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Rejection Threshold Optimization using 3D ROC Curves: Novel Findings on Biomedical Datasets

Asli Uyar
2021 International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering  
Considering classification with reject option, we need to represent the tradeoff between TP, FP and rejection rates.  ...  Reject option is introduced in classification tasks to prevent potential misclassifications.  ...  Conclusion In this study, we have presented a novel approach to classification with reject option: rejection threshold optimization based on 3D ROC analysis.  ... 
doi:10.18201/ijisae.2021167933 fatcat:zgk5n3eoavfyvoxnmogxnkrsuy

A risk bound for ensemble classification with a reject option

Kush R. Varshney
2011 2011 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP)  
In this work, a bound on generalization error for ensemble classification with a reject option is derived that involves two intuitive properties of the ensemble: average strength and mean correlation.  ...  In decision support scenarios, it is often of interest for automatic classification algorithms to abstain from making decisions on the most uncertain signals; this is known as classification with a reject  ...  Such abstention is known as classification with a reject option [1, 2] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/ssp.2011.5967817 fatcat:parvujqwcjfulpk6baevefyxem

Practical Ensemble Classification Error Bounds for Different Operating Points

Kush R. Varshney, Ryan J. Prenger, Tracy L. Marlatt, Barry Y. Chen, William G. Hanley
2013 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  
Significantly, the bounds are empirically shown to have much practical utility in determining optimal parameters for classification with a reject option, classification for ultralow probability of false  ...  A generalization bound for ensemble classification at the standard operating point has been developed based on two interpretable properties of the ensemble: strength and correlation, using the Chebyshev  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Part of this work was performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tkde.2012.219 fatcat:ykxlucephzbj5hrtqoc7pkxtoa

The interaction between classification and reject performance for distance-based reject-option classifiers

Thomas C.W. Landgrebe, David M.J. Tax, Pavel Paclík, Robert P.W. Duin
2006 Pattern Recognition Letters  
We show how the operating characteristics can be used for both model selection, and in aiding in the choice of the reject threshold.  ...  Consider the class of problems in which a target class is well-defined, and an outlier class is ill-defined.  ...  A special mention is given to the anonymous reviewers who helped clarify some aspects of this work.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2005.10.015 fatcat:qs6yv3qwhrbh7iojuv3fdscxcu

Linear Classifier with Reject Option for the Detection of Vocal Fold Paralysis and Vocal Fold Edema

Constantine Kotropoulos, Gonzalo R. Arce
2009 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing  
The optimal operating point of the linear classifier is specified with and without reject option. First results using utterances of the "rainbow passage" are also reported for completeness.  ...  The reject option is shown to yield statistically significant improvements in the accuracy of detecting the voice pathologies under study.  ...  The superiority of the linear classifier with reject option is demonstrated in Figure 5 , where the convex hull of the ROC curves with reject option (solid line) and without reject option (dashed line  ... 
doi:10.1155/2009/203790 fatcat:nnxpcvr3fzcelon2l4nlheo3ou

GMM improves the reject option in hierarchical classification for fish recognition

Phoenix X. Huang, Bastiaan J. Boom, Robert B. Fisher
2014 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision  
A reject option in classification is useful to filter less confident decisions of known classes or to detect and remove untrained classes.  ...  This paper presents a novel rejection system in a hierarchical classification method for fish species recognition.  ...  Result analysis and discussions The system performance of fish recognition is evaluated by Average Recall (AR) and Average Precision (AP), which are averaged by all classes with reject option.  ... 
doi:10.1109/wacv.2014.6836076 dblp:conf/wacv/HuangBF14 fatcat:f3ogewugtzakvi5qco2qxhtgyq

A Survey on Sentiment Classification for Product Aspect Ranking

Neha M., D.V. Gore
2015 International Journal of Computer Applications  
A large number of reviews for the product are available on the internet .To classify these reviews is very difficult task.  ...  In this paper, we study the survey of different techniques for sentiment classification.  ...  Results were obtained without reject option and with reject option. SVM gains higher accuracy without reject option and NBSVM gains higher accuracy with reject option.  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2015907595 fatcat:cvx47lgopbcphnrhmo6kffrgla

Optimal Rejection Function Meets Character Recognition Tasks [article]

Xiaotong Ji, Yuchen Zheng, Daiki Suehiro, Seiichi Uchida
2022 arXiv   pre-print
This rejection function is trained together with a classification function under the framework of Learning-with-Rejection (LwR).  ...  The highlights of LwR are: (1) the rejection strategy is not heuristic but has a strong background from a machine learning theory, and (2) the rejection function can be trained on an arbitrary feature  ...  writer with a rejection option.  ... 
arXiv:2203.09151v1 fatcat:mrbg2w5ar5hjtpm24zzpcvd7wm

Accuracy-Rejection Curves (ARCs) for Comparing Classification Methods with a Reject Option

