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Towards a Systematic Survey for Carbon Neutral Data Centers [article]

Zhiwei Cao, Xin Zhou, Han Hu, Zhi Wang, Yonggang Wen
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Furthermore, three key scientific challenges for putting such a framework in place are discussed. Finally, several applications for this framework are presented to demonstrate its enormous potential.  ...  On the technological front, we propose achieving carbon-neutral data centers by increasing renewable energy penetration, improving energy efficiency, and boosting energy circulation simultaneously.  ...  Previous works on renewable energy forecasting leveraged traditional time series analysis tools such as WCMA [65] .  ... 
arXiv:2110.09284v3 fatcat:gwlgrioigbedzauyeaopdlxngu

Data-driven bidding strategy for DER aggregator based on gated recurrent unit–enhanced learning particle swarm optimization

Hyung Joon Kim, Hyun Joon Kang, Mun Kyeom Kim
2021 IEEE Access  
First, a data-driven forecasting model involving gated recurrent unit-enhanced learning particle swarm optimization (GRU-ELPSO) with improved mutual information (IMI) is employed to model renewables and  ...  This study proposes a data-driven bidding strategy framework for a DER aggregator confronted with various uncertainties.  ...  In general, time-series forecasting models such as long short-term memory (LSTM) or the gated recurrent unit (GRU) have been adopted in state-ofthe-art studies for short-term load or renewable output forecasting  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3076679 fatcat:njaw3so2ajfhvihidb5vky4uaq

Combating Uncertainties in Wind and Distributed PV Energy Sources Using Integrated Reinforcement Learning and Time-Series Forecasting [article]

Arman Ghasemi, Amin Shojaeighadikolaei, Morteza Hashemi
2023 arXiv   pre-print
To tackle these issues, we propose a novel framework with two objectives: (i) combating uncertainty of renewable energy in smart grid by leveraging time-series forecasting with Long-Short Term Memory (  ...  LSTM) solutions, and (ii) establishing distributed and dynamic decision-making framework with multi-agent reinforcement learning using Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithm.  ...  As a result, this memory cell allows the LSTM to learn longer-term dependencies in the timeseries, and makes it an appropriate choice for time-series forecasting.  ... 
arXiv:2302.14094v1 fatcat:2tzof76kfjebjofp3ky6x3z6zu

Recurrent Deep Multiagent Q-Learning for Autonomous Brokers in Smart Grid

Yaodong Yang, Jianye Hao, Mingyang Sun, Zan Wang, Changjie Fan, Goran Strbac
2018 Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence  
The broker mechanism is widely applied to serve for interested parties to derive long-term policies in order to reduce costs or gain profits in smart grid.  ...  In this paper, we develop an effective pricing strategy for brokers in local electricity retail market based on recurrent deep multiagent reinforcement learning and sequential clustering.  ...  Then it calculates distances between the corresponding points in the order of optimal match rather than in the order of time.  ... 
doi:10.24963/ijcai.2018/79 dblp:conf/ijcai/YangHSWFS18 fatcat:uel4adcwpbcclevqtm73u6d6ae

Contract-theoretic Demand Response Management in Smart Grid Systems

Nafis Irtija, Fisayo Sangoleye, Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou
2020 IEEE Access  
at an announced price, and the prosumers, who offer their "effort" by paying for the purchased electricity.  ...  The contract-theoretic DRM problem is formulated as a maximization problem of the electricity market's utility, while jointly guaranteeing the optimal satisfaction of the prosumers, under the scenarios  ...  In [24] , a distributed prosumers' utility maximization framework is proposed, where the optimal prices and the demand schedules are determined in order for each prosumer to maximize its net benefit subject  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3030195 fatcat:sgktbumivrgujpojqtrn55enra

Energy Management Based on Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for A Multi-Energy Industrial Park [article]

Dafeng Zhu, Bo Yang, Yuxiang Liu, Zhaojian Wang, Kai Ma, Xinping Guan
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Thus, this paper proposes a multi-energy management framework achieved by decentralized execution and centralized training for an industrial park.  ...  contributing agents to learn better policies, soft actor-critic for improving robustness and exploring optimal solutions.  ...  The stochastic renewable energy and multi-energy demand have a joint impact on system performance.  ... 
arXiv:2202.03771v1 fatcat:vvohb5g5vvba3ioz3cih6tyeim

Applications of Probabilistic Forecasting in Smart Grids: A Review

Hosna Khajeh, Hannu Laaksonen
2022 Applied Sciences  
Unlike the existing reviews, this paper assesses several uncertain parameters for which probabilistic forecasting models have been developed.  ...  Then, it reviews how the recent literature used these forecasting methods and for which uncertain parameters they wanted to obtain distributions.  ...  With the help of the sequential method, uncertainties of time-series inputs (such as variable generation of renewable energy resources and electricity demand) are implemented in a better way [75] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/app12041823 doaj:7983bd9658584546868ebcb5964433cc fatcat:ddrmqguhmbe6dpn5nbw3cl43bm

