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Terrain Specific Real Time Pixelated Camouflage Texture Generation & its Impact Assessment

Sachi Choudhary, Rashmi Sharma
2022 Defence Science Journal  
"Camouflage" is a natural or nature identical phenomenon where the sensory route of vision is delayed toavoid visual detection. Reducing detection capability and hiding in the background environment is critical for Army vehicles, equipment, and soldiers. This research aims to implement a process that will generate digital camouflage patterns specific to the terrain. The adapted digital pattern helps an object blend symmetrically into the background environment. Pixelated textures combine macro
more » ... nd micro designs that blend with ambient shrubs, trees, branches, and shadows. The technique presented in this paper consists of the following main modules: terrain classification model, pixelated camouflage texture generation, and texture evaluation. Experiments have been conducted to detect camouflage objects in the scene to evaluate the performance of the resultant camouflage texture generated for a natural environment. Photo simulation and saliency maps for hidden object detection have been used to evaluate the effectiveness of generated textures for a given terrain
doi:10.14429/dsj.72.17599 fatcat:abi4z7imzffjpdrzvjvfn5gklm