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Explicit Connection Actions in Multiparty Session Types [chapter]

Raymond Hu, Nobuko Yoshida
2017 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This work extends asynchronous multiparty session types (MPST) with explicit connection actions to support protocols with optional and dynamic participants.  ...  In addition, the use cases motivating explicit connections often require a more relaxed form of multiparty choice: these extensions do not satisfy the conservative restrictions used to ensure safety in  ...  MPST with Explicit Connection Actions Global Types, Local Types and Sessions Syntax. A core syntax of global types G and local types L is defined in Fig. 2 .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-54494-5_7 fatcat:cgjqdckbbrawjfjpyu63urpvae

Multiparty Session Types Within a Canonical Binary Theory, and Beyond [chapter]

Luís Caires, Jorge A. Pérez
2016 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
, thus developing the first formal connection between multiparty and binary session types.  ...  ., compared different multiparty session types but without connecting to binary types [11] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-39570-8_6 fatcat:loe62bpdjzeirn3crno5s5iezq

Domain-Aware Session Types

Luís Caires, Jorge A. Pérez, Frank Pfenning, Bernardo Toninho, Michael Wagner
2019 International Conference on Concurrency Theory  
In both cases, typed specifications 55 can be conveniently coupled with π-calculus processes [36], in which so-called session chan-56 nels connect exactly two subsystems.  ...  As a specific application, we introduce domain-aware multiparty session types, in which 20 global protocols can express arbitrarily nested sub-protocols via domain migration.  ...  As will be made clear in § 4, this connective plays a crucial role in ensuring the 264 correctness of our analysis of multiparty domain-aware sessions in our logical setting. 265 By developing our type  ... 
doi:10.4230/lipics.concur.2019.39 dblp:conf/concur/CairesPPT19 fatcat:snpx6q5y75chngm2gpkel3rwfy

Multiparty Classical Choreographies [article]

Marco Carbone, Luis Cruz-Filipe, Fabrizio Montesi, Agata Murawska
2018 arXiv   pre-print
We present Multiparty Classical Choreographies (MCC), a language model where global descriptions of communicating systems (choreographies) implement typed multiparty sessions.  ...  Our approach unifies different lines of work on choreographies and processes with multiparty sessions, as well as their connection to linear logic.  ...  The first work that typed choreographies using multiparty session types is [8] . The idea of mixing choreographies with processes using multiparty session types is from [19] .  ... 
arXiv:1808.05088v3 fatcat:jtkdhao4dzcvdew4pzhkyaoxsi

Communication-safe web programming in TypeScript with routed multiparty session types

Anson Miu, Francisco Ferreira, Nobuko Yoshida, Fangyi Zhou
2021 Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Compiler Construction  
We present STScript, a toolchain that generates TypeScript APIs for communication-safe web development over Web-Sockets, and RouST, a new session type theory that supports multiparty communications with  ...  communications without type errors or deadlocks, conforming to a given multiparty protocol.  ...  Encoding of Multiparty Session Types.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3446804.3446854 fatcat:o3rgcbltg5a7njqygma7z3xvru

Global Progress in Dynamically Interleaved Multiparty Sessions [chapter]

Lorenzo Bettini, Mario Coppo, Loris D'Antoni, Marco De Luca, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Nobuko Yoshida
2008 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
, does not get stuck at intermediate sessions also in the presence of implicit and explicit session interleaving.  ...  This paper develops, besides a more traditional communication type system, a novel static interaction type system for global progress in dynamically interleaved multiparty sessions. ⋆ The work is partially  ...  We thank Kohei Honda and the Concur reviewers for their comments on an early version of this paper and Gary Brown for his collaboration on an implementation of multiparty session types.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-85361-9_33 fatcat:frrbxuxipjgi7h7ifqgildki4i

Session Subtyping and Multiparty Compatibility Using Circular Sequents

Ross Horne, Laura Kovács, Igor Konnov
2020 International Conference on Concurrency Theory  
We remark that global types are optional in this approach to typing sessions; indeed we show that this theory can be presented independently of the concept of global session types, or even named participants  ...  We present a structural proof theory for multi-party sessions, exploiting the expressive power of non-commutative logic which can capture explicitly the message sequence order in sessions.  ...  When typing multiparty sessions we employ only T ⊗ U, representing two parallel sessions T and U that may communicate and interleave actions.  ... 
doi:10.4230/lipics.concur.2020.12 dblp:conf/concur/Horne20 fatcat:wcxnqve55zdb7jdkodhzogmf6e

The Challenge of Typed Expressiveness in Concurrency [chapter]

Jorge A. Pérez
2016 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The work [8, 7] defines an analysis of multiparty session types (lock-free choreographies, as in [23] ) using techniques for binary session types (as in [9] ).  ...  Some works connect [9, 52] and other models. Wadler [52] gives a deadlockfree fragment of the session-typed functional language in [29] by encodings into concurrent processes.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-39570-8_16 fatcat:y6mx3k2dejdephkuwksc64n2ai

