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Personalised antimicrobial management in secondary care

Timothy Miles Rawson, Alison Holmes, Pantelis Georgiou, National Institute For Health Research (Great Britain)
Dynamic, individualised dose optimisation was explored through: (i) development of a microneedle based, electrochemical biosensor for minimally invasive monitoring of beta-lactams; and (ii) pharmacokinetic  ...  Individual physician decision making was mapped and patient experiences of engagement with decision making explored using semi-structured interviews.  ...  48 (11) mV / pH for the microneedle arrays (interarray %CV = 23%).  ... 
doi:10.25560/79665 fatcat:3nypblbjgvanne3didytpxnvdy

Earthquake location by distinct constraints for sparse and doubtful data [article]

Andreas Samuel Eisermann, Universität Stuttgart, Universität Stuttgart
The determination of the hypocenter location displays one of the key subjects of seismology.  ...  Another example are real-time location schemes (e.g. in Earthquake Early Warning Systems): Here, events need to be evaluated and located within fractions of seconds without knowledge of the complete waveform  ...  Likewise particle-motion-based back-azimuth relying on one station, as also array-based backazimuth with all array traces having the same time base (being recorded on one data-logger) will be unaffected  ... 
doi:10.18419/opus-9790 fatcat:zoulw3zcfjdyljdpw6tzsyjj44

Δημιουργία Συστήματος Υποστήριξης Λήψης Χωρικών Αποφάσεων για τη Χωροθέτηση Θαλάσσιων Αιολικών Πάρκων με τη χρήση Συστημάτων Γεωγραφικών Πληροφοριών, Χωρικής Ανάλυσης και Βελτιστοποίησης [article]

Loukas Katikas, National Technological University Of Athens
Kavouras (2021): An angle-weighted distance least cost path algorithm and trajectory smoothing techniques for offshore wind farm cost modelling, Journal of Spatial Science (Under review).  ...  ., Kyriakidis P. (2021): A stochastic simulation scheme for the long-term persistence, heavy-tailed and double periodic behavior of observational and reanalysis wind time-series, Applied Energy;295,  ...  based on their fitting performance.  ... 
doi:10.26240/heal.ntua.23019 fatcat:vrdulhvabrhufahlkm5kidxcf4