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User scheduling and relay selection with fairness concerns in multi-source cooperative networks

Li Wang, Xuedan Zhang, Yuhan Dong
2013 International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad-Hoc and Wireless Networks  
In this paper, we consider user scheduling and relay selection with fairness concerns in a multi-source cooperative network, where sources take turns to deliver their information to the base station and then relays help to forward their corresponding source's message under system scheduling decision. We investigate the maximum achievable rate as the system objective and propose a suboptimal algorithm to solve the optimization problems by distributing source time slots using perfect matching
more » ... od, and selecting relays to help transmission in appropriate time slots of relay stage using exhaustive or simplified algorithm, respectively. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme can significantly improve the short-term transmission fairness while maintaining comparable system performance with the traditional scheme.
dblp:conf/wiopt/WangZD13 fatcat:7szgkl3swzbjpmzc4targpndie