Multiparty Session Type-safe Web Development with Static Linearity

Jonathan King, Nicholas Ng, Nobuko Yoshida
2019 Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science  
First, the global interaction protocol is described in the Scribble protocol language -- based on multiparty session types.  ...  We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through a web-based Battleship game where communication is performed through WebSocket connections.  ...  for connect, send and branch actions.  ... 
doi:10.4204/eptcs.291.4 fatcat:kuebmh4p4ncpxh7hqdxxpv5niu

Multiparty Session Types Meet Communicating Automata [chapter]

Pierre-Malo Deniélou, Nobuko Yoshida
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
On one hand, we present a generalised variant of multiparty session types that have a direct semantical correspondence to CFSMs.  ...  At the same time, multiparty session types are a recent typed framework whose main feature is its ability to efficiently enforce these properties for mobile processes and programming languages.  ...  Local Types and CFSMs. We build the formal connection between multiparty session types, CFSMs and processes by first projecting a global type to the local type of each end-point.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-28869-2_10 fatcat:b5gr7ngjxnadpkncmfbputuafu

Motion Session Types for Robotic Interactions (Brave New Idea Paper)

Rupak Majumdar, Marcus Pirron, Nobuko Yoshida, Damien Zufferey, Michael Wagner
2019 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming  
session types.  ...  A projection from a global type ensures that jointly executed actions at end-points are communication safe and deadlock-free, i.e., session-typed components do not get stuck.  ...  in a multiparty motion session.  ... 
doi:10.4230/lipics.ecoop.2019.28 dblp:conf/ecoop/MajumdarPYZ19 fatcat:hhypo2j7sfc6fgd2j57fgwfipi

Statically verified refinements for multiparty protocols

Fangyi Zhou, Francisco Ferreira, Raymond Hu, Rumyana Neykova, Nobuko Yoshida
2020 Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL)  
We introduce refined multiparty session types (RMPST), an extension of MPST, that express data dependent protocols via refinement types on the data types.  ...  To address this, multiparty session types (MPST) provide a typing discipline for message-passing concurrency, guaranteeing communication safety properties such as deadlock freedom.  ...  A THEORY OF REFINED MULTIPARTY SESSION TYPES (RMPST) In this section, we introduce refined multiparty session types (RMPST for short).  ... 
doi:10.1145/3428216 fatcat:fu275gk4anhhxnxejwveib2uf4

Generating Interactive WebSocket Applications in TypeScript

Anson Miu, Francisco Ferreira, Nobuko Yoshida, Fangyi Zhou
2020 Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science  
Multiparty session types (MPST) provide a framework for verifying conformance of implementations to their prescribed communication protocol.  ...  We show that our encoding guarantees that only implementations which conform to the protocol can type-check.  ...  This work was supported in part by EPSRC projects EP/K011715/1, EP/K034413/1, EP/L00058X/1, EP/N027833/1, EP/N028201/1, and EP/T006544/1.  ... 
doi:10.4204/eptcs.314.2 fatcat:smf5t53w3belflzcdyczcpjcbm

Foundations of Session Types and Behavioural Contracts

Hans Hüttel, Emilio Tuosto, Hugo Torres Vieira, Gianluigi Zavattaro, Ivan Lanese, Vasco T. Vasconcelos, Luís Caires, Marco Carbone, Pierre-Malo Deniélou, Dimitris Mostrous, Luca Padovani, António Ravara
2016 ACM Computing Surveys  
Two related important notions of behavioural types are those of session types and behavioural contracts. This article surveys the main accomplishments of the last 20 years within these two approaches.  ...  Behavioural type systems, usually associated to concurrent or distributed computations, encompass concepts such as interfaces, communication protocols, and contracts, in addition to the traditional input  ...  Deniélou and Yoshida [2013] explore this connection further in the multiparty case.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2873052 fatcat:zpqnnmimwrglxeulwo4duwqbw4

Multiparty Compatibility in Communicating Automata: Characterisation and Synthesis of Global Session Types [article]

Pierre-Malo Deniélou, Nobuko Yoshida
2013 arXiv   pre-print
To construct a global specification from a set of distributed uncontrolled behaviours, this paper explores the problem of fully characterising multiparty session types in terms of communicating automata  ...  Multiparty session types are a type system that can ensure the safety and liveness of distributed peers via the global specification of their interactions.  ...  In Appendix C, we also extend our result to generalised multiparty session types, a recent class of multiparty session types [11] with graph-like control flow and parallelism.  ... 
arXiv:1304.1902v1 fatcat:pfnisup2nzahhpftgpv5bb34oq
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