identified using the edge information to initiate an unsupervised clustering algorithm.  ...  This paper describes a new method of color text localization from generic scene images containing text of different scripts and with arbitrary orientations.  ...  Introduction Text provides useful semantic information that may be used to describe the content of a document image.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29364-1_1 fatcat:4qax6vzbebbpfa7266d6ohcm64

Use of SLIC superpixels for ancient document image enhancement and segmentation

Maroua Mehri, Nabil Sliti, Pierre Héroux, Petra Gomez-Krämer, Najoua Essoukri Ben Amara, Rémy Mullot, Eric K. Ringger, Bart Lamiroy
2015 Document Recognition and Retrieval XXII  
Finally, for ancient document image segmentation, a foreground superpixel clustering task is performed by partitioning Gabor-based feature sets into compact and well-separated clusters in the feature space  ...  Thus, we propose in this article a fast ancient document enhancement and segmentation algorithm based on using Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) superpixels and Gabor descriptors in a multi-scale  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by the ANR (French National Research Agency), under Grant ANR-10-CORD-0020, which is gratefully acknowledged.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.2076020 dblp:conf/drr/MehriSHGAM15 fatcat:xxreddbarrbufdstjrvrawgcb4

Multiresolution approach based on adaptive superpixels for administrative documents segmentation into color layers

Elodie Carel, Jean-Christophe Burie, Vincent Courboulay, Jean-Marc Ogier, Vincent Poulain d'Andecy
2015 2015 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR)  
Besides all semantic information provided by the color is lost. Document images have a rich and highly variable content.  ...  The presence of false colors and artefacts introduced by the scanning and the compression alter the segmentation of the regions.  ...  The segmentation approach combines both colorimetric information and spatial information and takes into account the structure of document images.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icdar.2015.7333825 dblp:conf/icdar/CarelBCOD15 fatcat:hmrsx4vvobeqnawgbnaow3foyy

Classifying Computer Generated Charts

V. Shiv Naga Prasad, Behjat Siddiquie, Jennifer Golbeck, Larry S. Davis
2007 2007 International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing  
The local shape is characterized using the Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) descriptors.  ...  We introduce two novel features to represent the structural information based on (a) region segmentation and (b) curve saliency.  ...  We use a split-and-merge color clustering algorithm for image segmentation. Each pixel is represented by a 5 dimensional vector consisting of its spatial coordinates and RGB values.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cbmi.2007.385396 dblp:conf/cbmi/VitaladevuniSGD07 fatcat:auh6lswykbfv7ch5x4lv3xbl6u

Semi-automated document image clustering and retrieval

Markus Diem, Florian Kleber, Stefan Fiel, Robert Sablatnig, Bertrand Coüasnon, Eric K. Ringger
2013 Document Recognition and Retrieval XXI  
Structural and textural features, which describe the visual similarity, are extracted and used by experts (e.g. registrars) to interactively cluster the documents with a manually defined feature subset  ...  Ideally the initial bundling of shuffled document images can be reproduced to explore large document databases.  ...  For matching, they use spatial layout feature such as relative location and size. In addition, they incorporate information about the number and type of "components" and the column structure.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.2043010 dblp:conf/drr/DiemKFS14 fatcat:hvqkwxiuzjgnllxe3vvvo5i3nu


2018 Journal of Engineering Science and Technology  
In the second stage, the line segments are grouped into clusters using the DBSCAN clustering algorithm, and then a prior knowledge is used in order to discover the cluster of page document from the background  ...  The model consists of four stages: In the first stage, all line segments of each video frame are detected by LSD method.  ...  Firstly, we start by detecting the line segments in each frame by using the LSD method [15] . Then, we apply the DBSCAN clustering algorithm in order to find the lines of the paper sheet region.  ... 
doaj:24c5c711ea6a472aa1771bd6edf4014d fatcat:xre3qzuhe5f2tfyuh7p43pzu7u

Text Extraction from Image

Ojas Kumar Barawal, Dr Yojna Arora
2022 International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management  
The text extraction process includes detection, localization, segmentation and enhancement of the text from the given input image.  ...  Text extraction is one of the key tasks in document image analysis. Automatic text extraction without characters recognition capabilities is to extract regions just contains text.  ...  Thus an unconstrained handwritten script is line segmented. [5] A method for identification of Text on colored book and journal covers.  ... 
doi:10.55524/ijirem.2022.9.3.12 fatcat:zw67vcufwnd7lo2ast7gcfiq7m

