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Automatic in vivo microscopy video mining for leukocytes

Chengcui Zhang, Wei-Bang Chen, Lin Yang, Xin Chen, John K. Johnstone
2007 SIGKDD Explorations  
In this paper, we present an automatic spatiotemporal mining system of rolling and adherent leukocytes for intravital videos.  ...  Automatic spatiotemporal mining of moving cells from in vivo microscopy videos is extremely difficult because of the severe noises, camera/subject movements, deformations, and strong dependencies on microscopy  ...  VIDEO FRAME ALIGNMENT The automatic mining of in vivo microscopy video is difficult.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1294301.1294309 fatcat:uktquem36bduvcfiio56aa5otm

Leukocyte Tracking Database, a collection of immune cell tracks from intravital 2-photon microscopy videos

Diego Ulisse Pizzagalli, Yagmur Farsakoglu, Miguel Palomino-Segura, Elisa Palladino, Jordi Sintes, Francesco Marangoni, Thorsten R. Mempel, Wan Hon Koh, Thomas T. Murooka, Flavian Thelen, Jens V. Stein, Giuseppe Pozzi (+3 others)
2018 Scientific Data  
Recent advances in intravital video microscopy have allowed the visualization of leukocyte behavior in vivo, revealing unprecedented spatiotemporal dynamics of immune cell interaction.  ...  Lastly, LTDB represents a step towards the unravelling of biological mechanisms by video data mining in systems biology.  ...  IRB imaging facility for microscopy assistance, Tommaso Virgilio, Irene Latino, Ilaria Pierangeli, Ilaria Arini and Radu Theodorescu for help during manual tracking.  ... 
doi:10.1038/sdata.2018.129 pmid:30015806 pmcid:PMC6049032 fatcat:xdsimddp6zbfjnjlwmkktc363e

Introduction to the special issue on data mining for health informatics

Raymond T. Ng, Jian Pei
2007 SIGKDD Explorations  
Although bioinformatics has received tremendous interest from data mining researchers, data mining for health informatics is relatively new for data mining community.  ...  To promote real problems and challenges in health informatics to data mining community, we organized this special issue. The call-for-papers of this special issue received much attention.  ...  Last but not least, the fourth paper "Automatic in vivo microscopy video mining for leukocytes" by Chengcui Zhang, Wei-Bang Chen, Lin Yang, and Xin Chen provides an interesting example of applying video  ... 
doi:10.1145/1294301.1294305 fatcat:qhc4op5i3zcq7ddnjy6ptox5te

A study on video data mining

V. Vijayakumar, R. Nedunchezhian
2012 International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval  
Compared to the mining of other types of data, video data mining is still in its infancy. There are many challenging research problems existing with video mining.  ...  Beginning with an overview of the video datamining literature, this paper concludes with the applications of video mining.  ...  Video mining of vivo microscopy video sequences is very difficult because of severe noises, background movements, leukocytes deformations, and contrast changes.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s13735-012-0016-2 fatcat:xuuf3w3b2rfcxlyevzndz6v62e

Live cell imaging to understand monocyte, macrophage, and dendritic cell function in atherosclerosis

Sara McArdle, Zbigniew Mikulski, Klaus Ley
2016 Journal of Experimental Medicine  
Intravital imaging is an invaluable tool for understanding the function of cells in healthy and diseased tissues.  ...  This review will cover the benefits and limitations of various techniques for labeling and imaging myeloid cells, with a special focus on imaging cells in atherosclerotic arteries.  ...  Direct viewing of atherosclerosis in vivo: plaque invasion by leukocytes is initiated by the endothelial selectins.  ... 
doi:10.1084/jem.20151885 pmid:27270892 pmcid:PMC4925021 fatcat:pss25ms7ibgdxnyirz6d2oble4

Live cell imaging to understand monocyte, macrophage, and dendritic cell function in atherosclerosis

