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Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on Heterogeneous Communications Networks

Chunxiao Jiang, Abderrahim Benslimane, Mianxiong Dong, Ekram Hossain
2020 IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering  
His research interests include application of game theory, optimization, and statistical theories to communication, networking, and resource allocation problems, in particular space networks and heterogeneous networks. Abderrahim Benslimane (Senior Member, IEEE) has been a Professor in computer science with Avignon University, Avignon, France, since 2001. His research interests are in development of communication protocols with the use of graph theory for mobile and wireless networks. Mianxiong
more » ... Dong (Senior Member, IEEE) became the youngest ever Professor with the Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, Japan, where he is currently the Vice-President. His research interests include wireless networks, cloud computing, and cyberphysical systems. Ekram Hossain (Senior Member, IEEE) is currently a Professor and an Associate Head (Graduate Studies) with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada. His current research interests include design, analysis, and optimization beyond 5G cellular wireless networks.
doi:10.1109/tnse.2020.3026566 fatcat:rej32vuse5bgrajuih26pct3oy