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Interval scheduling maximizing minimum coverage [article]

Veli Mäkinen, Valeria Staneva, Alexandru Tomescu, Daniel Valenzuela
2015 arXiv   pre-print
This is relevant in the context of genome sequencing and haplotyping, specifically when a set of DNA reads aligned to a genome needs to be pruned so that no more than k reads overlap, while maintaining  ...  In the classical interval scheduling type of problems, a set of n jobs, characterized by their start and end time, need to be executed by a set of machines, under various constraints.  ...  This work was partially supported by the Academy of Finland grants 284598 to VM, VS, and DV, and 274977 to AT.  ... 
arXiv:1508.07820v2 fatcat:ehootxz4vvdwrpx4xvcojey2p4

Comprehensive DNA Signature Discovery and Validation

Adam M. Phillippy, Jacquline A. Mason, Kunmi Ayanbule, Daniel D. Sommer, Elisa Taviani, Anwar Huq, Rita R. Colwell, Ivor T. Knight, Steven L. Salzberg
2007 PLoS Computational Biology  
With the availability of hundreds of complete bacterial and viral genome sequences, it is now possible to use computational methods to identify signature sequences in all of these species, and to use these  ...  Our approach, whereby the entire genomic complement of organisms are compared to identify probe targets, is a promising method for diagnostic assay development, and it provides assay designers with the  ...  AMP, KA, and SLS designed Insignia. DDS tested Insignia and managed the computing cluster. JAM and ITK designed and performed the validation experiments.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.0030098 pmid:17511514 pmcid:PMC1868776 fatcat:com2madqirex7belcn6dlmpzz4

Comprehensive DNA Signature Discovery and Validation

Adam Phillippy, Jacquline A. Mason, Kunmi Ayanbule, Daniel D. Sommer, Elisa Taviani, Anwar Huq, Rita Colwell, Ivor T. Knight, Steven L. Salzberg
2005 PLoS Computational Biology  
With the availability of hundreds of complete bacterial and viral genome sequences, it is now possible to use computational methods to identify signature sequences in all of these species, and to use these  ...  Our approach, whereby the entire genomic complement of organisms are compared to identify probe targets, is a promising method for diagnostic assay development, and it provides assay designers with the  ...  AMP, KA, and SLS designed Insignia. DDS tested Insignia and managed the computing cluster. JAM and ITK designed and performed the validation experiments.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.0030098.eor fatcat:eo3qlqzxnzhtjlzcffwldmnohm

Bounds on the distribution of the number of gaps when circles and lines are covered by fragments: Theory and practical application to genomic and metagenomic projects

John Moriarty, Julian R Marchesi, Anthony Metcalfe
2007 BMC Bioinformatics  
The method can be applied to coverage problems on the interval, including edge effects, and applications are given to metagenomic libraries and shotgun sequencing.  ...  Bounds on the distribution of the number of gaps when circles and lines are covered by fragments: Theory and practical application to genomic and metagenomic projects.  ...  The authors would like to thank Andrew Haugh for providing numerical simulations during this project and Professor Armand Makowski for the seminar which was its inspiration, and the reviewers for their  ... 
doi:10.1186/1471-2105-8-70 pmid:17335566 pmcid:PMC1821341 fatcat:euel2hpmg5c2rm32szvlng3vi4

The Qatar genome: a population-specific tool for precision medicine in the Middle East

Khalid A Fakhro, Michelle R Staudt, Monica Denise Ramstetter, Amal Robay, Joel A Malek, Ramin Badii, Ajayeb Al-Nabet Al-Marri, Charbel Abi Khalil, Alya Al-Shakaki, Omar Chidiac, Dora Stadler, Mahmoud Zirie (+5 others)
2016 Human Genome Variation  
In order to facilitate precision medicine in regions of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), a population-specific reference genome for the indigenous Arab popula-tion of Qatar (QTRG) was constructed  ...  by incorporating allele frequency data from sequencing of 1,161 Qataris, representing 0.4% of the population.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank 1000 Genomes Project collaborators, as well as colleagues in the American Society of Human Genetics and the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution for valuable discussion  ... 
doi:10.1038/hgv.2016.16 pmid:27408750 pmcid:PMC4927697 fatcat:lunpknl77vffjai2epiibwb6fu

