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Internet indirection infrastructure

Ion Stoica, Daniel Adkins, Shelley Zhuang, Scott Shenker, Sonesh Surana
2002 Proceedings of the 2002 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communications - SIGCOMM '02  
Attempts to generalize the Internet's point-to-point communication abstraction to provide services like multicast, anycast, and mobility have faced challenging technical problems and deployment barriers. To ease the deployment of such services, this paper proposes a general, overlay-based Internet Indirection Infrastructure ( 3) that offers a rendezvous-based communication abstraction. Instead of explicitly sending a packet to a destination, each packet is associated with an identifier; this
more » ... ntifier is then used by the receiver to obtain delivery of the packet. This level of indirection decouples the act of sending from the act of receiving, and allows 3 to efficiently support a wide variety of fundamental communication services. To demonstrate the feasibility of this approach, we have designed and built a prototype based on the Chord lookup protocol.
doi:10.1145/633030.633033 fatcat:lj65eluma5bx7mpmm6neis2dyy