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655 Hits in 4.5 sec

A Short Note on Concentration Inequalities for Random Vectors with SubGaussian Norm [article]

Chi Jin, Praneeth Netrapalli, Rong Ge, Sham M. Kakade, Michael I. Jordan
2019 arXiv   pre-print
In this note, we derive concentration inequalities for random vectors with subGaussian norm (a generalization of both subGaussian random vectors and norm bounded random vectors), which are tight up to  ...  Acknowledgements We thank Gabor Lugosi and Nilesh Tripuraneni for helpful discussions. References Joel A Tropp. User-friendly tail bounds for sums of random matrices.  ...  Introduction to the non-asymptotic analysis of random matrices. arXiv preprint arXiv:1011.3027, 2010.  ... 
arXiv:1902.03736v1 fatcat:zday7mbfrvdvppxgqlyvr3ungm

On the concentration of subgaussian vectors and positive quadratic forms in Hilbert spaces [article]

Mattes Mollenhauer, Claudia Schillings
2023 arXiv   pre-print
In these notes, we investigate the tail behaviour of the norm of subgaussian vectors in a Hilbert space.  ...  This leads to useful extensions and analogues of known Hoeffding-type inequalities and deviation bounds for positive random quadratic forms.  ...  The authors wish to thank Vladimir Spokoiny for dicussions of the finite-dimensional case.  ... 
arXiv:2306.11404v2 fatcat:heplppsdkrafbditcluhlvlkgu

Restricted Isometry Property under High Correlations [article]

Shiva Prasad Kasiviswanathan, Mark Rudelson
2019 arXiv   pre-print
models (including, subgaussian, sparse, low-randomness, satisfying convex concentration property), satisfies the RIP with high probability.  ...  In this paper, we construct a new broad ensemble of random matrices with dependent entries that satisfy the restricted isometry property.  ...  A simple corollary of Hanson-Wright inequality from Theorem 2.1 is a concentration inequality for random vectors with independent subgaussian components.  ... 
arXiv:1904.05510v2 fatcat:5aq6nxdku5etnffvnvhbtugyx4

Nonuniform Sparse Recovery with Subgaussian Matrices [article]

Ulaş Ayaz, Holger Rauhut
2011 arXiv   pre-print
In this note we focus on nonuniform recovery using Gaussian random matrices and ℓ_1-minimization.  ...  We provide a condition on the number of samples in terms of the sparsity and the signal length which guarantees that a fixed sparse signal can be recovered with a random draw of the matrix using ℓ_1-minimization  ...  Indeed, the proof of Lemma E.2 is taken from a book draft that the second author is currently preparing with him.  ... 
arXiv:1007.2354v2 fatcat:jxqma7jukrahxgvriuvcjlbv4y

Some problems in asymptotic convex geometry and random matrices motivated by numerical algorithms [article]

Roman Vershynin
2007 arXiv   pre-print
We discuss some conjectures and known results in two related directions -- computing the size of projections of high dimensional polytopes and estimating the norms of random matrices and their inverses  ...  Combining with the concentration of measure inequality, one deduces a deviation bound [7] : for every t > 0, with probability at least 1 − 2e −t 2 /2 one has (2.1) √ n − √ d − t ≤ λ min (A) ≤ λ max (A  ...  Invertibility of random matrices For a one-to-one linear operator A : X → Y between two normed spaces X and Y , two quantities are central in functional analysis: the norm A and the norm of the inverse  ... 
arXiv:cs/0703093v1 fatcat:t2gw3yqgh5c7xplnam6dsp3rfe

Recent developments in non-asymptotic theory of random matrices [article]

Mark Rudelson
2013 arXiv   pre-print
Non-asymptotic theory of random matrices strives to investigate the spectral properties of random matrices, which are valid with high probability for matrices of a large fixed size.  ...  In these notes we survey some recent results in this area and describe the techniques aimed for obtaining explicit probability bounds.  ...  Then Theorem 8.2 implies that, with high probability, the short Khinchin inequality holds for N independent subgaussian vectors with constant α 1 = cδ 2 .  ... 
arXiv:1301.2382v2 fatcat:7d62akzovfeuhcyhruiiezly2a

Non-asymptotic Theory of Random Matrices: Extreme Singular Values

Mark Rudelson, Roman Vershynin
2011 Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians 2010 (ICM 2010)  
We focus on recently developed geometric methods for estimating the hard edge of random matrices (the smallest singular value).  ...  The classical random matrix theory is mostly focused on asymptotic spectral properties of random matrices as their dimensions grow to infinity.  ...  The short Khinchin inequality shows also that the 1 and 2 norms are equivalent on a random subspace E := AR n ⊂ R N .  ... 
doi:10.1142/9789814324359_0111 fatcat:65juoo23ezapvhwt6grj33c3wy

Statistical analysis of latent generalized correlation matrix estimation in transelliptical distribution

