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Adaptive Segmentation Gaussian Mixtures Models for Approximating to Drastically Scaled-Various Sloped Long-Tail RTN Distributions

Worawit Somha, Hiroyuki Yamauchi
2013 International Journal of Future Computer and Communication  
The concepts central to the proposed method are 1) adaptive segmentation of the long-heavy tailed distributions such that the log-likelihood of GMM in each partition is maximized and 2) copy and paste  ...  Index Terms-Mixtures of Gaussian, random telegraph noise, em algorithm, heavy-tail distribution, long-tail distribution, fail-bit analysis, static random access memory, guard band design.  ...  This algorithm can allow approximating any heavy-long tailed distributions by the convenient short-tail Gaussian probability distributions.  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijfcc.2013.v2.195 fatcat:d34wd65klbdzjigaz34kct65di

A Look up Table Based Adaptive Segmentation Gaussian Mixtures Model for Fitting Complex Long-Tail RTN Distributions

Worawit Somha, Hiroyuki Yamauchi
2013 International Journal of Materials Mechanics and Manufacturing  
The concepts central to the proposed method are 1) LUT based fitting of all parameters of GMM and segmentation width and 2) adaptive segmentation of the long tailed distributions such that the log-likelihood  ...  This paper proposes a look up table (LUT) based fitting method to approximate the mixtures of various sloped-Gamma tail distributions by an adaptive segmentation Gaussian mixtures model (GMM).  ...  In order to solve the above issues, we propose, for the first time, a look up table (LUT) based fitting method to approximate any arbitrary long-tailed RTN distribution by an adaptive segmentation Gaussian  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijmmm.2013.v1.52 fatcat:jndljrksxnf33fkoftcikypi7e

Long-tailed Distribution Adaptation [article]

Zhiliang Peng, Wei Huang, Zonghao Guo, Xiaosong Zhang, Jianbin Jiao, Qixiang Ye
2021 pre-print
In this study, we formulate Long-tailed recognition as Domain Adaption (LDA), by modeling the long-tailed distribution as an unbalanced domain and the general distribution as a balanced domain.  ...  on the long-tailed distribution to general distributions in an interpretable way.  ...  To adapt the models trained upon long-tailed distributions to uniform distributions, re-sampling and re-weighting methods [3, 6] have been explored to re-balance the data distributions.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3474085.3475479 arXiv:2110.02686v1 fatcat:cw6g2uq7r5ejhp7oz3rsutt6zu

Adaptive linear rank tests for eQTL studies

Silke Szymczak, Markus O. Scheinhardt, Tanja Zeller, Philipp S. Wild, Stefan Blankenberg, Andreas Ziegler
2012 Statistics in Medicine  
In a two-stage procedure, skewness and tail length of the distributions are estimated and used to select one of several linear rank tests.  ...  We derive a new adaptive test that combines the advantages of both literature-based approaches. The new test does not require the user to specify a distribution.  ...  KW has a high power for distributions with medium tails, whereas the median test (MED) and the long tails test (LT) are more powerful for long tails.  ... 
doi:10.1002/sim.5593 pmid:22933317 pmcid:PMC3739449 fatcat:b4qy5tn65rgd3hzqn3otemgzt4

Solving The Long-Tailed Problem via Intra- and Inter-Category Balance [article]

Renhui Zhang, Tiancheng Lin, Rui Zhang, Yi Xu
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Current approaches handle the long-tailed problem to transform the long-tailed dataset to uniform distribution by re-sampling or re-weighting strategies.  ...  Benchmark datasets for visual recognition assume that data is uniformly distributed, while real-world datasets obey long-tailed distribution.  ...  INTRODUCTION Long-tailed distribution is a common phenomenon in the real world [1] .  ... 
arXiv:2204.09234v2 fatcat:tcrpljifofdkpaownkczva4blq

Empowering Long-tail Item Recommendation through Cross Decoupling Network (CDN) [article]

Yin Zhang, Ruoxi Wang, Tiansheng Yao, Xinyang Yi, Lichan Hong, James Caverlee, Ed H. Chi, Derek Zhiyuan Cheng
2023 arXiv   pre-print
We first find that the predictions of user preferences are biased under long-tail distributions.  ...  Industry recommender systems usually suffer from highly-skewed long-tail item distributions where a small fraction of the items receives most of the user feedback.  ...  In this work, we consider the long-tail distributions from the item side (i.e. the long-tail item distribution), which treats users as samples in the long-tail distributions.  ... 
arXiv:2210.14309v3 fatcat:nkbb3wpra5fwtmsw47cvxtf2i4

Empowering Long-tail Item Recommendation through Cross Decoupling Network (CDN)

Yin Zhang, Ruoxi Wang, Derek Zhiyuan Cheng, Tiansheng Yao, Xinyang Yi, Lichan Hong, James Caverlee, Ed H. Chi
2023 Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining  
We first find that the predictions of user preferences are biased under long-tail distributions.  ...  Industry recommender systems usually suffer from highly-skewed long-tail item distributions where a small fraction of the items receives most of the user feedback.  ...  In this work, we consider the long-tail distributions from the item side (i.e. the long-tail item distribution), which treats users as samples in the long-tail distributions.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3580305.3599814 fatcat:utizmpiktbbivkr7la2imqtbuq