Sara McArdle, Zbigniew Mikulski, Klaus Ley
2016 Journal of Cell Biology  
Direct viewing of atherosclerosis in vivo: plaque invasion by leukocytes is initiated by the endothelial selectins.  ...  Importance of primary capture and Lselectindependent secondary capture in leukocyte accumulation in inflammation and atherosclerosis in vivo. J. Exp.  ... 
doi:10.1083/jcb.2136oia120 fatcat:ytjncyr7afhfvepyh73wcpc4hu

Insulin resistance in vascular endothelial cells promotes intestinal tumour formation

X Wang, M-F Häring, T Rathjen, S M Lockhart, D Sørensen, S Ussar, L M Rasmussen, M M Bertagnolli, C R Kahn, C Rask-Madsen
2017 Oncogene  
Strikingly, these mice had 42% more intestinal tumors than Users may view, print, copy, and download text and data-mine the content in such documents, for the purposes of academic research, subject always  ...  Because hyperinsulinemia itself is an independent risk factor for cancer development, we examined tissuespecific insulin action in intestinal tumor formation.  ...  Measurement of plasma insulin and flow cytometry was done using cores in the Diabetes Research Center, supported by NIH grant 5P30DK036836, at Joslin Diabetes Center.  ... 
doi:10.1038/onc.2017.107 pmid:28459466 pmcid:PMC5578899 fatcat:afh7rlmda5hkfbvpboctri5chm

Automating Snakes for Multiple Objects Detection [chapter]

Baidya Nath Saha, Nilanjan Ray, Hong Zhang
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Extensive ex-16 periments have been carried out on two datasets: one has importance in 17 oil sand mining industry and the other one is significant in bio-medical 18 engineering.  ...  Here, we present a novel technique to 8 automate snake/active contour for multiple objects detection.  ...  To measure and analyze the rolling velocity 262 of leukocyte from the in vivo experiments, video recordings of the postcapilary 263 vennule of a cremaster muscle are made through a CCD camera coupled with  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-19318-7_4 fatcat:sndlfgw3dvhfza2sfbhgfnvzty

ICIP 2001 - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing

2001 Proceedings 2001 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat No 01CH37205) ICIP-01  
Schrump, National Institutes of Health, USA TRACKING LEUKOCYTES FROM IN VIVO VIDEO MICROSCOPY USING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vol.  ...  Hess, Institute for Neurobiology, Germany HIERARCHICAL ITERATIVE BAYESIAN APPROACH TO AUTOMATIC RECOGNITION .... Vol. I1 . p. 347 OF BIOLOGICAL VIRUSES IN ELECTRON MICROSCOPE IMAGES B. Matuszewski; L.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icip.2001.958934 fatcat:llnzif3dnvegphm4wwtm3tlhmq

Characterization of the Dynamic Behavior of Neutrophils Following Influenza Vaccination

Diego Ulisse Pizzagalli, Irene Latino, Alain Pulfer, Miguel Palomino-Segura, Tommaso Virgilio, Yagmur Farsakoglu, Rolf Krause, Santiago F. Gonzalez
2019 Frontiers in Immunology  
In this work, we characterized in vivo the dynamic behavior of neutrophils in the mouse popliteal lymph node (PLN) after influenza vaccination with UV-inactivated virus.  ...  swarms in the subcapsular sinus of the PLN, which were associated with macrophages in this compartment.  ...  Mariagrazia Uguccioni and Marcus Thelen for critical discussion of the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fimmu.2019.02621 pmid:31824481 pmcid:PMC6881817 fatcat:fl43agg3fbcsnntgyqrl3f2i2a

