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Guest editorial: special issue on modeling and mitigation techniques for software aging

Zheng Zheng, Kishor S. Trivedi
2020 Software quality journal  
The special issue presents an opportunity to explore the synergies between the modeling of software aging and the testing and debugging of programs with aging-related bugs and mitigation techniques during  ...  A parallel track addressing problems like testing, locating, and repair has applied specifically to aging-related bugs.  ...  The eighth paper by Xiaoxue Wu et al. on "Invalid Bug Reports Complicate the Software Aging Situation" used performance bugs that are highly related to software aging as an example to construct a binary  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11219-020-09496-0 fatcat:pyyikpgtifejdgclbawi76amsa

Evolution of the Testing Strategies using Advanced Automation and Artificial Intelligence in Software Development

2020 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research  
Software testing is the process of evaluating the developed system to calculate the quality of the final product or software, but the software testing process is very costly and takes a lot of time through  ...  the software development life cycle and manual software testing becomes more and more difficult.  ...  Writing Good Bug Reports: After testing is done, the tester is responsible for writing a bug report.  ... 
doi:10.30534/ijeter/2020/1068102020 fatcat:pdualaum5je4rhtwbjva5fncui

Detecting Kernel Refcount Bugs with Two-Dimensional Consistency Checking

Xin Tan, Yuan Zhang, Xiyu Yang, Kangjie Lu, Min Yang
2021 USENIX Security Symposium  
the function to correspondingly operate the refcount, and thus a violating case is a potential bug.  ...  A refcount of a tracked object is incremented when a new reference is assigned and decremented when a reference becomes invalid.  ...  However, in addition to the situations we discussed in §5, there are other complicated reference-escape situations which CID can not recognize.  ... 
dblp:conf/uss/Tan0YL021 fatcat:xwrjvxktvjgalkom2zphbaoqzy

Rule-Based Exploratory Testing of Graphical User Interfaces

Theodore D. Hellmann, Frank Maurer
2011 2011 AGILE Conference  
The preliminary evaluation found that this approach can be used to detect both general and application-specific bugs, but that rules for general bugs are easier to transfer between applications.  ...  Also, despite the advantages of keyword-based testing, it interferes with the transfer of rules between applications.  ...  to new situations.  ... 
doi:10.1109/agile.2011.23 dblp:conf/agiledc/HellmannM11 fatcat:n3tv6wxwbva47mtmpsww3qllli

Be Conservative: Enhancing Failure Diagnosis with Proactive Logging

Ding Yuan, Soyeon Park, Peng Huang, Yang Liu, Michael Mihn-Jong Lee, Xiaoming Tang, Yuanyuan Zhou, Stefan Savage
2012 USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation  
We describe a comprehensive study characterizing the efficacy of logging practices across five large and widely used software systems.  ...  Across 250 randomly sampled reported failures, we first identify that more than half of the failures could not be diagnosed well using existing log data.  ...  We are also grateful to the Opera group, Alex Rasmussen, and the UCSD System and Networking group for the useful discussions and paper proof-reading.  ... 
dblp:conf/osdi/YuanPHLLTZS12 fatcat:gdn5hb5jsbfkxn2r75teavqtbu

Data Quality Model-based Testing of Information Systems

Anastasija Nikiforova, Janis Bicevskis, Zane Bicevska, Ivo Oditis
2020 Proceedings of the 2020 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems  
Otherwise, the user can verify the cause of the differences that may occur due incorrect software, as well as an inaccurate specification.  ...  The proposed alternative approach changes the testing process: (1) CTS can be generated prior to software development; (2) CTS contains not only input data, but also database content required for complete  ...  In the proposed case, the situation is more complicated because all generated tests must be able to be performed automatically in one session.  ... 
doi:10.15439/2020f25 dblp:conf/fedcsis/NikiforovaBBO20 fatcat:xigo4247zvhz3mfbptl37hu47u

Measuring quality of grammars for procedural level generation

Riemer van Rozen, Quinten Heijn
2018 Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games - FDG '18  
We propose a novel metric called Metric of Added Detail (MAD) that indicates if a rule adds or removes detail with respect to its phase in the transformation pipeline, and Specification Analysis Reporting  ...  Ideally, each generated level has the intended qualities. Unfortunately, improving the productivity of level designers comes at the cost of quality assurance.  ...  We thank Joris Dormans for collaborating with us and answering our many questions about the design of Ludoscope.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3235765.3235821 dblp:conf/fdg/RozenH18 fatcat:7kurcsyy4jgsbnt3m6p6q3dxv4

Book Reports

Stephen Mason
2019 Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review  
Book Reports  ...  Anthony de Garr Robinson QC: '42,000 such bugs' This figure too is based on the invalid 1 in 10 probability.  ...  The author refers to the possibility that software (p 132) and the internet (p 182) might kill people, and suggests the situation will change once this occurs.  ... 
doi:10.14296/deeslr.v16i0.5083 fatcat:xffuaxxzd5hdbo6vhjnqy3fkam

