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On physical-layer identification of wireless devices

Boris Danev, Davide Zanetti, Srdjan Capkun
2012 ACM Computing Surveys  
Physical-layer device identification aims at identifying wireless devices during radio communication by exploiting unique characteristics of their analog (radio) circuitry.  ...  We therefore present a systematic review of physical-layer identification systems and provide a summary of current state-of-the-art techniques.  ...  Classification of Attacks within Physical-layer Device Identification In this section, we present a classification of attacks within physical-layer device identification.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2379776.2379782 fatcat:boyvan25o5fnznvwu5j2ng6uxy

Internet of Things (IoT) based Smart Environment integrating various Business Applications

Vimal Jerald, Albert Rabara, Daisy Premila
2015 International Journal of Computer Applications  
This paper also deals with how various sectors are connected by means of RFID technology and sensor networks.  ...  are connected using RFID technology.  ...  Perception layer Perception layer is also known as device layer. All the sensor devices, RFID tags and various other physical objects belong to this layer.  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2015906622 fatcat:yokc2wtfcrgbnlz7x25g7hxtz4

Types and Origins of Fingerprints [chapter]

Davide Zanetti, Srdjan Capkun, Boris Danev
2016 Digital Fingerprinting  
We present a systematic review of physical-layer identification systems and provide a summary of current state-of-the-art techniques.  ...  We further review the types of fingerprints that were discussed in prior work and highlight issues that are still open and need to be addressed in future work.  ...  Physical-Layer Device Identification In this section we present the main components of a physical-layer device identification system and discuss the system properties and requirements.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-6601-1_2 fatcat:7jnxmqpokzhwrk76p7xhdyyefe

IoT: Effective Authentication System (EAS) using Hash based Encryption on RFID Attacks

Dr. Janaki Sivakumar, Smitha Nayak, Dr. Amala Nirmal Doss
2020 International Journal of Engineering and Management Research  
This paper is ordered as outlining IoT Architecture, Types of Threats ,Perceptron Layer based attacks, sensor based communication services ,RFID mechanism ,Tag identify and verification by back end server  ...  Internet of Things (IoT) is undoubtedly a well-known research area. Security on IoT communication services is the major challenge with advanced technology and devices.  ...  ROLE OF RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION (RFID) Radio frequency identification technology ( Figure 3 ) is the mechanism to identify devices, recognize data related to these devices on IoT environment automatically  ... 
doi:10.31033/ijemr.10.1.13 fatcat:ubrn4qegabbshehhk2ffoqfmh4

GenePrint: Generic and Accurate Physical-Layer Identification for UHF RFID Tags

Jinsong Han, Chen Qian, Panlong Yang, Dan Ma, Zhiping Jiang, Wei Xi, Jizhong Zhao
2016 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking  
Physical-layer identification utilizes unique features of wireless devices as their fingerprints, providing authenticity and security guarantee.  ...  Prior physical-layer identification techniques on RFID tags require non-generic equipments and are not fully compatible with existing standards.  ...  We are also trying to design a general physical-layer identification solution for a variety of wireless devices. IX. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS  ... 
doi:10.1109/tnet.2015.2391300 fatcat:37up3ar7mzdczmw2fcolxdxfba

On the Design and Implementation of an IoT based Architecture for Reading Ultra High Frequency Tags

Yago dos Santos, Edna Dias Canedo
2019 Information  
Reading Radio Frequency Identification tags using ultra high frequency is a high-cost activity because of its infrastructure and the radio frequency identification tag reading device for these frequencies  ...  Internet of Things comprises an increasing number of interconnected smart devices, where communication happens anytime, anywhere, reducing hardware costs and the complexity of the architectures.  ...  Perception Layer: The Perception Layer is also known as the Device Layer. It consists of physical objects and devices.  ... 
doi:10.3390/info10020041 fatcat:gmyz57erqrci3b6xiyom7nxm6i

GenePrint: Generic and accurate physical-layer identification for UHF RFID tags

Dan Ma, Chen Qian, Wenpu Li, Jinsong Han, Jizhong Zhao
2013 2013 21st IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP)  
Physical-layer identification utilizes unique features of wireless devices as their fingerprints, providing authenticity and security guarantee.  ...  Prior physical-layer identification techniques on RFID tags require non-generic equipments and are not fully compatible with existing standards.  ...  We acknowledge the support from the codes of USRP2 reader from the Open RFID Lab (ORL) project [13] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/icnp.2013.6733574 dblp:conf/icnp/MaQLHZ13 fatcat:cosfaaeg5nbolde7vumzixtjcm

