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An Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle Attack Scenario and Trustworthy Repair Architecture

Kate Highnam, Kevin Angstadt, Kevin Leach, Westley Weimer, Aaron Paulos, Patrick Hurley
2016 2016 46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshop (DSN-W)  
We attest to the relevance of such a scenario for both enterprise and defense applications. We describe a system architecture for resiliency and trustworthiness in the face of these attacks.  ...  In this short paper, we discuss an indicative class of UAVs and a potential attack scenario in which a benign UAV completing a mission can be compromised by a malicious attacker with an antenna and a commodity  ...  GenProg is an evolutionary approach that is inherently resilient due to its ability to evolve a solution but provides limited trust guarantees since it uses a stochastic approach to fight through attacks  ... 
doi:10.1109/dsn-w.2016.63 dblp:conf/dsn/HighnamALWPH16 fatcat:pworgs2umnbknhps2onukww3ne

2020 Index IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems Vol. 7

2020 IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems  
., +, TCNS June 2020 932-943 Estimating the Impact of Cyber-Attack Strategies for Stochastic Networked Control Systems.  ...  ., +, TCNS Sept. 2020 1330-1341 Motion Capability Analysis for Multiple Fixed-Wing UAV Formations With Speed and Heading Rate Constraints.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tcns.2020.3048651 fatcat:ydlonetqinfcpaxiy4itp7tsw4

Models and Framework for Adversarial Attacks on Complex Adaptive Systems [article]

Vahid Behzadan, Arslan Munir
2017 arXiv   pre-print
Furthermore, we propose a comprehensive set of schemes for classification of attacks and attack surfaces in CAS, complemented with examples of practical attacks.  ...  Building on this foundation, we propose a framework based on reinforcement learning for simulation and analysis of attacks on CAS, and demonstrate its performance through three real-world case studies  ...  A stochastic policy π(s, a) represents the probability of optimality for action a at state s.  ... 
arXiv:1709.04137v1 fatcat:risynvwcrffbddmogtwg5cmcli

2019 Index IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems Vol. 49

2019 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics. Systems  
., +, TSMC Dec. 2019 2416-2423 Collision avoidance A Real-Time and Fully Distributed Approach to Motion Planning for Multi- robot Systems.  ...  Abate, A.F., +, TSMC March 2019 469-481 Image motion analysis A Novel Real-Time Moving Target Tracking and Path Planning System for a Quadrotor UAV in Unknown Unstructured Outdoor Scenes.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsmc.2019.2956665 fatcat:xhplbanlyne7nl7gp2pbrd62oi

Modeling and Control of Large-Scale Adversarial Swarm Engagements [article]

Theodoros Tsatsanifos, Abram H. Clark, Claire Walton, Isaac Kaminer, Qi Gong
2021 arXiv   pre-print
In particular, we apply these schemes to the case of agents defending a high-value unit from an attacking swarm.  ...  CONCLUSIONS In this paper we have addressed the question of optimal motion planning for large-scale autonomous systems that explicitly include attrition.  ...  Figure 1 shows an optimization ofP 1, where survival probability is not coupled to the equations of motion of the attackers, for 25 defenders protecting an HVU against a swarm of 100 attackers.  ... 
arXiv:2108.02311v1 fatcat:3v4dhlkzerdsnblox2izqabrki

Vision-Based Navigation Techniques for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Review and Challenges

Muhammad Yeasir Arafat, Muhammad Morshed Alam, Sangman Moh
2023 Drones  
The goal of this study was to provide a comprehensive review of vision-based UAV navigation techniques.  ...  Recently, vision-based approaches that use cheaper and more flexible visual sensors have shown considerable advantages in UAV navigation owing to the rapid development of computer vision.  ...  Acknowledgments: The authors thank the editor and anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on improving the quality of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.3390/drones7020089 fatcat:tjzjca6yd5djtl2pusg54uft5y

A Survey on Machine-Learning Techniques for UAV-Based Communications

Petros S Bithas, Emmanouel T Michailidis, Nikolaos Nomikos, Demosthenes Vouyioukas, Athanasios G Kanatas
2019 Sensors  
In this article, we provide a detailed survey of all relevant research works, in which ML techniques have been used on UAV-based communications for improving various design and functional aspects such  ...  In this context, the machine-learning (ML) framework is expected to provide solutions for the various problems that have already been identified when UAVs are used for communication purposes.  ...  [22] A review of DL for UAVs DL for feature extraction, planning, situational awareness, and motion control Luong et al. [23] DRL in wireless networks UAV as an agent Zhang et al.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s19235170 pmid:31779133 pmcid:PMC6929112 fatcat:pnur7lmpj5bj7poebmdfpd6bhi