Efficient oligonucleotide probe selection for pan-genomic tiling arrays

Adam M Phillippy, Xiangyu Deng, Wei Zhang, Steven L Salzberg
2009 BMC Bioinformatics  
Array comparative genomic hybridization is a fast and cost-effective method for detecting, genotyping, and comparing the genomic sequence of unknown bacterial isolates.  ...  To minimize the required number of probes, probes conserved across multiple strains in the pan-genome are selected first, and additional probes are used only where necessary to span polymorphic regions  ...  Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Arthur Delcher for a helpful critique of the manuscript draft, and Hervé Tettelin and David Riley for help running their pan-genome analysis software.  ... 
doi:10.1186/1471-2105-10-293 pmid:19758451 pmcid:PMC2753849 fatcat:xdbptietqfci7kcbv4lujlvvxq

Fast, Sensitive Discovery of Conserved Genome-Wide Motifs

Nnamdi E. Ihuegbu, Gary D. Stormo, Jeremy Buhler
2012 Journal of Computational Biology  
We obtained 2,309 motifs with lengths of 6-20 bp, each occurring at least 10 times throughout the genome, which collectively covered about 566 kbp of the genomes, approximately 0.8% of the input.  ...  ABSTRACT Regulatory sites that control gene expression are essential to the proper functioning of cells, and identifying them is critical for modeling regulatory networks.  ...  Funding was provided by NIH (grant HG00249 to G.D.S.) and NSF (grant ITR-427794 to J.B.).  ... 
doi:10.1089/cmb.2011.0249 pmid:22300316 pmcid:PMC3272693 fatcat:ttu5x7zhmbd2fbpegzqaploblq


Lourdes Peña-Castillo, Marc Grüell, Martin E Mulligan, Andrew S Lang
2016 Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing  
In the last decade, next generation RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) has been used for the genome-wide detection of bacterial sRNAs.  ...  Using RNA-seq data from three bacterial species and two sequencing platforms, we performed a comparative assessment of five computational approaches for the detection of small transcripts.  ...  Acknowledgements LPC's and ASL's research programs are supported by NSERC Discovery grants. MG is supported by a fellowship of Memorial University's School of Graduate Studies.  ... 
pmid:26776209 fatcat:ireea6mganesza7zbs5wbnicgy

CODOC: efficient access, analysis and compression of depth of coverage signals

Niko Popitsch
2014 Computer applications in the biosciences : CABIOS  
This limits their applicability in stand-alone analyses of these data, mainly owing to inaccurate representation or mediocre data compression.  ...  CODOC is a novel data format and comprehensive application programming interface for efficient representation, access and analysis of DOC data.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author thanks Stefan Leitich for helpful discussions about audio compression methods and several CIBIV colleagues and the reviewers for critically reading the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu362 pmid:24872424 fatcat:c62vhdhkkjhupjxkcyalmkrjyi

Design and application of a target capture sequencing of exons and conserved non-coding sequences for the rat

Minako Yoshihara, Daisuke Saito, Tetsuya Sato, Osamu Ohara, Takashi Kuramoto, Mikita Suyama
2016 BMC Genomics  
Results: TargetEC covers 1,078,129 regions spanning 146.8 Mb of the genome.  ...  To apply this strategy to laboratory rats exhibiting various phenotypes, we developed a novel target capture probe set, TargetEC (target capture for exons and conserved non-coding sequences), which can  ...  Acknowledgements We are thankful to the National BioResource Project -Rat (http://www.anim.med. kyoto-u.ac.jp/nbr/) for providing rat strains (WTC/Kyo, WTC-swh/Kyo, PVG/Seac, and KFRS4/Kyo).  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12864-016-2975-9 pmid:27506932 pmcid:PMC4979189 fatcat:at3caznowvgubcnoemgwvncady

A high-density intraspecific SNP linkage map of pigeonpea (Cajanas cajan L. Millsp.)

