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Spread spectrum communications handbook

1995 ChoiceReviews  
Sequence Receivers 903 2.1 The Delay-Locked Loop 904 2.1.1 Mathematical Loop Model and Equation of Operation 904 2.1.2 Statistical Characterization of the Equivalent Additive Noise 909 2.1.3  ...  Jamming 716 2.1.1 Evaluation of Q 2pn/m 719 2.2 Performance of FH/MDPSK in the Presence of Partial- Band Noise Jamming 728 2.3 Performance of DQASK in the Presence of Additive White Gaussian Noise  ... 
doi:10.5860/choice.32-3356 fatcat:22q7rg6iijhgtpg3zdufcn7bh4

Phase stabilization of mode-locked lasers

Steven T. Cundiff, Jun Ye
2005 Journal of Modern Optics  
Finally, we present quantum interference control of injected currents in semiconductors, which provides a solid-state phase detector of the carrier-envelope phase.  ...  Using phase-stable lasers it is possible to combine the output of different lasers phase coherently.  ...  To perform an out-of-loop measurement of the offset frequency phase noise, we utilize two -to-2 interferometers to implement the self-referencing scheme shown in figure 2 [25] .  ... 
doi:10.1080/09500340412331303252 fatcat:wy4gc3bcprawlmfsslgtczxb24

Phase stabilization of modelocked lasers

S.T. Cundiff, T.M. Fortier, D.J. Jones, J. Ye
2003 Postconference Digest Quantum Electronics and Laser Science, 2003. QELS.  
Finally, we present quantum interference control of injected currents in semiconductors, which provides a solid-state phase detector of the carrier-envelope phase.  ...  Using phase-stable lasers it is possible to combine the output of different lasers phase coherently.  ...  To perform an out-of-loop measurement of the offset frequency phase noise, we utilize two -to-2 interferometers to implement the self-referencing scheme shown in figure 2 [25] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/qels.2003.238374 fatcat:4dojpin5enctjg5e43xfj2y4pi

Operation of an optically coherent frequency comb outside the metrology lab

L. C. Sinclair, I. Coddington, W. C. Swann, G. B. Rieker, A. Hati, K. Iwakuni, N. R. Newbury
2014 Optics Express  
The frequency comb has residual optical linewidths of < 1 Hz, sub-radian residual optical phase noise, and residual pulse-to-pulse timing jitter of 2.4 - 5 fs, when locked to an optical reference.  ...  its optical coherence and 5-fs-level timing jitter.  ...  Acknowledgments This work was funded by the DARPA PULSE and QuASAR programs and by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).  ... 
doi:10.1364/oe.22.006996 pmid:24664048 fatcat:ifrooann7fdcjekspt26jelc3q

Coherent optical CDMA (OCDMA) systems used for high-capacity optical fiber networks-system description, OTDMA comparison, and OCDMA/WDMA networking

Wei Huang, M.H.M. Nizam, I. Andonovic, M. Tur
2000 Journal of Lightwave Technology  
In this paper, coherent OCDMA systems are introduced, and the issues of the system implementation within high-capacity optical fiber networks are discussed.  ...  In the longer term, the advantages of OCDMA in tandem with WDMA (OCDMA/WDMA) networks are compelling and worthy of further investigation in the goal of realising an extensive, flexible, high throughput  ...  The performance of a noncoherent code acquisition process in the presence of multiuser interference and optical device noise has been investigated in [39] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/50.848384 fatcat:bxa5nogonjaqpeqwsa45oari5m

Comb-assisted coherence transfer between laser fields [article]

Tommaso Sala, Samir Kassi, Johannes Burkart, Marco Marangoni, Daniele Romanini
2014 arXiv   pre-print
In fact, it is possible to exploit a partially stabilized optical comb to perform the cloning across a large frequency gap.  ...  We realize this long-haul phase transfer by using a fibered Mach-Zehnder single-sideband modulator driven by an appropriate mix of the beat notes of the master and the slave laser with the comb.  ...  In the end, such general schemes of comb-mediated coherence transfer rely on a few high speed phase-locked loops to achieve referencing of a CW slave laser to one or two high coherence CW master lasers  ... 
arXiv:1412.1102v1 fatcat:inkk3o4ln5gnndpvb765fmzc3i

Ranging Precision Analysis Of Lte Signals

Zaher Kassas, Joe Khalife, Kimia Shamaei
2018 Zenodo  
Publication in the conference proceedings of EUSIPCO, Kos island, Greece, 2017  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) under Grant N00014-16-1-2305.  ...  CONCLUSION The SSS ranging error in the presence of additive white noise and multipath was analyzed for LTE systems.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1160209 fatcat:5xkdfq5aebck7dvpll3534i4l4

Impact and Detection of GNSS Jammers on Consumer Grade Satellite Navigation Receivers

Daniele Borio, Fabio Dovis, Heidi Kuusniemi, Letizia Lo Presti
2016 Proceedings of the IEEE  
This paper describes the main types of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) jammers and reviews their impact on GNSS receivers.  ...  | Jamming is the act of intentionally directing powerful electromagnetic waves toward a victim receiver with the ultimate goal of denying its operations.  ...  Fig. 5 compares CAFs evaluated in the absence and in the presence of a CW Interference (CWI).  ... 
doi:10.1109/jproc.2016.2543266 fatcat:6cibnc37rrgs5n7fkq2laz2myi

