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Automated detection of altered mental status in emergency department clinical notes: a deep learning approach

Jihad S. Obeid, Erin R. Weeda, Andrew J. Matuskowitz, Kevin Gagnon, Tami Crawford, Christine M. Carr, Lewis J. Frey
2019 BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making  
Machine learning has been used extensively in clinical text classification tasks. Deep learning approaches using word embeddings have been recently gaining momentum in biomedical applications. In an effort to automate the identification of altered mental status (AMS) in emergency department provider notes for the purpose of decision support, we compare the performance of classic bag-of-words-based machine learning classifiers and novel deep learning approaches.
doi:10.1186/s12911-019-0894-9 pmid:31426779 pmcid:PMC6701023 fatcat:iz7i2a2gljan3kstp5h2olskdm