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Performance evaluation tool for rapid prototyping of hardware-software codesigns

K.S. Chatha, R. Vemuri
Proceedings. Ninth International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (Cat. No.98TB100237)  
Performance evaluation is essential for tradeo analysis during rapid prototyping.  ...  The e ectiveness of the tool in a rapid-prototyping environment is demonstrated b y a c ase study.  ...  In this paper we discuss a performance evaluation tool which satis es these two important requirements. The hardware-software codesign ow for rapid prototyping is shown in Figure 1 .  ... 
doi:10.1109/iwrsp.1998.676695 dblp:conf/rsp/ChathaV98 fatcat:ej33bhihnvblbawbtvuyqascei

Hardware/software codesign and rapid prototyping of embedded systems

F. Slomka, M. Dorfel, R. Munzenberger, R. Hofmann
2000 IEEE Design & Test of Computers  
Hardware can now be simulated at different levels (e.g., electrical circuits, logic Hardware/Software Codesign and Rapid Prototyping of Embedded Systems Embedded Systems with SDL/MSC 28 This article describes  ...  Due to the cost requirements and the timing constraints of such systems, application-specific hardware solutions are often needed, making the codesign of hardware and software a major topic for the design  ...  As a result, our methodology combines the strength of hardware/software codesign with rapid prototyping of embedded systems.  ... 
doi:10.1109/54.844331 fatcat:7wla7cdyifeenb6wwfrwclbkaq

Prototyping networked embedded systems

J. Fleischmann, K. Buchenrieder
1999 Computer  
New codesign methodologies and tools must support a key characteristic of next-generation embedded systems: the capability to communicate over networks and adapt to different operating environments.  ...  S ophisticated consumer devices that support multimedia-personal digital assistants, network computers, and mobile communication devices-pose challenges for embedded-systems designers.  ...  Codesign challenge In view of these innovative types of embedded systems, researchers have proposed several hardware-software codesign tools and frameworks, and industry design teams have adopted some.  ... 
doi:10.1109/2.745726 fatcat:zxh7uchnfvbo7l2amaiidmfb4m

An introduction to rapid system prototyping

F. Kordon, Luqi
2002 IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering  
This brief introduction to the special section on Rapid System Prototyping illustrates a current picture of Prototyping.  ...  The IEEE defines Prototyping as a development approach promoting the implementation of a pilot version of the intended product.  ...  Software for rapid and inexpensive construction and modification of prototypes makes it feasible [7] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/tse.2002.1033222 fatcat:xdkxrcgojfe2zaipaih77obotm

Intelligent Embedded Software: New Perspectives and Challenges [chapter]

Fateh Boutekkouk, Ridha Mahalaine, Zina Mecibah, Saliha Lakhdari, Ramissa Djouani, Djalila Belkebir
2018 Intelligent System  
On the other hand, intelligent embedded software (IESo) is becoming a large part of the engineering cost of intelligent embedded systems.  ...  To deal with this dilemma, embedded system researchers have profited from the progress in semiconductor technology to develop specific hardware to support well AI models and render the integration of AI  ...  PCodesign: prototypic Codesign The first objective of prototypic Codesign is to provide a rapid prototype of SOC to the customer. The prototype is generally implemented in FPGA.  ... 
doi:10.5772/intechopen.72417 fatcat:zujcegkyzfb6jasjdlpnfe4jai

Virtual benchmarking and model continuity in prototyping embedded multiprocessor signal processing systems

R.S. Janka, L.M. Wills, L.B. Baumstark
2002 IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering  
The complexity of hardware/software codesign of embedded real-time signal processing systems can be reduced by rapid system prototyping (RSP).  ...  The use of commercial-off-theshelf (COTS) multiprocessing (MP) hardware and software is usually required by the customer and can reduce the complexity of the codesign by constraining the hardware search  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to Mark Richards and Sudha Yalamanchili for beneficial discussions on this research and to the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tse.2002.1033224 fatcat:hmdnx4dei5gslhjn5xvpbkflby

Java driven codesign and prototyping of networked embedded systems

Josef Fleischmann, Klaus Buchenrieder, Rainer Kress
1999 Proceedings of the 36th ACM/IEEE conference on Design automation conference - DAC '99  
JACOP is a codesign environment based on Java and supports specification, co-synthesis and prototyping of networked embedded systems.  ...  of such systems is implemented in software; flexibility or reconfigurability is added to the list of non-functional requirements.  ...  Hardware/software codesign tools are increasingly used to alleviate some of the problems in the design of complex heterogeneous systems.  ... 
doi:10.1145/309847.310068 dblp:conf/dac/FleischmannBK99 fatcat:razgrecspre23hfrjzdxpdclxi


