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Scalable clustering of news search results

Srinivas Vadrevu, Choon Hui Teo, Suju Rajan, Kunal Punera, Byron Dom, Alexander J. Smola, Yi Chang, Zhaohui Zheng
2011 Proceedings of the fourth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining - WSDM '11  
In this paper, we present a system for clustering the search results of a news search engine. The news search interface includes the relevant news articles to a given query organized in terms of related news stories. Here each cluster corresponds to a news story and the news articles are clustered into stories. We present a system that clusters the search results of a news search system in a fast and scalable manner. The clustering system is organized into three components including offline
more » ... tering, incremental clustering and realtime clustering. We propose novel techniques for clustering the search results in realtime. The experimental results with large collections of news documents reveal that our system is both scalable and also achieves good accuracy in clustering the news search results.
doi:10.1145/1935826.1935918 dblp:conf/wsdm/VadrevuTRPDSCZ11 fatcat:wz6rd7osxjccdldyakftvw6azy