Automated Processing of Zebrafish Imaging Data: A Survey

Ralf Mikut, Thomas Dickmeis, Wolfgang Driever, Pierre Geurts, Fred A. Hamprecht, Bernhard X. Kausler, María J. Ledesma-Carbayo, Raphaël Marée, Karol Mikula, Periklis Pantazis, Olaf Ronneberger, Andres Santos (+3 others)
2013 Zebrafish  
Due to the relative transparency of its embryos and larvae, the zebrafish is an ideal model organism for bioimaging approaches in vertebrates.  ...  Here, we describe the current state of the art in computational image analysis in the zebrafish system.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge all participants of the Satellite Workshop ''Future image processing platforms'' of the 2nd European Zebrafish Principal Investigator Meeting in Karlsruhe, 108  ... 
doi:10.1089/zeb.2013.0886 pmid:23758125 pmcid:PMC3760023 fatcat:k23sufo6dbdpjj6mqaflrfxbni

Conceival, a novel noncontraceptive vaginal vehicle for lipophilic microbicides

Osmond J. D'Cruz, Peter Samuel, Fatih M. Uckun
2005 AAPS PharmSciTech  
Conceival was evaluated in vivo in the New Zealand white rabbit model for the preservation of sperm function based on pregnancy outcome and the potential for vaginal irritation following single and multiple  ...  Three representative poorly water-soluble novel broad-spectrum anti-HIV microbicides, PHI-113, PHI-346, and PHI-443, were evaluated in 11 different solvent systems.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health grants HD037357, HD042884, HD042889, HD043683, and AI054352 to Osmond J. DÕCruz.  ... 
doi:10.1208/pt060111 pmid:16353964 pmcid:PMC2750412 fatcat:wv65sv735bbbnbw3v4hpemnipm

Enhanced adhesion of blood platelets to intact endothelium of mesenteric vascular bed in mice with streptozotocin-induced diabetes is mediated by an up-regulated endothelial surface deposition of VWF – In vivo study

Tomasz Przygodzki, Marcin Talar, Hassan Kassassir, Lukasz Mateuszuk, Jacek Musial, Cezary Watala
2017 Platelets  
However, there is still no direct evidence for greater interaction between platelets and intact endothelium in in vivo animal models of diabetes.  ...  Numerous in vitro experiments have confirmed that a dysfunctional endothelium is characterized by, inter alia, a higher affinity for binding of platelets and leukocytes.  ...  Nieswandt from the Department of Experimental Biomedicine, University of Würzburg, University Hospital and Rudolf Virchow Center, Würzburg, Germany and Emfret Analytics (Eibelstadt, Germany) for the kind  ... 
doi:10.1080/09537104.2017.1332365 pmid:28745543 fatcat:ey765pcxhbfhrb3wo5zrlpg4fq

An Overview of Organs-on-Chips Based on Deep Learning

Jintao Li, Jie Chen, Hua Bai, Haiwei Wang, Shiping Hao, Yang Ding, Bo Peng, Jing Zhang, Lin Li, Wei Huang
2022 Research  
Deep learning, an emerging area of research in the field of machine learning, can automatically mine the inherent characteristics and laws of "big data" and has achieved remarkable applications in computer  ...  The integration of deep learning in OoCs is an emerging field that holds enormous potential for drug development, disease modeling, and personalized medicine.  ...  However, reducing the huge cost of manual labeling and automatically mining and refining the inherent characteristics of massive data are key challenges that urgently need to be overcome.  ... 
doi:10.34133/2022/9869518 pmid:35136860 pmcid:PMC8795883 fatcat:hjh27q2igbhmfjez2gymh6ohqi

Methodical Approaches of Image Analysis on Malarial Parasites Identification and Categorization in Thick Blood Smears-A Review

C Berin Jones, T Susitha
2018 Journal of excellence in Computer Science and Engineering  
Real time in vivo optical imaging of infected cells based on automated computer vision provides possible insights about the plasmodium species that could be applied to treat and prevent malaria.  ...  Although the world has succeeded in finding out the devices that detect and classify the malaria parasites well in thin blood films, technology still lacks sufficient innovation in identifying and classifying  ...  [106] Segmentation is a common procedure for any diseases. [107] supports computer aided automatic tools for segmentation.  ... 
doi:10.18831/djcse.in/2018021002 fatcat:da7jrrjfcnez3o6st54amkeyrm
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