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Enhancing Security of IoT by Using Blockchain

Bodoor Al-Rayani, Jawaher Al-Harbi, Morooj Al-Ghamdi
2022 OALib  
In recent years, the Internet of Things has become urgent in our lives, as it is used in many areas to facilitate business and daily life. But unfortunately, there are concerns due to security and safety issues. Therefore, many researchers have turned their attention to identifying the best solutions for increasing security and raising privacy one of which is the usage of Blockchain in the Internet of Things. This paper presents the benefits of applying Blockchain technology to the Internet of
more » ... hings, the challenges faced and the most up-to-date components that satisfy the Component-Based Development (CBD) principles to enhance security and privacy.
doi:10.4236/oalib.1109148 fatcat:vimkawgtivadzmdcgvucujtfca