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Fast test suite-driven model-based fault localisation with application to pinpointing defects in student programs

Geoff Birch, Bernd Fischer, Michael Poppleton
2017 Journal of Software and Systems Modeling  
Our algorithm iterates over failing test cases and collects locations where an assignment change can repair exhibited faulty behaviour.  ...  We describe a fast model-based fault localisation algorithm that, given a test suite, uses symbolic execution methods to fully automatically identify a small subset of program locations where genuine program  ...  We also thank Eli Bendersky, author of the PyCParser, the Automated Software Testing Group at Beihang University for Hawk-Eye, and contributors to all downstream components and tools used in our work.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10270-017-0612-y fatcat:kxn4tpvlybbr5gztntqjvrm7hq

Will you still compile me tomorrow? static cross-version compiler validation

Chris Hawblitzel, Shuvendu K. Lahiri, Kshama Pawar, Hammad Hashmi, Sedar Gokbulut, Lakshan Fernando, Dave Detlefs, Scott Wadsworth
2013 Proceedings of the 2013 9th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering - ESEC/FSE 2013  
This root-cause analysis groups most of the counterexamples into a small number of buckets, reducing the number of counterexamples analyzed by hand by anywhere from 53% to 96%.  ...  The validator ran on over 500,000 methods across a large suite of test programs, finding 12 previously unknown correctness and performance bugs in the CLR compiler.  ...  For these, we kept the successful test programs and omitted the failing test programs from the results.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2491411.2491442 dblp:conf/sigsoft/HawblitzelLPHGFDW13 fatcat:h7jht57iknc4bgjwacbnk5yspy

CrashLocator: locating crashing faults based on crash stacks

Rongxin Wu, Hongyu Zhang, Shing-Chi Cheung, Sunghun Kim
2014 Proceedings of the 2014 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis - ISSTA 2014  
It deduces possible crash traces (the failing execution traces that lead to crash) by expanding the crash stack with functions in static call graph.  ...  An alternative is to employ symbolic analysis techniques to generate possible test suites from program crashes, and apply the test suites at deployment site to collect passing and failing execution traces  ...  Furthermore, symbolic analysis is expensive and may not scale up to large programs such as Firefox.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2610384.2610386 dblp:conf/issta/WuZCK14 fatcat:6bhsrfiek5fdhk6ykweffwxvpi

Generalization to Novel Objects using Prior Relational Knowledge [article]

Varun Kumar Vijay, Abhinav Ganesh, Hanlin Tang, Arjun Bansal
2019 arXiv   pre-print
approach is able to apply learned relations to novel objects whereas the baseline algorithms fail.  ...  We introduce the Prior Knowledge Graph network, an architecture for combining prior information, structured as a knowledge graph, with a symbolic parsing of the visual scene, and demonstrate that this  ...  pairs; and an edge feature of '0' between the agent and impassable objects: the bucket(s) and the wall symbol.  ... 
arXiv:1906.11315v2 fatcat:zauytd4grbdhri4h4w5movbrqu

Stratosphere: Finding Vulnerable Cloud Storage Buckets [article]

Jack Cable, Drew Gregory, Liz Izhikevich, Zakir Durumeric
2023 arXiv   pre-print
By leveraging prior work in the password analysis space, we introduce Stratosphere, a system that learns how buckets are named in practice in order to efficiently guess the names of vulnerable buckets.  ...  Misconfigured cloud storage buckets have leaked hundreds of millions of medical, voter, and customer records.  ...  file, the word "test").  ... 
arXiv:2309.13496v1 fatcat:apowljdpqzag5fl7kgf6dfcjiq

Word Alignment with Stochastic Bracketing Linear Inversion Transduction Grammar

Markus Saers, Joakim Nivre, Dekai Wu
2010 North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics  
We show that alignment via Stochastic Bracketing LITGs is considerably faster than Stochastic Bracketing ITGs, while still yielding alignments superior to the widelyused heuristic of intersecting bidirectional  ...  If there are no items in B 0 , parsing has failed. To process a bucket, each item is extended by all applicable rules, and the nonterminals in the productions are added to their respective buckets.  ...  Analysis Let n be the length of the longer sentence in the pair. The number of buckets will be O(n), since the longest item will be at most 2n long.  ... 
dblp:conf/naacl/SaersNW10 fatcat:hijv4d2wardbto7ulf7fulmyam

Flex-GP: Genetic Programming on the Cloud [chapter]

Dylan Sherry, Kalyan Veeramachaneni, James McDermott, Una-May O'Reilly
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The system's performance was evaluated on two metrics, performance and speed, on a difficult symbolic regression problem.  ...  Each test run requires one bucket. Managing multiple buckets in the ResourceManager means that multiple tests can be run simultaneously.  ...  In this paper, we adopt an island based parallelization model with communication via sockets, and choose Amazon's EC2 as a computational substrate. We choose symbolic regression as an application.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29178-4_48 fatcat:5kjbxwbcnbey5ieb2jvlighsv4