Alleviating the Effect of Data Imbalance on Adversarial Training [article]

Guanlin Li, Guowen Xu, Tianwei Zhang
2023 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we study adversarial training on datasets that obey the long-tailed distribution, which is practical but rarely explored in previous works.  ...  To combat that, we theoretically analyze the lower bound of the robust risk to train a model on a long-tailed dataset to obtain the key challenges in addressing the aforementioned dilemmas.  ...  Long-tailed Recognition Long-tailed learning means training a machine learning model on a dataset that follows a long-tailed distribution.  ... 
arXiv:2307.10205v2 fatcat:l6clttmrvva5zhteisvklgejbq

Page 1627 of Genetics Vol. 180, Issue 3 [page]

2008 Genetics  
In the case of adaptation, then, the distribution of effects among beneficial muta- tions should be nearly exponential so long as the (unknown) fitness distribution belongs to the Gumbel ' Corresponding  ...  By altering the value of k, we can tune whether the right tail of a fitness distribution behaves like the tail of a distribution  ... 

Rethinking Class-Balanced Methods for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition From a Domain Adaptation Perspective

Muhammad Abdullah Jamal, Matthew Brown, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Liqiang Wang, Boqing Gong
2020 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)  
First of all, we connect existing classbalanced methods for long-tailed classification to target shift, a well-studied scenario in domain adaptation.  ...  We analyze this mismatch from a domain adaptation point of view.  ...  In long-tailed visual recognition, the marginal class distribution P s (y) of the source domain is long-tailed, and yet the class distribution P t (y) of the target domain is more balanced, e.g., a uniform  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr42600.2020.00763 dblp:conf/cvpr/JamalB0WG20 fatcat:hn6mlvfn5ba7ppymbl3ik3jxyq

Rethinking Class-Balanced Methods for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition from a Domain Adaptation Perspective [article]

Muhammad Abdullah Jamal and Matthew Brown and Ming-Hsuan Yang and Liqiang Wang and Boqing Gong
2020 arXiv   pre-print
First of all, we connect existing class-balanced methods for long-tailed classification to target shift, a well-studied scenario in domain adaptation.  ...  Object frequency in the real world often follows a power law, leading to a mismatch between datasets with long-tailed class distributions seen by a machine learning model and our expectation of the model  ...  The training set of iNaturalist 2018 exhibits a long-tailed class distribution [1] .  ... 
arXiv:2003.10780v1 fatcat:sjme4lkdmrfiboblan4aqafkty

Page 440 of Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society Vol. 105, Issue 4 [page]

1961 Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society  
long-tail mice ly short tails and of the with long tails and feet prairies and forests, nice ing in forested regions The characters of these two groups are asso ciated with the two aspects of survival  ...  ) i colored forms of the continental interior, short hind feet, and darker forms mountains and coasts, long hind This distribution corresponds to that of the short-tail living on the open prairies and  ... 

An Adaptive Test for the Two-Sample Location Problem Based onU-Statistics

W. Kössler, N. Kumar
2008 Communications in statistics. Simulation and computation  
We construct an adaptive test where all statistics involved are suitably chosen U-statistics. It is shown the adaptive test proposed has good asymptotic and finite power properties.  ...  , 1974, and Hogg et al. (1975) , Long-tail (LT, Handl (1986) and Büning (1994) , both for long tails) and Hogg-Fisher-Randles (HFR, for right-skew densities).  ...  On the left side we have densities with long tails, in the centre that with medium tails, and on the right that with short tails.  ... 
doi:10.1080/03610910801983152 fatcat:ud3xyvkgi5cnfbunte5gfixfpu

Dual Channel with Involution for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition

Mengxue Li
2022 Open Journal of Applied Sciences  
With the rapid increase of large-scale problems, the distribution of real-world datasets tends to be long-tailed.  ...  The paper conducted extensive experiments on several benchmark vision tasks including Cifar-LT, Imagenet-LT, and Places-LT, showing that DC-Invo is able to achieve significant performance gained on long-tailed  ...  long-tailed distribution.  ... 
doi:10.4236/ojapps.2022.124029 fatcat:llsq7vmhwjagzduicr34domg7e

Trimmed Mean As An Adaptive Robust Estimator Of A Location Parameter For Weibull Distribution

Carolina B. Baguio
2008 Zenodo  
The outliers arise from gross errors or contamination from distributions with long tails. The trimmed mean is a robust estimate.  ...  The findings of the study revealed that the tail lengths of the Weibull distribution increase in magnitudes as the trimming proportions increase, the measure of the tail length and the adaptive trimmed  ...  with long tails.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1074333 fatcat:dce4ldgi6jchtmhgfrc5q3udm4
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