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A Deterministic Algorithm for Pliable Index Coding [article]

Linqi Song, Christina Fragouli
2016 arXiv   pre-print
Pliable index coding considers a server with m messages, and n clients where each has as side information a subset of the messages. We seek to minimize the number of transmissions the server should make, so that each client receives (any) one message she does not already have. Previous work has shown that the server can achieve this using O(\log^2(n)) transmissions and needs at least \Omega(log(n)) transmissions in the worst case, but finding a code of optimal length is NP-hard. In this paper,
more » ... e propose a deterministic algorithm that we prove achieves this upper bound, that is, in an order almost as the worst-case optimal code length. We also establish a connection between the pliable index coding problem and the minrank problem over a family of mixed matrices.
arXiv:1601.05516v1 fatcat:6prh376sonhjnm4omlmmdaac34