Document image characterization using a multiresolution analysis of the texture: application to old documents

Nicholas Journet, Jean-Yves Ramel, Rémy Mullot, Véronique Eglin
2008 International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition  
Thus, by extracting five features linked to the frequencies and to the orientations in the different areas of a page, it is possible to extract and compare elements of high semantic level without expressing  ...  Experimentation based on segmentation, data analysis and document image retrieval tools demonstrate the performance of our propositions and the advances that they represent in terms of characterization  ...  Fig. 4 Pixels Clustering of a work. Each cluster is symbolized by a color estimate the ability of separation of the pixels into three classes: text/drawing/background.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10032-008-0064-6 fatcat:a6gckuodvnfktdokryxfmip5hy

Text Extraction from Document Images- A Review

Deepika Ghai, Neelu Jain
2013 International Journal of Computer Applications  
The initial parameters like mean and standard deviation of EM algorithm are calculated by using kmeans clustering algorithm.  ...  The gray-scale textline was promoted by using multi-oriented multi-scale anisotropic Gaussian smoothing. Ridges were used for detection of curled textline region.  ... 
doi:10.5120/14559-2661 fatcat:iw3m6ooygjamhm3lkbsfe4ryt4

True 3D-information from digital aerial images — Edge detection and adjustment from an oblique viewing multi-camera system

D. Dahlke, A. Wieden
2013 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event 2013  
A sub-pixel accurate version of the Canny algorithm is used for detection and segmentation of line segments found on seven oblique true orthomosaics (TOM) mapping a scene from different cardinal directions  ...  A validation of the adjustment is done by using tacheometrically measured reference points. On average the approach yields in accuracies of 30 to 35 cm in X, Y and Z.  ...  Attitude in this case means the orientation of a line segment in 3D space that is given by three angles.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jurse.2013.6550710 fatcat:tt3m435lqbfm3j2zaskz37lf4i

A Survey of Digital Map Processing Techniques

Yao-Yi Chiang, Stefan Leyk, Craig A. Knoblock
2014 ACM Computing Surveys  
The typical result from map processing is geographic information that can be used in spatial and spatiotemporal analyses in a Geographic Information System environment, which benefits numerous research  ...  In order to preserve these unique documents, increasing numbers of digital map archives have been established, driven by advances in software and hardware technologies.  ...  The third category of CIS approaches includes techniques that use color space information for initial color prototype definition and make explicit use of spatial relations to perform the image segmentation  ... 
doi:10.1145/2557423 fatcat:tlb7lshgnzaapcjb4te75ae3zi


Berdiev Maruf Ramshiddin Ogli Egamberdiev Nodir Abdunazarovich
2023 Zenodo  
Text recognition in images is a crucial task with widespread applications, from document digitization to augmented reality.  ...  Addressing these challenges is essential to unlock the full potential of text recognition and enable seamless integration into various technological landscapes.  ...  Text string regions are defined by clustering 9-dimensional feature vectors into a class of interest.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.8262911 fatcat:wfbh6sx4wjh3nlzpvspvumabzy

Recent Advances in Video Based Document Processing: A Review

Nabin Sharma, Umapada Pal, Michael Blumenstein
2012 2012 10th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems  
A large number of techniques have been proposed by various researchers in the recent past to address the problem.  ...  This paper presents a review of various state-of-the-art techniques proposed towards different stages (e.g. detection, localization, extraction, etc.) of text information processing in video frames.  ...  [55] proposed a gradient based character segmentation scheme. Bresenham's line drawing algorithm was used for handling multi-oriented text, and gradient features are then extracted.  ... 
doi:10.1109/das.2012.72 dblp:conf/das/SharmaPB12 fatcat:b6wzw2slqnhpllrfjuemn3bzji

An Embedded Application for Degraded Text Recognition

Céline Thillou, Silvio Ferreira, Bernard Gosselin
2005 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing  
We will present the overall description of the system from text detection to OCR error correction.  ...  This paper describes a mobile device which tries to give the blind or visually impaired access to text information.  ...  This project is called Sypole and is funded by Ministère de la Région Wallonne in Belgium.  ... 
doi:10.1155/asp.2005.2127 fatcat:queshdmrkjdpxmmw4oq4i3tdli
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