Christian Haubelt, Thomas Schlichter, Joachim Keinert, Mike Meredith
2008 Proceedings of the 45th annual conference on Design automation - DAC '08  
As a result, SystemCoDesigner presents optimized hardware/software solutions to the designer who can select any of them for rapid prototyping on an FPGA basis.  ...  SystemCoDesigner offers a fast design space exploration and rapid prototyping of behavioral Sys-temC models.  ...  Determination of precise method execution times for both hardware and software implementations is an important prerequisite for accurate performance evaluation.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1391469.1391616 dblp:conf/dac/HaubeltSKM08 fatcat:p7cn7wnmkfchrma2477dvmoski

Design Methods for DSP Systems

Markus Rupp, Bernhard Wess, Shuvra S Bhattacharyya
2006 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing  
exploration methods, hardware/software partitioning, as well as virtual and rapid prototyping.  ...  Details on hardware/software codesign aspects of the proposed system are also discussed.  ...  Details on hardware/software codesign aspects of the proposed system are also discussed.  ... 
doi:10.1155/asp/2006/47817 fatcat:kzqolkoudjbh7eunsspbeatubq

FPGA prototyping of a RISC processor core for embedded applications

M. Gschwind, V. Salapura, D. Maurer
2001 IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (vlsi) Systems  
We show how hardware emulation based on programmable logic can be integrated into the hardware/software codesign flow.  ...  Index Terms-Application-specific processors, embedded systems, field-programmable gate array (FPGA) prototyping, hardware/software codesign, processor design, processor emulation, reconfigurable processor  ...  Mautner for his help with the final partitioning and placement. The Synopsys and Xilinx XACT tools have been made available to them through the EUROPRACTICE program of the European Commission.  ... 
doi:10.1109/92.924027 fatcat:y2lgnrazwbfchixzfge7kpmbxu

Codesign of graphics hardware accelerators

Jon P. Ewins, Phil L. Watten, Martin White, Michael D. J. McNeill, Paul F. Lister
1997 Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS workshop on Graphics hardware - HWWS '97  
This paper discusses the use of software tools as an aid to hardware development and presents applications that demonstrate the possibilities of this approach and the benefits that can be attained from  ...  The design of a hardware architecture for a computer graphics pipeline requires a thorough understanding of the algorithms involved at each stage, and the implications these algorithms have on the organisation  ...  CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER WORK In this paper we have discussed the benefits of an integrated software-hardware codesign environment for the design of 3D graphics accelerator hardware.  ... 
doi:10.1145/258694.258727 fatcat:z55zd27s4bhalidptwwmpqdjni

A novel codesign methodology for real-time embedded COTS multiprocessor-based signal processing systems

Randall S. Janka, Linda M. Wills
2000 Proceedings of the eighth international workshop on Hardware/software codesign - CODES '00  
embedded signal processing systems implemented with commercial-off-the-shelf multiprocessing hardware and software.  ...  The "tools and rules" of the MAGIC SDM are presented.  ...  Supplemented by the DSP Blockset, Simulink has become a viable rapid prototyping environment for DSP applications.  ... 
doi:10.1145/334012.334047 dblp:conf/codes/JankaW00 fatcat:efpzdb4ukvdgxhg5bedrgsa7rq

FPGA-based rapid prototyping of digital signal processing systems

K. Banovic, M.A.S. Khalid, E. Abdel-Raheem
2005 48th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2005.  
hardware/software (HW/SW) co-design.  ...  The application of FPGA emulation systems as a platform for rapid prototyping is addressed and future trends of FPGA-based DSP systems are suggested. 0-7803-9197-7/05/$20.00  ...  Rapid prototyping is the accelerated development of a physical system for demonstration, evaluation, testing, or verification.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mwscas.2005.1594184 fatcat:fdheh3b6djegtkeo3prgjejqfa

Towards interprocess communication and interface synthesis for a heterogeneous real-time rapid prototyping environment

Franz Fischer, Annette Muth, Georg Fäber
1998 Proceedings of the sixth international workshop on Hardware/software codesign - CODES/CASHE '98  
Rapid Prototyping has been proposed as a means to reduce development time and costs of real-time systems.  ...  The sensitivity of the overall performance of multiprocessor systems to overhead and latency introduced by communication on the other hand calls for an efficient interprocess communication (IPC).  ...  For a first evaluation of IPC performance, the queue functions described above were instrumented to write time stamps to a memory buffer.  ... 
doi:10.1145/278241.278294 dblp:conf/codes/FischerMF98 fatcat:ybwcs4ne5neldbbjjzw4rmu3ei

Guest Editors' Introduction: Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips

A. Jerraya, H. Tenhunen, W. Wolf
2005 Computer  
T he industrial perspective of the articles in this issue shows the rapid advances that are being made in this field for deployment in products. This issue focuses more on hardware than on software.  ...  "Evaluating Digital Entertainment System Performance," by Marcus Levy, describes the process of benchmark design for systems-on-chips.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mc.2005.231 fatcat:ddegaas42zbkdlkgylycvyslqi
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