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Privacy-Preserving Platform for Transactive Energy Systems [article]

Karla Kvaternik and Aron Laszka and Michael Walker and Douglas Schmidt and Monika Sturm and Martin lehofer and Abhishek Dubey
2018 arXiv   pre-print
Transactive energy systems (TES) are emerging as a transformative solution for the problems faced by distribution system operators due to an increase in the use of distributed energy resources and a rapid acceleration in renewable energy generation. These, on one hand, pose a decentralized power system controls problem, requiring strategic microgrid control to maintain stability for the community and for the utility. On the other hand, they require robust financial markets operating on
more » ... ed software platforms that preserve privacy. In this paper, we describe the implementation of a novel, blockchain-based transactive energy system. We outline the key requirements and motivation of this platform, describe the lessons learned, and provide a description of key architectural components of this system.
arXiv:1709.09597v2 fatcat:ds2d2nwlp5ht7ezp7v47pvobla