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Statistical real-time channels on multiaccess bus networks

Chih-Che Chou, K.G. Shin
1997 IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems  
Real-time communication with performance guarantees is expected to become an important and necessary feature of future computer networks. In this paper, we present a scheme which can provide real-time communication services with both absolute and statistical performance guarantees on multiaccess bus networks for given input traffic characteristics and performance requirements. The proposed scheme reserves network bandwidth for real-time connections according to their needs. It also allows for
more » ... dependent addition and deletion of real-time connections while preserving existing guarantees. Our extensive simulation results for motion video communication have shown the proposed scheme to outperform the other well-known schemes.
doi:10.1109/71.605764 fatcat:pvnwseuptfduzge4fff3mb67ju