Sheetal Arora, Ajay Kumar Mahato, Sangeeta Singh, Paritra Mandal, Shefali Bhutani, Sutapa Dutta, Giriraj Kumawat, Bikram Pratap Singh, A. K. Chaudhary, Rekha Yadav, K. Gaikwad, Amitha Mithra Sevanthi (+5 others)
2017 PLoS ONE  
The availability of a high-density linkage map will help improve the anchoring of the pigeonpea genome to its chromosomes and the mapping of genes and quantitative trait loci associated with useful agronomic  ...  It is an important source of protein, minerals, and vitamins for nearly 20% of the world population.  ...  Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge the financial and infrastructural support of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). Author Contributions Conceptualization: Nagendra Kumar Singh.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0179747 pmid:28654689 pmcid:PMC5487049 fatcat:thsvwzpn7ffclchktha2xzpexm

LCR_Finder: A de Novo Low Copy Repeat Finder for Human Genome [chapter]

Xuan Liu, David Wai-lok Cheung, Hing-Fung Ting, Tak-Wah Lam, Siu-Ming Yiu
2013 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Low copy repeats (LCRs) are reported to trigger and mediate genomic rearrangements and may result in genetic diseases.  ...  We also showed that existing tools designed for finding repeats in a genome, such RepeatScout and WindowMasker are not able to identify LCRs and tools designed for detecting SDs also cannot report large  ...  The minimum interval on reference sequence that covered all alignments in a cluster was calculated for each cluster. Only intervals larger than of L/2were kept (Fig 3B) .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-38036-5_15 fatcat:ev67ttaovnb5pman422bw24use

Heterogeneous hardware/software acceleration of the BWA-MEM DNA alignment algorithm

Nauman Ahmed, Vlad-Mihai Sima, Ernst Houtgast, Koen Bertels, Zaid Al-Ars
2015 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD)  
The fast decrease in cost of DNA sequencing has resulted in an enormous growth in available genome data, and hence led to an increasing demand for fast DNA analysis algorithms used for diagnostics of genetic  ...  The software optimization of the SMEM generation kernel is able to achieve a speedup of 1.7x. This enables a total application acceleration of 2.6x compared to the original software version.  ...  Acknowledgement-This work is supported by the Faculty Development Program of the University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan  ... 
doi:10.1109/iccad.2015.7372576 dblp:conf/iccad/AhmedSHBA15 fatcat:fxjmxise4jb4ppw4z7zwiu2qaq

VISPA2: a scalable pipeline for high-throughput identification and annotation of vector integration sites

Giulio Spinozzi, Andrea Calabria, Stefano Brasca, Stefano Beretta, Ivan Merelli, Luciano Milanesi, Eugenio Montini
2017 BMC Bioinformatics  
therapy applications and to study the clonal dynamics of hematopoietic reconstitution.  ...  : (1) the sequence analysis for the integration site processing is fully compliant with paired-end reads and includes a sequence quality filter before and after the alignment on the target genome; (2)  ...  Funding This work has been supported by many projects, both international and national funding: Availability of data and materials  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12859-017-1937-9 pmid:29178837 pmcid:PMC5702242 fatcat:2lnmc2axmvh2vjzh6e6ijrg5nq

Achieving high-sensitivity for clinical applications using augmented exome sequencing

Anil Patwardhan, Jason Harris, Nan Leng, Gabor Bartha, Deanna M. Church, Shujun Luo, Christian Haudenschild, Mark Pratt, Justin Zook, Marc Salit, Jeanie Tirch, Massimo Morra (+13 others)
2015 Genome Medicine  
set of ACMG secondary finding genes (91 % covered relative to 4-75 % with other platforms) and a subset of variants known to be associated with human disease (99 % covered relative to 52-95 % with other  ...  In clinical applications where comprehensive coverage of medically interpretable areas of the genome requires higher localized sequencing depth, an augmented exome approach offers both cost and performance  ...  Conversely, 100× average depth of coverage is commonly referred to as the minimum amount of coverage needed in clinical applications, regardless of the total amount of sequence data obtained. 100× mean  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13073-015-0197-4 pmid:26269718 pmcid:PMC4534066 fatcat:mlmbzuyzdfgabpkx5ccmpq3rwa
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