Q -learning approach to automated unmanned air vehicle (UAV) demining

Silvia Ferrari, Greyson Daugherty, Grant R. Gerhart, Douglas W. Gage, Charles M. Shoemaker
2010 Unmanned Systems Technology XII  
This paper develops a Q-learning approach to Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) navigation, or path planning, for sensing applications in which an infrared (IR) sensor or camera is installed onboard the UAV for  ...  The approach is demonstrated through a demining application in which a UAV-based IR sensor is capable of determining the optimal altitude for properly detecting and classifying targets buried in a complex  ...  INTRODUCTION This paper develops a Q-learning sensor planning approach to Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) navigation for sensing and surveillance applications.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.850135 fatcat:exflfljljfg4risfrf3wrst76a

LightMAN: A Lightweight Microchained Fabric for Assurance- and Resilience-Oriented Urban Air Mobility Networks

Ronghua Xu, Sixiao Wei, Yu Chen, Genshe Chen, Khanh Pham
2022 Drones  
LightMAN is tailored for small-scale permissioned UAV networks, in which a microchain acts as a lightweight distributed ledger for security guarantees.  ...  In this paper, we introduce LightMAN, a lightweight microchained fabric for data assurance and resilience-oriented UAM networks.  ...  Moreover, the distributed nature of DroneChain also improves the availability and resilience of data validation for potential failures and attacks.  ... 
doi:10.3390/drones6120421 fatcat:x6zt2ge4gne2hfmvn7dxbcadfa

Table of Contents

2020 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology  
Shu 9031 A Joint Service Migration and Mobility Optimization Approach for Vehicular Edge Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ...  Hu 8871 Resource Allocation for Multi-Tenant Network Slicing: A Multi-Leader Multi-Follower Stackelberg Game Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ... 
doi:10.1109/tvt.2020.3011246 fatcat:jc4kjbytyfgi5h5oe53i4b7ew4

2021 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems - Final program

2021 2021 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)  
Athens is a magnificent location for such an international event like the 2021 ICUAS.  ...  For the second year in a row, I write this welcome message while the COVID-19 pandemic is still present world-wide, perhaps more manageable, and despite on-going and accelerated vaccination efforts from  ...  The presented approach also seeks to utilise the characteristics of drone motion for more effective drone detection through machine learning.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icuas51884.2021.9476682 fatcat:crdrcczqlbaebncnd76b47hfsu

2020 Index IEEE Systems Journal Vol. 14

2020 IEEE Systems Journal  
., +, JSYST June 2020 2882-2891 Electrical Power System Resilience Assessment: A Comprehensive Approach.  ...  ., +, JSYST March 2020 1195-1205 An MINLP-Based Approach for the Design-for-Control of Resilient Water Supply Systems.  ...  ., +, 2585 -2588 Energy-Efficient IoT-Fog-Cloud Architectural Paradigm for Real-Time Wildfire Prediction and Forecasting. 2003 -2011 Agent Pseudonymous Authentication-Based Conditional Privacy Preservation  ... 
doi:10.1109/jsyst.2021.3054547 fatcat:zf2aafvnfzbeje32qei5563myu

Learning to Fly: A Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Software-Defined UAV Network Control

Hai Cheng, Lorenzo Bertizzolo, Salvatore DrOro, John Buczek, Tommaso Melodia, Elizabeth Serena Bentley
2021 IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society  
scalable solution for large UAV networks.  ...  The training environment integrates previously developed wireless protocol stacks for UAVs into the CORE/EMANE emulation tool.  ...  Machine learning and its flavors are employed to predict the data size of computing tasks for efficient UAV-based MEC [52] ; to combat adversarial attacks for cellular-connected UAVs [41] ; to optimize  ... 
doi:10.1109/ojcoms.2021.3092690 fatcat:oq4zsqljhvdabi6jhrtyzdmpbu

Scanning the Issue

Azim Eskandarian
2021 IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems (Print)  
To this end, the authors propose an ATFM framework for scrutinizing the stochastic nature of ATS through a chance-constraint-based probabilistic approach.  ...  In order to efficiently balance the current and future air traffic demands with the system capacity, a proper air traffic flow management (ATFM) approach is required.  ...  The proposed network is also a general structure for other multiple commands prediction in motion planning.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tits.2021.3128609 fatcat:ntohivivqvdspec2nfokzaer6a

Surveying pervasive public safety communication technologies in the context of terrorist attacks

Ali Masood, Davide Scazzoli, Navuday Sharma, Yannick Le Moullec, Rizwan Ahmad, Luca Reggiani, Maurizio Magarini, Muhammad Mahtab Alam
2020 Physical Communication  
scenarios especially in terrorist attacks, such as beamforming and localization for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), LTE sidelink for both centralized (base-station assisted) and decentralized (without  ...  technologies necessary for the given context including the point of view of direct communication between (i) on-ground devices, (ii) on-ground devices and UAVs, and (iii) UAVs.  ...  We think that there 1620 is still a need for further research in this context. • PSNs Resilient to Jamming Attacks: the context of terrorist attacks requires a specific resilience of the PSN to jamming  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.phycom.2020.101109 fatcat:s74tzgwo6rfmbjyfqnytrdxece
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