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Geometric Algebra for Electrical and Electronic Engineers

James M. Chappell, Samuel P. Drake, Cameron L. Seidel, Lachlan J. Gunn, Azhar Iqbal, Andrew Allison, Derek Abbott
2014 Proceedings of the IEEE  
Withayachumnankul for his expert assistance with the diagrams. J. M. Chappell would like to thank D. Baraglia and G. M. D'Ariano for useful discussions. D. Abbott would like to thank D.  ...  Hestenes for useful discussions.  ...  Hence, for a charge configuration consisting of both electric and magnetic dipoles, we can write a dipole multivector Chappell et al.: Geometric Algebra for Electrical and Electronic Engineers acting on  ... 
doi:10.1109/jproc.2014.2339299 fatcat:pi66vjlvsvezfbqtkurcqmiaem

Contributions of the Spanish engineer Angel Gonzalez del Valle to the electric networks/circuits research from 1944 to 1964

Jose A. Delgado-Penin
2010 2010 Second Region 8 IEEE Conference on the History of Communications  
Angel Gonzalez del Valle related with the electric networks/circuits theory and its application to analog computing/simulation, which was achieved from forties to sixties in the last century in Spain.  ...  This paper considers the contributions of one outstanding as well as controversial researcher, teacher and inventor from Spain during the Francos´s dictatorship.  ...  Maximino Rodriguez Vidal and J.A. Giménez Armendariz that were collaborators and colleagues of the Prof. Angel Gonzalez del Valle during several years.  ... 
doi:10.1109/histelcon.2010.5735317 fatcat:7sgb4khq3bgincr4yd4ljafzoe

Page 393 of School Science and Mathematics Vol. 46, Issue 402 [page]

1946 School Science and Mathematics  
, mechanics, students and other readers who at least have acquired the elements of electricity and magnetism but who are not specialists in the use or design of electronic apparatus.”  ...  For those classes using the rabbit for mammalian dissection, this book leaves little to be desired. Howarp F. WRIGHT COLLEGE ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY, A BAsiIc INTEGRATED COURSE, by Frederic H.  ... 


Theophanes E. Raptis
2013 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters  
given as well as a superposition with parallel electric and magnetic components.  ...  A special algebraic structure is revealed in the context of Clebsch reparametrization of these scalars, and a special prescription for the construction of permutation invariant electromagnetic fields is  ...  Specifically, we treat all ( 2 3 ) combinations of pairs as possible Clebsch potentials for the direct construction of electric and magnetic vectors and we study the particularly simple and elegant algebraic  ... 
doi:10.2528/pierl13071904 fatcat:32ilqi4dsbggtcurmgfu3mvmrm

A Closed Algebra of Clebsch Forms Derived from Whittaker Super-potentials and applications in electromagnetic research [article]

T. E. Raptis
2013 arXiv   pre-print
given as well as a superposition with parallel electric and magnetic components.  ...  A special algebraic structure is revealed in the context of Clebsch reparametrization of these scalars, and a special prescription for the construction of permutation invariant electromagnetic fields is  ...  Specifically, we treat all ( ) 3 2 combinations of pairs as possible Clebsch potentials for the direct construction of electric and magnetic vectors and we study the particularly simple and elegant algebraic  ... 
arXiv:1308.3932v1 fatcat:a4qb4pwnpbb5rjwjl6wlndj2f4

Symbolic and User-friendly Geometric Algebra Routines (SUGAR) for Computations in Matlab [article]

Manel Velasco and Isiah Zaplana and Arnau Dória-Cerezo and Pau Martí
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Geometric algebra (GA) is a mathematical tool for geometric computing, providing a framework that allows a unified and compact approach to geometric relations which in other mathematical systems are typically  ...  Specifically tailored for applied mathematics and engineering applications, SUGAR has been meticulously engineered to represent geometric elements and transformations within two and three-dimensional projective  ...  even covers new applications like the use of geometric algebra for the modeling and analysis of power electronics.  ... 
arXiv:2403.16634v1 fatcat:2pk2mmm4hjcz3hceffnwcjw4ti

Page 191 of Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 28, Issue 3 [page]

1937 Journal of Engineering Education  
In the second paper Harold Bibber, Department of Electrical Engineering at Ohio State University, discussed the mathematics needed for electrical engineering students in a state university.  ...  The mathematics required in the discussion of the above topics includes the follow- ing: ordinary differentiation and integration; line and surface integrals ; vector algebra and calculus with geometric  ... 