Sub-Poisson States Heralded at a Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference Peak [article]

G. C. Amaral, F. Calliari, T. Ferreira da Silva, G. P. Temporão, and J. P. von der Weid
2016 arXiv   pre-print
This effect was harnessed so a detection on one of the arms could herald the presence of a photon in the other.  ...  A peak in coincidence events has been observed in a modified Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer fed with weak coherent states inside the region of overlapping wave-packets.  ...  To perform the experimental verification of the above theoretical predictions, the optical output of a frequency-locked CW semiconductor laser centered at 1551.7 nm was directed to one of the input ports  ... 
arXiv:1601.08161v2 fatcat:uog3uw7mvbaf3j6t5wf4h6me2m

CW interference mitigation in GNSS receiver based on frequency-locked loop

Hongyu Ren, Yongqing Wang, Lei Jiang, Siliang Wu
2016 Science China Information Sciences  
The performance of the algorithm is validated through an analysis of the characteristics of the interference reduction filter and interference estimation precision.  ...  This paper proposes a computationally effective algorithm based on a frequency-locked loop (FLL) to mitigate interference in GNSS receivers.  ...  Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11432-015-0763-9 fatcat:mazrdfrkhfepjeesnrjmhqgvyi

Phase locking of multiple optical fiber channels for a slow-light-enabled laser radar system

Joseph E. Vornehm, Aaron Schweinsberg, Zhimin Shi, Daniel J. Gauthier, Robert W. Boyd
2013 Optics Express  
Here we describe in detail the optical phase locking system used in the design.  ...  We have recently demonstrated a design for a multi-aperture, coherently combined, synchronized-and phased-array slow light laser radar (SLIDAR) that is capable of scanning in two dimensions with dynamic  ...  We also wish to acknowledge Corning, Inc. for its loan of the DCF module, E. Watson and L. Barnes for their loan of the infrared camera used to record Fig. 6 , and G. Gehring, Y. Song, E.  ... 
doi:10.1364/oe.21.013094 pmid:23736563 fatcat:v7v34twhira27emgvfaiu6ivju

Analysis of Multi-Antenna GNSS Receiver Performance under Jamming Attacks

Niranjana Vagle, Ali Broumandan, Gérard Lachapelle
2016 Sensors  
In addition, code phase measurement biases due to the phase delay and group delay of antenna elements were observed.  ...  In the tracking domain, the carrier Doppler, Phase Lock Indicator (PLI), and Carrier-to-Noise Ratio (C/N 0 ) are analyzed.  ...  In addition, code phase measurement biases due to the phase delay and group delay of antenna elements were observed.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s16111937 pmid:27869672 pmcid:PMC5134596 fatcat:byrplzplave23leyyw2joxlcju

A versatile ultrastable platform for optical multidimensional Fourier-transform spectroscopy

A. D. Bristow, D. Karaiskaj, X. Dai, T. Zhang, C. Carlsson, K. R. Hagen, R. Jimenez, S. T. Cundiff
2009 Review of Scientific Instruments  
This arrangement is ideal for performing coherent optical experiments, such as multidimensional Fourier-transform spectroscopy, which records the phase of the nonlinear signal as a function of the time  ...  delay between several of the excitation pulses.  ...  This work was supported by the National Science Foundation and the Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division Office of Basic Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy.  ... 
doi:10.1063/1.3184103 pmid:19655944 fatcat:2a7xque3zbfx5iqlj3tixsv5ri

The Impact of Interference on GNSS Receiver Observables – A Running Digital Sum Based Simple Jammer Detector

M. Z. H. Bhuiyan, H. Kuusniemi, S. Soderholm, E. Airos
2014 Radioengineering  
The investigated observables include the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) measurements, the digitized IF (Intermediate Frequency) signal levels, the Delay Locked Loop and the Phase Locked Loop discriminator  ...  variances, and the Carrier-to-noise density ratio (C/N0) measurements.  ...  of the Finnish Ministry of Defense and the Finnish Geodetic Institute, Finland.  ... 
doaj:94e0b0bd56584050b920386956ce74f9 fatcat:bsjqqrh74rdlfgdbjmz7a5avxy

Intra-Cavity Frequency-Doubled VECSEL System for Narrow Linewidth Rydberg EIT Spectroscopy [article]

Joshua C. Hill, William K. Holland, Paul D. Kunz, Kevin C. Cox, Jussi-Pekka Penttinen, Emmi Kantola, David H. Meyer
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Here, we characterize the frequency stability of an intra-cavity frequency-doubled VECSEL with 690 mW of output power at 475 nm using the delayed self-heterodyne technique and direct comparison with a  ...  They offer high power, low phase noise, wide frequency tunability, and excellent beam quality in a simple and inexpensive system architecture.  ...  The authors thank James Cahill for use of the fiber delay-line spools, and Fredrik Fatemi for thoughtful discussion. J.  ... 
arXiv:2206.00096v3 fatcat:t4ee5eqrebezpjmlwx5k7ijeva
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