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An Improved Ant Colony Optimization for Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem

Tang Yalian
2016 International Journal of Engineering and Technology  
An improved ant colony optimization (IACO) was proposed for solving this model.  ...  Index Terms-Smulti-depot vehicle routing problem, improved ant colony optimization, genetic algorithm, smooth mechanism.  ...  In this Manuscript paper, a new improved ant colony optimization (IACO) is proposed for this model.  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijet.2016.v8.918 fatcat:cpi222x6wfcnhclqzfexsnd4o4

Cold Chain Logistics Path Optimization Via Improved Multi-objective Ant Colony Algorithm

Banglei Zhao, Haixia Gui, Huizong Li, Jing Xue
2020 IEEE Access  
Experimental results show that the proposed ACOMO can effectively solve the vehicle routing problem of the multi-objective optimization model, and outperforms the classic ant colony algorithms, resulting  ...  Considering the characteristic of this proposed optimization model, we design an improved ant colony algorithm with a multi-objective heuristic function to solve it, termed as ACOMO.  ...  The cold chain logistics distribution of electric vehicles with charging stations can be used as the new focus of future research. 3) The improved ant colony algorithm is used to solve the multi-objective  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3013951 fatcat:adlvhlgqznepzfartmdjri6ffe

Investigation of Convergence Properties of Ant Colony Based Algorithms

Anita Agárdi, László Kovács, Tamás Bányai
2019 Advanced Logistic Systems - Theory and Practice  
In our investigation, we limited the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (MDVRPTW), which is an NP-hard discrete optimization problem.  ...  The paper presents the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms, and investigates their convergence properties.  ...  First, the Ant Colony Optimization is presented, then the Vehicle Routing Problem.  ... 
doi:10.32971/als.2020.001 fatcat:pb6yl2g7dbbsxh32o26u63dyny

An alternative solution for the repair of electrical breakdowns after natural disasters based on ant colony optimization

Yasel José Costa-Salas, William Ariel Sarache-Castro
2014 Dyna  
Moreover, this paper proposes the creative application of an algorithm based on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), specifically Multi-type Ant Colony System (M-ACS), where each colony represents a set of possible  ...  An alternative solution for the repair of electrical breakdowns after natural disasters based on ant colony optimization Dyna, vol. 81, núm. 186, agosto, 2014, pp. 304-310 Universidad Nacional de Colombia  ...  Each colony obtains a set of global solutions, where each ant of the colony obtain a repair tour, using an Ant Colony System (ACS) algorithm and during the route construction, the ants that belong to a  ... 
doi:10.15446/dyna.v81n186.45222 fatcat:3ufzn4ntabhjxpjxkbwqllu4ai

Study on the Triangulation Network of Collaboration Distribution Based on Improved ACO [chapter]

Qu Xinhuai, Song Wenfeng, Ding Birong, Zhao Han
2012 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering  
In this paper, we consider a location routing problem (LRP) with time window and solve it by ant colony optimization (ACO).  ...  We use the ant colony optimization to solve the distribution location problem and vehicle routing problem of the joint distribution of different goods.  ...  Ant colony optimization has been successfully applied to some classic compounding optimization problems, e.g. travelling salesman, telecommunication routing, etc.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-26001-8_87 fatcat:kzaqu3lav5bbrb5e6yuuv2zmvi

Research on Optimization of Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window

Zhenping Li, Li Cao, Hao Li, Ruoda Wang, M Muren
2020 IEEE Access  
INDEX TERMS Electric vehicle, insertion method, exchange method, heuristic, vehicle route.  ...  In order to find an optimal urban distribution route that satisfies both the electric vehicle limitation and the customer time window limitation, a mixed planning model is established to conduct in-depth  ...  Schneider et al. introduced the route of electric vehicles with time windows and charging stations (EVRPTW) for the last mile distribution using battery electric vehicle.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3014638 fatcat:tadgwaj7q5dhdd5h5hzvf3nha4

Making Cities Smarter—Optimization Problems for the IoT Enabled Smart City Development: A Mapping of Applications, Objectives, Constraints

Abbas Shah Syed, Daniel Sierra-Sosa, Anup Kumar, Adel Elmaghraby
2022 Sensors  
A mapping is provided for the most encountered applications of computational optimization within IoT smart cities for five popular optimization methods, ant colony optimization, genetic algorithm, particle  ...  For each application identified, the algorithms used, objectives considered, the nature of the formulation and constraints taken in to account have been specified and discussed.  ...  In this section, we provide a brief intuitive description for each of them. Ant Colony Optimization Ant colony optimization is derived from the behavior of ants searching for food [8] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/s22124380 pmid:35746161 pmcid:PMC9228834 fatcat:dyqeij4zc5hihiiu2y7wbbnsiu

Vehicle Routing Problem for the Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery of Lithium Batteries of Small Power Vehicles under Charging and Swapping Mode

