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Quantized Constant-Q Gabor Atoms for Sparse Binary Representations of Cyber-Physical Signatures

Milton A. Garcés
2020 Entropy  
Increased data acquisition by uncalibrated, heterogeneous digital sensor systems such as smartphones present new challenges. Binary metrics are proposed for the quantification of cyber-physical signal characteristics and features, and a standardized constant-Q variation of the Gabor atom is developed for use with wavelet transforms. Two different continuous wavelet transform (CWT) reconstruction formulas are presented and tested under different signal to noise ratio (SNR) conditions. A sparse
more » ... perposition of Nth order Gabor atoms worked well against a synthetic blast transient using the wavelet entropy and an entropy-like parametrization of the SNR as the CWT coefficient-weighting functions. The proposed methods should be well suited for sparse feature extraction and dictionary-based machine learning across multiple sensor modalities.
doi:10.3390/e22090936 pmid:33286705 pmcid:PMC7597198 fatcat:xyow2fphzffrtjl57wzbwfyud4