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A Comprehensive Study of Vision Transformers in Image Classification Tasks [article]

Mahmoud Khalil, Ahmad Khalil, Alioune Ngom
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Image Classification is a fundamental task in the field of computer vision that frequently serves as a benchmark for gauging advancements in Computer Vision. Over the past few years, significant progress has been made in image classification due to the emergence of deep learning. However, challenges still exist, such as modeling fine-grained visual information, high computation costs, the parallelism of the model, and inconsistent evaluation protocols across datasets. In this paper, we conduct
more » ... comprehensive survey of existing papers on Vision Transformers for image classification. We first introduce the popular image classification datasets that influenced the design of models. Then, we present Vision Transformers models in chronological order, starting with early attempts at adapting attention mechanism to vision tasks followed by the adoption of vision transformers, as they have demonstrated success in capturing intricate patterns and long-range dependencies within images. Finally, we discuss open problems and shed light on opportunities for image classification to facilitate new research ideas.
arXiv:2312.01232v2 fatcat:sg3ulxriebdtzc4cvei34di3s4