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The impact of vehicle moving violations and freeway traffic flow on crash risk: An application of plugin development for microsimulation

Junhua Wang, Yumeng Kong, Ting Fu, Joshua Stipancic, Xiaosong Hu
2017 PLoS ONE  
This paper presents the use of the Aimsun microsimulation program to simulate vehicle violating behaviors and observe their impact on road traffic crash risk. Plugins for violations of speeding, slow driving, and abrupt stopping were developed using Aimsun's API and SDK module. A safety analysis plugin for investigating probability of rear-end collisions was developed, and a method for analyzing collision risk is proposed. A Fuzzy C-mean Clustering algorithm was developed to identify high risk
more » ... tates in different road segments over time. Results of a simulation experiment based on the G15 Expressway in Shanghai showed that abrupt stopping had the greatest impact on increasing collision risk, and the impact of violations increased with traffic volume. The methodology allows for the evaluation and monitoring of risks, alerting of road hazards, and identification of hotspots, and could be applied to the operations of existing facilities or planning of future ones.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0184564 pmid:28886141 pmcid:PMC5590972 fatcat:nytn2avrenf5fj2b4nas5z5q54