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Fingerprint attack against touch-enabled devices

Yang Zhang, Peng Xia, Junzhou Luo, Zhen Ling, Benyuan Liu, Xinwen Fu
2012 Proceedings of the second ACM workshop on Security and privacy in smartphones and mobile devices - SPSM '12  
Oily residues left by tapping fingers on a touch screen may breach user privacy. In this paper, we introduce the fingerprint attack against touch-enabled devices. We dust the touch screen surface to reveal fingerprints, and use an iPhone camera to carefully photograph fingerprints while striving to remove the virtual image of the phone from the fingerprint image. We then sharpen the fingerprints in an image via various image processing techniques and design effective algorithms to automatically
more » ... map fingerprints to a keypad in order to infer tapped passwords. Extensive experiments were conducted on iPad, iPhone and Android phone and the results show that the fingerprint attack is effective and efficient in inferring passwords from fingerprint images. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first using fingerprint powder on touch screen and inferring passwords from fingerprints. Video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= vRUbJIcV9vg shows the dusting process on iPhone and video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jS6KroER3Y shows the dusting process on iPad. After dusting, password characters for login are clearly disclosed.
doi:10.1145/2381934.2381947 dblp:conf/ccs/ZhangXLLLF12 fatcat:evzazhh4vvahxixdp2xkdbxqvu