Malik Sajjad Ahmed Nadeem, Jean-Daniel Zucker, Blaise Hanczar
2010 Journal of machine learning research  
These comparisons are based on classification schemes in which all samples are classified, regardless of the degree of confidence associated with the classification of a particular sample on the basis  ...  We describe an approach in which the performance of different classifiers is compared, with the possibility of rejection, based on several reject areas.  ...  Acknowledgments We would like to thank the Government of France, High Education Commission (HEC) Government of Pakistan, Societe Francaise d'Exportation des Ressources Educatives (SFERE), France, University  ... 
dblp:journals/jmlr/NadeemZH10 fatcat:mjewn2azkjbhndffn2qesf7rta

Rejection Strategies for Learning Vector Quantization – A Comparison of Probabilistic and Deterministic Approaches [chapter]

Lydia Fischer, David Nebel, Thomas Villmann, Barbara Hammer, Heiko Wersing
2014 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing  
We present prototype-based classification schemes, e. g. learning vector quantization, with cost-function-based and geometrically motivated reject options.  ...  We demonstrate that reject options improve the accuracy of the models in most cases, and that the performance of the proposed schemes is comparable to the optimal reject option of the Bayes classifier  ...  Given a certainty measure r : R n → R for the classification of a point x and a threshold θ ∈ R, a simple reject option is to reject x iff r(x) < θ.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-07695-9_10 fatcat:kuklema6engwrmxd7m4yjdogjm

Speech Emotion Recognition with a Reject Option

Kusha Sridhar, Carlos Busso
2019 Interspeech 2019  
We use two different criteria to develop a SER system with a reject option, where it can accept or reject a sample as needed.  ...  This paper proposes a classification technique with a reject option using deep neural networks (DNNs) that increases its performance by selectively trading its coverage in the testing set.  ...  Results and Analysis This section evaluates the use of a reject option in SER problems.  ... 
doi:10.21437/interspeech.2019-1842 dblp:conf/interspeech/SridharB19 fatcat:yixgukba5vgojlbmq6dsmzlbly

Pattern rejection strategies for the design of self-paced EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces

Fabien Lotte, Harold Mouchere, Anatole Lecuyer
2008 Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Proceedings of the International Conference on  
Concerning the reject option, RC outperformed a specialized reject classifier which outperformed TRF.  ...  Overall, the best results were obtained using the RC reject option and non-linear classifiers such as a Gaussian support vector machine, a fuzzy inference system or a radial basis function network.  ...  The SC and RC reject options should take advantage of discriminant classifiers because they consider the rejection problem as a simple classification task.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icpr.2008.4761454 dblp:conf/icpr/LotteML08 fatcat:zh3a4cdepvcidprb75owr2gm7u

On the Feature Selection Methods and Reject Option Classifiers for Robust Cancer Prediction

Muhammad Hammad Waseem, Malik Sajjad Ahmed Nadeem, Assad Abbas, Aliya Shaheen, Wajid Aziz, Adeel Anjum, Umar Manzoor, Muhammad A. Balubaid, Seong-O Shim
2019 IEEE Access  
Reject Option (RO) classifiers have been used to improve the predictive accuracy of classifiers for cancer like complex problems.  ...  Therefore, both FS methods and ML algorithms with RO need to be considered for robust classification.  ...  Overall results depict that better classification for the colon dataset can be achieved with reject option.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2944295 fatcat:j5hmitdb4rg7riz3657ooprira

PyMDA: microcrystal data assembly using Python

Lina Takemaru, Gongrui Guo, Ping Zhu, Wayne A. Hendrickson, Sean McSweeney, Qun Liu
2020 Journal of Applied Crystallography  
The recent developments at microdiffraction X-ray beamlines are making microcrystals of macromolecules appealing subjects for routine structural analysis.  ...  Microcrystal diffraction data collected at synchrotron microdiffraction beamlines may be radiation damaged with incomplete data per microcrystal and with unit-cell variations.  ...  Crystal rejection Each of the N classes with data completeness higher than 90% may be used for crystal rejection with an option --rjxtal.  ... 
doi:10.1107/s160057671901673x pmid:32047415 pmcid:PMC6998775 fatcat:kfjyla27rzfsvizlhtdvx4oh2u

Toward Improving the Reliability of Discrete Movement Recognition of sEMG Signals

Shengli Zhou, Fei Fei, Kuiying Yin
2022 Applied Sciences  
The proposed algorithm can reject the trained movements with low reliability and is efficient in rejecting the untrained movements, thus enhancing the reliability of the myoelectric control system.  ...  Currently, the classification accuracy of surface electromyography (sEMG) signals is high in literature, but the conventional recognition system may classify untrained movements or the trained movements  ...  A literature review on classification with reject options is introduced in Section 2.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app12073374 fatcat:2enzjz7tdvcrlhbps76gouuo6i
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