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Dual Objective Approach Using A Convolutional Neural Network for Magnetic Resonance Elastography [article]

Ligin Solamen, Yipeng Shi, Justice Amoh
2018 arXiv   pre-print
Our network is demonstrated to be effective for generating MRE images that compare well with equivalents from the nonlinear inversion method.  ...  Traditionally, nonlinear inversion, direct inversion, or wave estimation methods have been used for reconstructing images from MRE displacement data.  ...  Figure 3 shows the reconstructed images from the proposed CNN network for various actuation frequencies compared with estimated µ images from the standard non-linear inversion MRE algorithm.  ... 
arXiv:1812.00441v1 fatcat:25c7v6hru5fbriolwx3yoefn2y

Frequency-dependent viscoelastic parameters of mouse brain tissue estimated by MR elastography

E H Clayton, J R Garbow, P V Bayly
2011 Physics in Medicine and Biology  
Key features of this study include (i) the development and application of a novel MR-compatible actuation system which transmits vibratory motion into the brain through an incisor bar, and (ii) the investigation  ...  Viscoelastic properties of mouse brain tissue were estimated non-invasively, in vivo, using magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) at 4.7 T to measure the dispersive properties of induced shear waves.  ...  Dr Mark Conradi supported MR Tx/Rx coil development. Special thanks to colleagues in the Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Laboratory at Washington University for additional assistance.  ... 
doi:10.1088/0031-9155/56/8/005 pmid:21427486 pmcid:PMC3158029 fatcat:ab4g55lq3vakjeqojlwzc4s6za

Scattering and Diffraction of Elastodynamic Waves in a Concentric Cylindrical Phantom for MR Elastography

Benjamin L. Schwartz, Ziying Yin, Temel K. Yasar, Yifei Liu, Altaf A. Khan, Allen Q. Ye, Thomas J. Royston, Richard L. Magin
2016 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering  
A customized spin-echo based MR elastography sequence with a sinusoidal motion-sensitizing gradient was used for data acquisition on a 9.4 T Agilent small-animal MR scanner.  ...  Petrov et al. investigated complex heterogenous geometries (using tofu and gelatin phantoms) in low-range (< 125 Hz) multi-frequency MRE and a non-linear Schwartz et al.  ...  In MR elastography an object is perturbed with harmonic oscillations from a mechanical actuator.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tbme.2016.2527825 pmid:26886963 pmcid:PMC5097039 fatcat:25vigocoqrawre6lcepbkjk4oe

Viscoelasticity Imaging of Biological Tissues and Single Cells Using Shear Wave Propagation

Hongliang Li, Guillaume Flé, Manish Bhatt, Zhen Qu, Sajad Ghazavi, Ladan Yazdani, Guillaume Bosio, Iman Rafati, Guy Cloutier
2021 Frontiers in Physics  
Changes in biomechanical properties of biological soft tissues are often associated with physiological dysfunctions.  ...  Finally, current limitations and future directions in shear wave elastography are presented.  ...  Uniqueness of Poroelastic and Viscoelastic Nonlinear Inversion MR Elastography at Low Frequencies.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fphy.2021.666192 fatcat:qvn4pciaxbdbfhynp4spzszrii

Magnetic Resonance Elastography of Rodent Brain

Mathilde Bigot, Fabien Chauveau, Olivier Beuf, Simon A. Lambert
2018 Frontiers in Neurology  
These three steps require an acoustic-frequency mechanical actuator, magnetic resonance imaging acquisition, and a post-processing tool for which no turnkey technology is available.  ...  Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) is a non-invasive imaging technique, using the propagation of mechanical waves as a probe to palpate biological tissues.  ...  Different methods have been developed: wavelength estimation method (40, 41) , nonlinear inversion finite-element method (42) , or direct inversion (43, 44) .  ... 
doi:10.3389/fneur.2018.01010 pmid:30538670 pmcid:PMC6277573 fatcat:zduhdpykobgfvpdy5drxecbfdq