A Comparison of Bloat Control Methods for Genetic Programming

Sean Luke, Liviu Panait
2006 Evolutionary Computation  
We report on the results of these tests, and discover an unexpected winner in the cross-platform category. c 2004 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Evolutionary Computation ():  ...  Testing with four genetic programming problems, we identify where each bloat control method performs well on a per-problem basis, and under what settings various methods are effective independent of problem  ...  Soule and Foster (1998a) present an analysis of Linear Parametric Parsimony Pressure and when and why it can fail.  ... 
doi:10.1162/evco.2006.14.3.309 pmid:16903796 fatcat:sx3xm5m76jhjtbfwz3bxm2ahqu

Billions and billions of constraints: Whitebox fuzz testing in production

Ella Bounimova, Patrice Godefroid, David Molnar
2013 2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)  
Since June 2010, SAGAN has recorded over 3.4 billion constraints solved, millions of symbolic executions, and tens of millions of test cases generated.  ...  Whitebox fuzzing leverages symbolic execution on binary traces and constraint solving to construct new inputs to a program.  ...  We also recognize that whitebox fuzzing is only one piece of the security puzzle and one niche application for automatic test generation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icse.2013.6606558 dblp:conf/icse/BounimovaGM13 fatcat:rnjtmntim5dlbpc4hjvqiv4x3m

Combining Testing and Runtime Verification Techniques [chapter]

Kevin Falzon, Gordon J. Pace
2013 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Testing is an established and integral part of the system design and development process, but incomplete coverage still leaves room for potential undiscovered bugs.  ...  In this paper we investigate the combination of the two approaches, by showing how one can use testing oracles to derive correct runtime verification monitors.  ...  We also allow for transitions to ⊥ to denote failing tests.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-38209-3_3 fatcat:wrhhfvrmjzbmzoaehuinmclbh4

Geotechnical installation design of suction buckets in non-cohesive soils: A reliability-based approach

Joost Remmers, Cormac Reale, Federico Pisanò, Sylvie Raymackers, Kenneth Gavin
2019 Ocean Engineering  
-Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in A B S T R A C T This study presents a probabilistic analyses of suction bucket installation in cohesionless  ...  Parametric uncertainties are considered through a Monte Carlo analysis and the results are interrogated through a variety of feasibility and sensitivity studies.  ...  Continuous probability density functions (PDF) Parameter estimates are obtained from the results of laboratory or field tests via direct measurement or correlation ( Table 2 ).  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.106242 fatcat:3wrsjiqnirddthw5t5kejhosvi

Automatic and scalable fault detection for mobile applications

Lenin Ravindranath, Suman Nath, Jitendra Padhye, Hari Balakrishnan
2014 Proceedings of the 12th annual international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services - MobiSys '14  
Because we anticipate VanarSena being used in regular regression tests, testing speed is important. VanarSena uses two techniques to improve speed.  ...  Our analysis indicates that a modest number of root causes are responsible for many observed failures, but that they occur in a wide range of places in an app, requiring a wide coverage of possible execution  ...  We focus only on recent work on mobile app testing, which falls into three broad categories: fuzz testing, which generates random inputs to apps; symbolic testing, which tests an app by symbolically executing  ... 
doi:10.1145/2594368.2594377 dblp:conf/mobisys/RavindranathNPB14 fatcat:3pmwijkftndmjlezcyltq5liee

Killing Stubborn Mutants with Symbolic Execution [article]

Thierry Titcheu Chekam, Mike Papadakis, Maxime Cordy, Yves Le Traon
2020 arXiv   pre-print
We introduce SeMu, a Dynamic Symbolic Execution technique that generates test inputs capable of killing stubborn mutants (killable mutants that remain undetected after a reasonable amount of testing).  ...  We model the mutant killing problem as a symbolic execution search within a specific area in the programs' symbolic tree.  ...  We assess the generalization of this configuration on the left out bucket (5th bucket that includes 20% of the test subjects).  ... 
arXiv:2001.02941v1 fatcat:6yut6rkpczgs3iubu5ybgwdmmy

A Design Process to Parameterize a Real-Time Simulation Model of a Commercial Vehicle

Manouchehr Mohammadi, Emil Kurvinen, Aki Mikkola
2019 International Review of Mechanical Engineering (IREME)  
In the excavator model, two parts are considered to have adjustable parameters: the bucket and the hydraulics. Each part has three options that can be selected by users.  ...  tests with three types of the bucket; 48.6 Copyright © 201 Fig. 8 8 depicts the fuel consumption in the test with the small cylinder piston and three different buckets.  ...  in the test with the small cylinder piston and three different buckets.  ... 
doi:10.15866/ireme.v13i12.18018 fatcat:tdz7qrke2zgi7pbiwkro7cjpty

On the Importance of the Kullback-Leibler Divergence Term in Variational Autoencoders for Text Generation [article]

Victor Prokhorov, Ehsan Shareghi, Yingzhen Li, Mohammad Taher Pilehvar, Nigel Collier
2019 arXiv   pre-print
corpora via different KL magnitudes, and tested on human generated sentences.  ...  |V| is the vocabulary size; Test stands for test set; %unk is the percentage of 〈unk〉 symbols in a corpora; len. is the average length of a sentence in the generated corpus; SB is the self-BLEU:4 score  ... 
arXiv:1909.13668v1 fatcat:w6udstu4kndbfnuj2zyd3uy3eq
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