Lei Chen, Haiyan Ma, Yi Wang, Feng Li
2022 Sustainability  
The results of ACO-GA are compared with the GA, ACO, and SAA methods using the Solomon dataset; the results show that the optimized ant colony algorithm can achieve a smaller total cost in solving the  ...  the model transformation, which provides a reference for the company to select the distribution route.  ...  algorithm for optimizing the capability of local search.  ... 
doi:10.3390/su14169883 fatcat:s3xndukqlzhufh23l2rsmkcrz4

Multi-objective automated guided vehicle scheduling based on MapReduce framework

W. Shi, D.B. Tang, P. Zou
2021 Advances in Production Engineering & Management  
To solve this problem, we proposed a multi-objective scheduling model based on total driving distance and waiting time, and used the A* path planning algorithm to search the shortest path of AGV.  ...  During material handling processes, automated guided vehicles (AGVs) pose a path conflict problem.  ...  An ant colony algorithm for the multi-compartment vehicle routing problem, Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 15, 169-176, doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2013.10.017. [13] 1, 58-71, doi: 10.2507/IJSIMM16 (1)5.368.  ... 
doi:10.14743/apem2021.1.383 fatcat:3mifyaaazjgabenv2xx7yi2jfu

Vehicle Routing Problem Considering Reconnaissance and Transportation

Byungjun Ju, Minsu Kim, Ilkyeong Moon
2021 Sustainability  
For this paper, an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm for the VRPCRT was also developed, and computational experiments were conducted to compare the ACO algorithm's performance and that of the mixed-integer  ...  This paper proposes a vehicle routing problem considering reconnaissance and transportation (VRPCRT) for wartime troop movements.  ...  Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank three anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful comments and suggestions on the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.3390/su13063188 fatcat:agpjsyc4r5hz7bbymya5rqv6qa

A Study on Bio-Inspired Metaheuristics for Solving Vehicle Routing Problem

R. Yesodha, T. Amudha
2015 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
Using genetic algorithms for multi-depot vehicle routing. Bio-inspired Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem. Springer-Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2009; 161:77-99. 9.  ...  Improved ant colony optimization for seafood product delivery routing problem. Swarm Intelligence in Transportation Engineering. 2014; 26(1):1-10. 7. Chandran B, Raghavan S.  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i25/80042 fatcat:4iadtd4kenh57dfdkqtk5ido5e

Multi-Depot Green Vehicle Routing Problem to Minimize Carbon Emissions

Weiheng Zhang, Yuvraj Gajpal, Srimantoorao. S. Appadoo, Qi Wei
2020 Sustainability  
A Multi-Depot Green Vehicle Routing Problem (MDGVRP) is considered in this paper.  ...  A Two-stage Ant Colony System (TSACS) is proposed to find a feasible and acceptable solution for this NP-hard (Non-deterministic polynomial-time) optimization problem.  ...  In TSACS, there are two types of ants, depot-ants and route-ants. The depot-ants are used to assign customers to a depot, and the route-ants are used to generate routes.  ... 
doi:10.3390/su12083500 fatcat:6pccdnet4zcojkqh3acxmkx53q

A Multi-Objective Optimization Problem With Its Approaches And Applications

Miss. PratikshaP. Patil, Mr. Kunal M.Mathakari
2016 Zenodo  
Optimization is used for finding one or mo re optimal or feasible solutions for single and multiple objective problems.  ...  A multi-objective optimization problem have two or more objective,but in many real words MOP,objectives under constraint may conflict wit h each other and optimizing a particular solution wit h respect  ...  An ant colony algorithm for the multi-compartment vehicle routing problem."Applied Soft Computing 15 (2014): 169-176. [16]Bukata, Libor, PřemyslŠůcha, and ZdeněkHanzálek.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1468791 fatcat:uml2xhmkhbcvrdvbidmmecmgjq

Heterogeneous Fleet Green Vehicle Routing Problem: A Literature Review

Nur Mayke Eka Normasari, Nurul Lathifah
2021 Angkasa : jurnal ilmiah bidang teknologi  
One variant of Green Vehicle Routing Problem (GVRP) reviewed in this paper is about Heterogeneous Alternative Fuel Vehicles for Green Vehicle Routing Problem (HAFVGVRP).  ...  The review was classified according to the objectives, type of fleet, and solution used. Moreover, this study also presents the trend and direction of further research.  ...  (SA) [42] , and ant colony optimization (ACO) [21, 45, 52] .  ... 
doi:10.28989/angkasa.v13i1.837 fatcat:y7zymkco3nc55fi7fpav34lhvi

The electric vehicle routing problem with time windows and multiple recharging options

Huiting Mao, Jianmai Shi, Yuzhen Zhou, Guoqing Zhang
2020 IEEE Access  
INDEX TERMS Electric vehicle, vehicle routing problem, ant colony optimization, partial recharge, battery swapping. HUITING MAO received the B.S. degree from  ...  An improved ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm hybridized with insertion heuristic and enhanced local search is designed to solve the problem.  ...  In the ant colony optimization, the colony scale is set as P, and each artificial ant simulates the employed electric vehicle and successively select customers to visit.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3003000 fatcat:p7zfi5hsmjcwvmalgpwijpd3oa
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