Elasticity reconstruction from experimental MR displacement data: initial experience with an overlapping subzone finite element inversion process

E. E. W. Van Houten, J. B. Weaver, M. I. Miga, F. E. Kennedy, K. D. Paulsen
2000 Medical Physics (Lancaster)  
as measured by a phase contrast MR technique.  ...  The determination of the elastic property distribution in heterogeneous gel samples with a finite element based reconstruction scheme is considered.  ...  Independent measurements of actuator motion using a capacitively coupled displacement probe have demonstrated that the response of the actuators is linear in the applied voltage for a given frequency,  ... 
doi:10.1118/1.598861 pmid:10659743 fatcat:r5cne5prbbdj5fy2fqfjdd4jyq

Multiresolution MR elastography using nonlinear inversion

M. D. J. McGarry, E. E. W. Van Houten, C. L. Johnson, J. G. Georgiadis, B. P. Sutton, J. B. Weaver, K. D. Paulsen
2012 Medical Physics (Lancaster)  
Purpose: Nonlinear inversion (NLI) in MR elastography requires discretization of the displacement field for a finite element (FE) solution of the "forward problem", and discretization of the unknown mechanical  ...  property field for the iterative solution of the "inverse problem".  ...  CONCLUSIONS The multiresolution approach presented provides a flexible framework for NLI MR elastography.  ... 
doi:10.1118/1.4754649 pmid:23039674 pmcid:PMC3477197 fatcat:oxktyqgzdrgkrivmguuiin573u

Time-harmonic magnetic resonance elastography of the normal feline brain

A.J. Pattison, S.S. Lollis, P.R. Perriñez, I.M. Perreard, M.D.J. McGarry, J.B. Weaver, K.D. Paulsen
2010 Journal of Biomechanics  
MR elastography is an imaging technique that can estimate mechanical properties of tissue non-invasively and in vivo.  ...  Results fell within the range of values reported in the literature and showed a mean shear modulus across the subject group of 7-8 kPa with all but one animal falling within 5-15 kPa.  ...  In effect, MRE performs non-invasive palpation by gently applying low frequency mechanical waves, measuring the resulting time-harmonic tissue motion with a phasesensitive MR sequence, and generating a  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2010.06.008 pmid:20655045 pmcid:PMC2963725 fatcat:oo3a7ylxtjfr3bt5b2t2enzzvm

Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) in cancer: Technique, analysis, and applications

Kay M. Pepin, Richard L. Ehman, Kiaran P. McGee
2015 Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy  
Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) is a noninvasive technique capable of quantifying tissue mechanical properties in vivo.  ...  Tissue mechanical properties are significantly altered with the development of cancer.  ...  Ultimately, a frequency of 85 Hz was determined to be optimal in balancing low spatial resolution at low frequencies with high attenuation at high frequencies.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.pnmrs.2015.06.001 pmid:26592944 pmcid:PMC4660259 fatcat:q7e5tzbfkjdlvcf62s5f2ptpke

An Overview of Elastography-An Emerging Branch of Medical Imaging

Armen Sarvazyan, Timothy J. Hall, Matthew W. Urban, Mostafa Fatemi, Salavat R. Aglyamov, Brian S. Garra
2011 Current Medical Imaging Reviews  
Since 2005 however, increasing numbers of mainstream manufacturers have added EI to their ultrasound systems so that today the majority of manufacturers offer some sort of Elastography or tissue stiffness  ...  Applying a sinusoidal excitation at low frequencies with a mechanical actuator with a small cylindrical footprint can cause biases due to wave diffraction from the cylindrical source.  ...  As such, the elastic modulus measured at low frequency (as in quasi-static elastography) will be predictably lower than the elastic modulus measured with radiation force techniques.  ... 
doi:10.2174/157340511798038684 pmid:22308105 pmcid:PMC3269947 fatcat:4a3lmhnbpndstc4t4qmkxki25a

Quantitative Compression Optical Coherence Elastography as an Inverse Elasticity Problem

