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An Analysis of Location Prediction Models

S. S., E. Akinola
2020 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Location Prediction is an estimate of a location in which a user will be at a particular place at a particular time within a certain probability. Location Prediction has gained prominence over the past decade which is due to improved technology in mobile communication. Classification of mobile users can be regular or random which can be used to ascertain the pattern of the user over a period of time which also helps in planning the movement of the user. This paper places emphasizes on the
more » ... nce of location prediction models in mobile users. A review of various location prediction model is carried out showing the effectiveness of each model, limitations, and also future work of some research works. Although this article does not give an exhaustive survey of all techniques and applications but it gives a description of several types of algorithms and models used for location prediction.
doi:10.5120/ijca2020920063 fatcat:lstc4uzdrbg3pegwzd2ftnrfsy