Page 9 of The Journal of Social Issues Vol. 5, Issue SUPPLEMENT 2 [page]

1949 The Journal of Social Issues  
engines, the electro-magnet, the electric dynamo- motor, the correlation coefficient, the telephone, radio, electric light, photo-electric tubes, the airplane, machine guns, and atomic power.  ...  lens, wire drawing, formal logic, geometry, algebra, Arabic numerals, the experimental method, money, gunpowder, printing, newspapers, treaties, logarithms, sliderules, calculus, the steam engine, internal-combustion  ... 

Geographic gossip on geometric random graphs via affine combinations

Hariharan Narayanan
2007 Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing - PODC '07  
Narayanan 18th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC'06) Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics. • Random Trees in Electrical Networks.  ...  of the KVPY Engineering fellowship (instituted by the Govt. of India) during 2000-2003, which was awarded to 10 students nationwide for this period.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1281100.1281187 dblp:conf/podc/Narayanan07 fatcat:2mlist55onbdvlibzusootvrfy

Geometric Algebra Applied to Multiphase Electrical Circuits in Mixed Time–Frequency Domain by Means of hypercomplex Hilbert Transform

Francisco G. Montoya, Raúl Baños, Alfredo Alcayde, Francisco M. Arrabal-Campos, Javier Roldán-Pérez
2022 Mathematics  
In this paper, power flows in electrical circuits are modelled in a mixed time-frequency domain by using geometric algebra and the Hilbert transform for the first time.  ...  The proposed method can be used for sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal power supplies, non-linear loads and single- and multi-phase electrical circuits, and it provides meaningful engineering results with a  ...  " of the national programme for the generation of scientific and technological knowledge and strengthening of the R+D+I system with grant number PGC2018-098813-B-C33.  ... 
doi:10.3390/math10091419 fatcat:p53wrawqf5dlzdef7t7qp23acm

Page 369 of None Vol. 36, Issue 2 [page]

1930 None  
The text being designed for a first course, the subject is developed with the minimum of mathematical detail, no analysis more advanced than elementary algebra and trigonometry being used.  ...  the principle of least action and Fermat's principle in geometrical optics.  ... 

Considerations on the non-active power using geometric algebra

M. Castilla, J. C. Bravo, J. C. Montano, M. Ordonez, A. Lopez
2011 2011 International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives  
Index Terms-Non-active power, apparent power, instantaneous power, multivector, geometric algebra.  ...  Nevertheless, these contributions do not provide a complete and satisfactory solution to the non-active power reversibility between frequency domain and time domain.  ...  Motivation ne of the most controversial issues in electrical engineering is the universal representation of the power equation of the electrical circuits in n-sinusoidal operation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/powereng.2011.6036438 fatcat:3yhur5m52vds5naq524rkp7nk4

Page 402 of Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 35, Issue 7 [page]

1945 Journal of Engineering Education  
4o2 The subjects essential to the curricu- lum visualized here are mathematics, physics, and electrical engineering prin- ciples.  ...  (d) Fourier series and integrals. (e) Advanced algebra.  ... 

Flag Manifolds for the Characterization of Geometric Structure in Large Data Sets [chapter]

Tim Marrinan, J. Ross Beveridge, Bruce Draper, Michael Kirby, Chris Peterson
2014 Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering  
I have productively collaborated with computer scientists and electrical engineers in academia and at a federal research laboratory.  ...  I have exciting, achievable plans for my research in the coming years. My field of geometric data analysis is growing in theory, applications, and research funding. Research Interests  ...  Algebraic and Geometric Tools and Algorithms for the Analysis of Data Clouds and Large Data Arrays DOD-USAF: FA9550-12-1-0408 P00001 Algorithms on Flag Manifolds for Knowledge Discovery in N-way data  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-10705-9_45 fatcat:55hz2jh4xze37csmrmhgdtq2ru

Clifford Fuzzy Support Vector Machine for Regression and Its Application in Electric Load Forecasting of Energy System

Rui Wang, Xiaoyi Xia, Yanping Li, Wenming Cao
2021 Frontiers in Energy Research  
In this study, a fuzzy support vector machine is proposed based on geometric algebra named Clifford fuzzy support vector machine for regression (CFSVR).  ...  Clifford support vector regression (CSVR) realizes multiple outputs by the Clifford geometric algebra which can be used in multistep forecasting of electric load.  ...  Geometric Algebra with Applications in Science and Engineering . Hamburg, Germany: Forecasting Competition for Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence. Cortes, C., and Vapnik, V. (1995).  ... 
doi:10.3389/fenrg.2021.793078 fatcat:j6lgjpnqo5hkvfsen4l7lflvwe
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