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A Quality- and Cost-based Selection Model for Multimedia Service Composition in Mobile Environments

Wolf-tilo Balke, Jorg Diederich
2006 2006 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'06)  
When moving from monolithic applications towards service-oriented multimedia frameworks, the composition of Web services to form complex multimedia workflows becomes a demanding problem. Especially mobile devices require a flexible composition strategy as they often have to move computationally complex or power-demanding tasks to powerful servers. Such a strategy also has to consider the changing environment due to movements of the device and it has to adapt to device-specific characteristics,
more » ... .g., the current battery level. Hence, mobile devices experience problems beyond the mere question of services' availability or successful execution. We propose the E 2 Mon algorithm that monitors the execution chain of Web services and gracefully recovers from failures of individual services and network-specific or device-specific alarms. The sophisticated control flow dynamically chooses the quality-optimal and cost-optimal composition of available services handling both successive and parallel service execution.
doi:10.1109/icws.2006.11 dblp:conf/icws/BalkeD06 fatcat:6sjsvuuecvca5je2ozfs4wexny