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IFDMA: A Scheme Combining the Advantages of OFDMA and CDMA

Tobias Frank, Anja Klein, Elena Costa
2007 IEEE wireless communications  
Future mobile radio systems have to fulfill challenging requirements. Some of them are met by single carrier based multiple access (MA) schemes like CDMA and others by multi carrier based MA schemes like OFDMA. Thus, MA schemes integrating the characteristics of both are receiving more and more interest. In this article, candidate MA schemes based on the idea of integration are summarized and classified using a new framework. Moreover, Interleaved Frequency Division Multiple Access (IFDMA) is
more » ... own to be a scheme that combines the advantages of both, CDMA and OFDMA, and is a promising candidate MA scheme especially for non-adaptive transmission in the uplink of future mobile radio systems. -(DS-)CDMA Walsh-Hadamard -full bandwidth CDMA Block transmission DS-CDMA Walsh-Hadamard DFT full bandwidth CDMA IFDMA -DFT interleaved FDMA FDOSS DFT full bandwidth CDMA VSCRF-CDMA Walsh-Hadamard DFT interleaved CDMA+FDMA LFDMA -DFT blockwise FDMA
doi:10.1109/mwc.2007.386607 fatcat:s3xkqpw5n5d6dhovn4xs5idora