The impact and resolution of the GPS week number rollover of April 2019 on autonomous geophysical instrument platforms

Shane Coyle, C. Robert Clauer, Michael D. Hartinger, Zhonghua Xu, Yuxiang Peng
2021 Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems  
Due to the rarity of these events (19.6 years for GPS), software designers may be unaware of such circumstance or may choose to ignore it for development complexity considerations.  ...  Although it is impossible to predict every fault that may occur in a complicated system, there are a few "best practices" that can allow for graceful fault recovery and restorative action.  ...  This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant nos. PLR-1543364, AGS-2027210, and AGS-2027168.  ... 
doi:10.5194/gi-10-161-2021 fatcat:femiliaskvbijlo2hbkpvf7uxy

LightSys: Lightweight and Efficient CI System for Improving Integration Speed of Software [article]

Geunsik Lim, MyungJoo Ham, Jijoong Moon, Wook Song
2021 arXiv   pre-print
The tendency for software platforms to immediately update software packages with feature updates and bug-fixes is a significant obstacle.  ...  The complexity and size increase of software has extended the delay for developers as they wait for code analysis and code merge.  ...  insightful comments and feedback that helped improve the paper.  ... 
arXiv:2101.07961v3 fatcat:2tq23h2jwravdcpdfuv25xdzh4

How do software practitioners perceive human-centric defects? [article]

Vedant Chauhan, Chetan Arora, Hourieh Khalajzadeh, John Grundy
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Objective: This research aims to understand the perception and current management practices of such human-centric defects by software practitioners, identify key challenges in reporting, understanding  ...  Software users can have different genders, ages, cultures, languages, disabilities, socioeconomic statuses, and educational backgrounds, among many other differences.  ...  Practitioners reported that they identify defects by following one or more of the following steps: (i) reviewing bug reports, log files, invalid logical flows, requirement specifications, expected results  ... 
arXiv:2402.02726v1 fatcat:m7odlo6lobfzlgc2qd5d3mk7fq

Build It, Break It, Fix It

James Parker, Michael Hicks, Andrew Ruef, Michelle L. Mazurek, Dave Levin, Daniel Votipka, Piotr Mardziel, Kelsey R. Fulton
2020 ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security  
Teams can also earn points by reporting bugs in the oracle, i.e., where its behavior contradicts the written specification; these reports are judged by the organizers.  ...  Build-it teams are provided with the bug reports and test cases implicating their submission.  ...  Manuel Benz, Martin Mory, Luke Valenta, Matt Blaze, Philip Ritchey, Aymeric Fromherz, Lujo Bauer, and Bryan Parno ran the contest at their universities and tested the infrastructure.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3383773 fatcat:nspvogjka5b7roxu3lp7hnpcia

Extending the space of software test monitoring: practical experience

Mykhailo Lasynskyi, Janusz Sosnowski
2021 IEEE Access  
Most practical test reports do not provide sufficient information for localizing and correcting bugs.  ...  Software reliability depends on the performed tests. Bug detection and diagnosis are based on test outcome (oracle) analysis.  ...  Bug reports should comprise information helpful to locate and fix bugs [26] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3136138 fatcat:tlsw6ylvx5e3xod4bf73imkqme

Vulnerabilities as Blind Spots in Developer's Heuristic-Based Decision-Making Processes

Justin Cappos, Yanyan Zhuang, Daniela Oliveira, Marissa Rosenthal, Kuo-Chuan Yeh
2014 Proceedings of the 2014 workshop on New Security Paradigms Workshop - NSPW '14  
ABSTRACT Despite the security community's emphasis on the importance of building secure software, the number of new vulnerabilities found in our systems is increasing.  ...  In addition, vulnerabilities that have been studied for years, such as buffer overflows, are still commonly reported in vulnerability databases.  ...  Acknowledgments We would like to thank our shepherd Julie Boxwell Ard for guidance in writing the pre-proceeding version of the paper and to the NSPW 2014 anonymous reviewers for valuable feedback.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2683467.2683472 dblp:conf/nspw/CapposZORY14 fatcat:hsoxemyshjgijlm3g5k6zcolgu

Agile (data) science: a (draft) manifesto [article]

Juan Julián Merelo-Guervós, Mario García-Valdez
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In this report we argue towards the adoption of the agile mindset and agile data science tools in academia, to make a more responsible, and over all, reproducible science.  ...  While industrial-grade data science teams have embraced the agile mindset, and adopted or created all kind of tools to create reproducible workflows, academia-based science is still (mostly) mired in a  ...  This situation has been challenged repeatedly, lately, mainly after the introduction of the aforementioned agile manifesto.  ... 
arXiv:2104.12545v3 fatcat:lvjbmzurwneozkg4o3fvktzg7m
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