Identification of new forecasting products

Pierre Pinson, Amandine Pierrot, Liyang Han, Ricardo Bessa, Jose Gouveia, Carlos Moreira, Simon CAMAL
2021 Zenodo  
As the share of renewable energy generation in the energy mix increases, in parallel to a liberalization of electricity markets, new needs for forecasting have appeared.  ...  Forecasting of renewable energy generation is a mature R&D area, also with a lot of operational experience and commercial offering.  ...  Joint densities would in that case give the complete information about what will happen for each location, time and renewable energy type involved, as well as dependencies.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5836716 fatcat:4bspwlyipvfmzksfkx6cvpapfu

Reinforcement Learning-Based Cooperative P2P Power Trading between DC Nanogrid Clusters with Wind and PV Energy Resources [article]

Sangkeum Lee, Sarvar Hussain Nengroo, Hojun Jin, Taewook Heo, Yoonmee Doh, Chungho Lee, Dongsoo Har
2022 arXiv   pre-print
The flexible and reliable DC nanogrid is suitable for integrating renewable energy for a distribution system.  ...  Consequently, the cooperative P2P power trading system maximizes the profit by considering the time of use (ToU) tariff-based electricity cost and the system marginal price (SMP), and minimizes the amount  ...  C.Reinforcement learning The RL deals with knowledge acquisition on how agents should figure out the sequences of actions in a given environment in order to maximize cumulative reward.  ... 
arXiv:2209.07744v2 fatcat:jiznqw5udfg5hmeuw3rzbou67i

Distributed Robust Model Predictive Control-Based Energy Management Strategy for Islanded Multi-Microgrids Considering Uncertainty

Zhuoli Zhao, Juntao Guo, Xi Luo, Chun Sing Lai, Ping Yang, Loi Lei Lai, Peng Li, Josep M. Guerrero, Mohammad Shahidehpour
2022 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid  
In this paper, in order to reduce the adverse effects of uncertain renewable energy output, a distributed robust model predictive control (DRMPC)-based energy management strategy is proposed for islanded  ...  The structure of multimicrogrids provides the possibility to construct flexible and various energy trading framework.  ...  An RO framework for joint an optimal scheduling of energy and reserves for multi-microgrids was proposed in [14] , in which the non-anticipativity in reserve scheduling is considered.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsg.2022.3147370 fatcat:chcog3yv7nfvxoa34znuwgrcie

Green Internet of Vehicles (IoV) in the 6G Era: Toward Sustainable Vehicular Communications and Networking [article]

Junhua Wang, Kun Zhu, Ekram Hossain
2021 arXiv   pre-print
In addition, we introduce the potential challenges and the emerging technologies in 6G for developing green IoV systems.  ...  As one of the most promising applications in future Internet of Things, Internet of Vehicles (IoV) has been acknowledged as a fundamental technology for developing the Intelligent Transportation Systems  ...  They formulate a joint optimization problem for resource reuse and power allocation for D2D links in order to maximize the energy-efficiency for cellular D2D-based V2X communication network, with the consideration  ... 
arXiv:2108.11879v1 fatcat:l3fidzspwbhi5mmw55dds7vddu

Challenges in Transition to m Commerce in Rural India

Nishi Malhotra, Pankaj Shah, Saravanan S.
2017 International Journal of Computer Applications  
An descriptive study to evaluate various kinds of models for different kinds of data distribution is aimed at identifying the best kind of Hidden Markov Model for studying the issue of channel migration  ...  India being a predominantly agricultural economy has lot of potential for m commerce marketing.  ...  (Zucchini and Macdonald 2009) proposed the most comprehensive Hidden Markov Model theory for time series.  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2017915387 fatcat:wg2lwtqisrhupcbampwigsotpi

Consumer Choice Model for Forecasting Demand and Designing Incentives for Solar Technology

Ruben Lobel, Georgia Perakis
2011 Social Science Research Network  
Using this model, we develop a framework for policy makers to find optimal subsidies in order to achieve a desired adoption target with minimum cost for the system.  ...  In particular, we assume consumers purchase these solar panels according to a discrete choice model.  ...  Acknowledgments We would like to thank the following people for the private conversations we had, where we obtained great  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.1748424 fatcat:6dtjknu27ba35bcuyg4uorspm4

Energy Sustainable Mobile Networks via Energy Routing, Learning and Foresighted Optimization [article]

Angel Fernandez Gambin, Maria Scalabrin, Michele Rossi
2018 arXiv   pre-print
., they can also purchase energy from the power grid.  ...  is devised for the computation of energy allocation and transfer schedules.  ...  This framework is designed for online use and combines learning and foresighted optimization.  ... 
arXiv:1803.06173v1 fatcat:vmfurebk2jhl5fswyvkdsirhha

An Orderly EV Charging Scheduling Method Based on Deep Learning in Cloud-Edge Collaborative Environment

Jiayong Zhong, Xiaofu Xiong, Yi-Zhang Jiang
2021 Advances in Civil Engineering  
Therefore, this paper proposes an ordered charging scheduling method for EV in the cloud-edge collaborative environment.  ...  Firstly, the uncertainty of user load demands, charging station requirements, and renewable outputs are taken into consideration.  ...  series used for load curve fitting.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/6690610 fatcat:6qfwwfqkkvazlkwoqwl2myriee
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