Physical-layer identification of UHF RFID tags

Davide Zanetti, Boris Danev, Srdjan ೄapkun
2010 Proceedings of the sixteenth annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking - MobiCom '10  
In this work, we study physical-layer identification of passive UHF RFID tags.  ...  application of those techniques to cloning detection in RFID-enabled supply chains.  ...  Physical-layer device identification techniques aim at identifying a device or a class of devices based on fingerprints obtained by analyzing a device's communication at the physical layer.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1859995.1860035 dblp:conf/mobicom/ZanettiDC10 fatcat:qjah6mec3rfkxephzrvr3gbg7e

The Outer Limits of RFID Security [chapter]

Ari Juels
2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
It is evident that RFID devices are not mere propagators of information, but devices whose physical characteristics and operating environments give rise to rich medley of security challenges and tools.  ...  At the outer limits of research on RFID security today is a great variety of topics, including: -Side channels: The best logical-layer protocols are in vain if RFID tags are insecure at other layers.  ...  It is evident that RFID devices are not mere propagators of information, but devices whose physical characteristics and operating environments give rise to rich medley of security challenges and tools.  ... 
doi:10.1007/11894063_18 fatcat:s5p5ivlm2rft7fnjb5mtsy4xxi

RFID-based Hospital Real-time Patient Management System

Belal Chowdhury, Rajiv Khosla
2007 6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2007)  
processes in hospitals and use of mobile devices like PDA, smart phones, for design a health care management systems.  ...  An application of the architecture is described in the area of RFID-based Real-time Hospital Patient Management System (HPMS).  ...  Multi-layer Architecture for Healthcare Systems The physical layer consists of the actual hardware components that include RFID tag, antennas and readers.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icis.2007.159 dblp:conf/ACISicis/ChowdhuryK07 fatcat:n6qf5ip2ubdm5ghvgxingqfhoq

Review on Vulnerabilities of IoT Security

Dr. E. J. Thomson Fedrik, A. Vinitha, B. Vanitha
2019 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development  
Keywords: RFID, WSN, Security and privacy SECURITY ISSUES IN PHYSICAL LAYER: This layer performs the function of selection and generation of carrier frequency, modulation and demodulation, encryption and  ...  Node tampering-Physical tampering of the node to extract sensitive information.  ...  SECURITY ISSUES IN RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION (RFID): Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a system that transmits the identity of an object or person wirelessly using radio waves in the form of  ... 
doi:10.31142/ijtsrd24020 fatcat:7vndcncvhnaglildfo3bwycv4e

Interacting with Objects in Games Through RFID Technology [chapter]

Elena de la Gua, Mara D., Vctor M.R.
2013 Radio Frequency Identification from System to Applications  
In the second place, physical objects are associated with digital information through identification technologies such as RFID.  ...  Some of the devices used are Kinect, Wii, Multi-Touch Technology, Virtual Reality, and Identification technologies such as RFID, NFC.  ... 
doi:10.5772/53448 fatcat:4hjkt5embba7hbvcbd2bc6ffgq

Patterns for Managing Data in Complex Automatic Identification and Data Capturing Environments

Diethelm Bienhaus
2008 European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs  
From the physical layer consisting of hardware devices like scanners and readers only physical signals can be obtained.  ...  But devices like bar code scanner and RFID readers can generate multiple readings of the same physical object. The occurrence of a reading event is not necessarily a business relevant event.  ... 
dblp:conf/europlop/Bienhaus08 fatcat:xb5u63esfnhidc5ryt7ln5taoi

Visual and tangible interactions with physical and virtual objects using context-aware RFID

Jae Yeol Lee, Dongwoo Seo, Byung Youn Song, Rajit Gadh
2010 Expert systems with applications  
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has recently received a lot of attention as an augmentation and interface technology with physical and virtual objects in the ubiquitous computing domain.  ...  such that a rich set of RFID capabilities has not been fully utilized.  ...  Basics of RFID RFID is an automatic identification technology that can be used to provide a unique ID to a physical object.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2009.11.035 fatcat:76np4udmavgt5nads3uinzjqbu

Survey of Security and Privacy Issues of Internet of Things [article]

Tuhin Borgohain, Uday Kumar, Sugata Sanyal
2015 arXiv   pre-print
of IoT.  ...  This paper is a general survey of all the security issues existing in the Internet of Things (IoT) along with an analysis of the privacy issues that an end-user may face as a consequence of the spread  ...  RFID readers (Transceivers) The RFID reader functions as the identification detector of each tag by its interaction with the EPC of the tag under its scan.  ... 
arXiv:1501.02211v1 fatcat:jro2hmvt2vaj7bhe2voq3h5vyy
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