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On Quality-of-Service Provisioning in IEEE 802.11ax WLANs

Der-Jiunn Deng, Shao-Yu Lien, Jorden Lee, Kwang-Cheng Chen
2016 IEEE Access  
A revolutionary effort to seek fundamental improvement of 802.11, known as IEEE 802.11ax, has been approved to deliver the next-generation wireless local area network (WLAN) technologies. In WLANs, medium access control protocol is the key component that enables efficient sharing the common radio channel while satisfying the quality of service (QoS) requirements for multimedia applications. With the new physical layer design and subsequent new medium access control functions under more demands
more » ... n QoS and user experience, in this paper, we first survey the QoS support in legacy 802.11. Then, we summarize the IEEE 802.11ax standardization activities in progress and present an overview of current perspectives and expected features on medium access control protocol design to better support QoS and user experience in 802.11ax. We present the motivation behind, explain design principles, and identify new research challenges. To better satisfy customer needs on high bandwidth and low latency, emerging longterm evolution licensed-assisted access and its impacts to QoS provisioning in IEEE 802.11ax are further addressed given the collaboration between cellular and WLANs, and given the trend of 5G cellular over unlicensed bands. INDEX TERMS Quality of service, IEEE 802.11ax, LTE-LAA, 5G, 5G-unlicensed, medium access control, wireless local area networks, WiFi, heterogeneous networks. 6086 2169-3536
doi:10.1109/access.2016.2602281 fatcat:2wi7hxlqbvgmrfvicftc5r6bne