Fang Han, Han Liu
2017 Bernoulli  
With regard to the restricted spectral norm, we for the first time present a "sign sub-Gaussian condition" which is sufficient to guarantee that the rank-based correlation matrix estimator attains the  ...  With regard to the spectral norm, we highlight the role of "effective rank" in quantifying the rate of convergence.  ...  This implies that Let β > 0 be a constant defined as We have Han and Liu Page 30 Acknowledgments We sincerely thank Marten Wegkamp for his very helpful discussions and generously providing independent  ... 
doi:10.3150/15-bej702 pmid:28337068 pmcid:PMC5360110 fatcat:x7qj6rtqt5d2lb5jvbobkbdir4

Non-asymptotic theory of random matrices: extreme singular values [article]

Mark Rudelson, Roman Vershynin
2010 arXiv   pre-print
We focus on recently developed geometric methods for estimating the hard edge of random matrices (the smallest singular value).  ...  The classical random matrix theory is mostly focused on asymptotic spectral properties of random matrices as their dimensions grow to infinity.  ...  The short Khinchin inequality shows also that the ℓ 1 and ℓ 2 norms are equivalent on a random subspace E := AR n ⊂ R N .  ... 
arXiv:1003.2990v2 fatcat:khsvm4ulvrci7lg7atpzj72fjm

Hanson-Wright inequality and sub-gaussian concentration [article]

Mark Rudelson, Roman Vershynin
2013 arXiv   pre-print
We deduce a useful concentration inequality for sub-gaussian random vectors.  ...  Two examples are given to illustrate these results: a concentration of distances between random vectors and subspaces, and a bound on the norms of products of random and deterministic matrices.  ...  Sub-gaussian concentration Hanson-Wright inequality has a useful consequence, a concentration inequality for random vectors with independent sub-gaussian coordinates.  ... 
arXiv:1306.2872v3 fatcat:4uxz6wcdgbcizhqmyldqhcuq2a

Hanson-Wright inequality and sub-gaussian concentration

Mark Rudelson, Roman Vershynin
2013 Electronic Communications in Probability  
We deduce a useful concentration inequality for sub-gaussian random vectors.  ...  Two examples are given to illustrate these results: a concentration of distances between random vectors and subspaces, and a bound on the norms of products of random and deterministic matrices.  ...  Sub-gaussian concentration Hanson-Wright inequality has a useful consequence, a concentration inequality for random vectors with independent sub-gaussian coordinates.  ... 
doi:10.1214/ecp.v18-2865 fatcat:4gvq62wfovhijlc3b346geaa5y

From Poincaré Inequalities to Nonlinear Matrix Concentration [article]

De Huang, Joel A. Tropp
2021 arXiv   pre-print
This paper deduces exponential matrix concentration from a Poincar\'e inequality via a short, conceptual argument.  ...  The proof relies on the subadditivity of Poincar\'e inequalities and a chain rule inequality for the trace of the matrix Dirichlet form.  ...  I Matrix concentration inequalities describe the probability that a random matrix is close to its expected value, with deviations measured by the ℓ 2 operator norm.  ... 
arXiv:2006.16561v2 fatcat:ibhkfe6vs5ditnmptr4syeyd5i

Optimal non-gaussian Dvoretzky-Milman embeddings [article]

Daniel Bartl, Shahar Mendelson
2023 arXiv   pre-print
We construct the first non-gaussian ensemble that yields the optimal estimate in the Dvoretzky-Milman Theorem: the ensemble exhibits almost Euclidean sections in arbitrary normed spaces of the same dimension  ...  Acknowledgements: The first author is grateful for financial support through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) projects ESP-31N and P34743N.  ...  A centred random vector X in R d satisfies L p − L 2 norm equivalence with constant constant L if for any u ∈ R d , X, u Lp ≤ L X, u L 2 . (1.2) Note that if, in addition, X is isotropic (that is, X is  ... 
arXiv:2309.12069v1 fatcat:skhss4qvhbf5dhiu7uymn5zvgu

Convex recovery of a structured signal from independent random linear measurements [article]

Joel A. Tropp
2014 arXiv   pre-print
To demonstrate the power of this approach, the paper presents a short analysis of phase retrieval by trace-norm minimization.  ...  This chapter develops a theoretical analysis of the convex programming method for recovering a structured signal from independent random linear measurements.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS JAT gratefully acknowledges support from ONR award N00014-11-1002, AFOSR award FA9550-09-1-0643, and a Sloan Research Fellowship. Thanks are also due to the Moore Foundation.  ... 
arXiv:1405.1102v3 fatcat:lzfxtp33evb7vfiakffv7bjdoi

Convex Recovery of a Structured Signal from Independent Random Linear Measurements [chapter]

Joel A. Tropp
2015 Sampling Theory, a Renaissance  
To demonstrate the power of this approach, the paper presents a short analysis of phase retrieval by trace-norm minimization.  ...  This chapter develops a theoretical analysis of the convex programming method for recovering a structured signal from independent random linear measurements.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS JAT gratefully acknowledges support from ONR award N00014-11-1002, AFOSR award FA9550-09-1-0643, and a Sloan Research Fellowship. Thanks are also due to the Moore Foundation.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-19749-4_2 fatcat:b5awmja4e5dgpetkcin6u342em
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