Li Dong, Philip Wijesinghe, James T. Dantuono, David D. Sampson, Peter R. T. Munro, Brendan F. Kennedy, Assad A. Oberai
2016 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics  
These methods use a calibration layer with known mechanical properties to sense the stress at the tissue surface, which combined with strain, is used to estimate the tissue's elastic moduli by assuming  ...  Recently, novel quantitative elasticity imaging approaches to compression elastography have been developed.  ...  Actuation frequency was set below 25 Hz, which was experimentally verified to avoid any detectable wave propagation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jstqe.2015.2512597 fatcat:jx335olchrcelnsrqpxch3mmny

MR elastography at 1 Hz of gelatin phantoms using 3D or 4D acquisition

Scott W. Gordon-Wylie, Ligin M. Solamen, Matthew D.J. McGarry, Wei Zeng, Elijah VanHouten, Guillaume Gilbert, John B. Weaver, Keith D. Paulsen
2018 Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. 1997 : Print)  
In-vivo MRE is commonly performed at frequencies of 30-100 Hz using external actuation, however, using cerebro-vascular pulsation at 1 Hz as a form of intrinsic actuation (IA-MRE) eliminates the need for  ...  Overall, the hydraulic 1 Hz actuation system when coupled with 4D sequence acquisition produced a fast reliable approach for future IA-MRE phantom evaluation and contrast detail studies needed to benchmark  ...  acquired with the low frequency actuation system  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jmr.2018.08.012 pmid:30241018 pmcid:PMC6235749 fatcat:g372u5hvufg4zbv6fmhmrw427a

Clinical studies of magnetic resonance elastography from 1995 to 2021: Scientometric and visualization analysis based on CiteSpace

Youwei Li, Qiang Gao, Na Chen, Yuanfang Zhang, Juan Wang, Chang Li, Xuan He, Yang Jiao, Zongming Zhang
2022 Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery  
velocities of shear waves, which are then transformed into biological properties via linear or nonlinear inversion algorithms.  ...  When low-vibration frequencies are used, the minimum echo time is increased and the images acquired can be prone to a low phase-to-noise ratio, especially in tissues with short T 2 relaxation, such as  ...  Actuator  ... 
doi:10.21037/qims-22-207 fatcat:6j5ztia6lbhgtg33dkp3oqfzzu

Phantom evaluations of nonlinear inversion MR elastography

Ligin M Solamen, Matthew D McGarry, Likun Tan, John B Weaver, Keith D Paulsen
2018 Physics in Medicine and Biology  
This study evaluated non-linear inversion MRE (NLI-MRE) based on viscoelastic governing equations to determine its sensitivity to small, low contrast inclusions and interface changes in shear storage modulus  ...  The NLI-MRE technique detected inclusions as small as 8mm with a stiffness contrast as low as 14%. Storage modulus images also showed an interface edge response distance of 11mm.  ...  For human brain with an actuation frequency of 60Hz, L s is approximately 30.5mm (0.64L s ≈ 19.5mm).  ... 
doi:10.1088/1361-6560/aacb08 pmid:29877194 pmcid:PMC6095192 fatcat:bccn32gvhvdg5dpnmqkfdvxp2i

Nonlinear multiscale regularisation in MR elastography: Towards fine feature mapping

Eric Barnhill, Lyam Hollis, Ingolf Sack, Jürgen Braun, Peter R. Hoskins, Pankaj Pankaj, Colin Brown, Edwin J.R. van Beek, Neil Roberts
2017 Medical Image Analysis  
Highlights • New Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) software pipeline incorporating wavelet-based denoising and feature-detection techniques • Systematic noise testing with new Finite Element Method  ...  |G * | and loss angle φ) that preserve fine-scale information through nonlinear, multi-scale extensions of typical MRE postprocessing techniques.  ...  First, the underestimation of the hard target |G * | values by MDEV can be ascribed to loss of low-frequency bandwidth from the inversion of numerically estimated gradients, which have suppressed low-range  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.media.2016.05.012 pmid:27376240 fatcat:vvtsztxr45eadbv5qlj2nzco6m
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