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An Integrated Power Grid Equipment Operation and Maintenance Solution Based on Big Data, Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things and Mobile Internet

Liang Dong
2017 Automation Control and Intelligent Systems  
The traditional operation and maintenance methods cannot meet the new demands of current grid operation and maintenance as it grows in both scale and complexity. Based on the analysis of the shortcomings of the existing methods, an integrated solution based on big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things and mobile Internet is proposed in this paper. Internet of Things technologies such as RFID and wireless transmission are adopted to acquire and sense information of field equipment. Big
more » ... ta and cloud computing technologies are used to standardize field work management and supervise standard field work operation. Besides, a data exchange channel is built between maintenance site and control center via intelligent operation and maintenance terminals to enable data upload and interaction between maintenance site and control center. Biography Liang Dong (1969-), Male, Master, Senior engineer, long-term engagement in power system O&M management. Su Yirong (1977-), communication author, Male, Master, Senior engineer, long-term engagement in research and development of smart grid technology. Liu Zhiwei (1981 -), Male, Master, Senior engineer, long-term engagement in research and development of smart grid technology. Liu Shen (1988-), Male, Master, Engineer, long-term engagement in power system O&M management.
doi:10.11648/j.acis.20170505.12 fatcat:f7xogp7hjzajdmv5e2r4d6itxm