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Construction of University Makerspace from the Perspective of Open Innovation

Ming SUN
2020 DEStech Transactions on Social Science Education and Human Science  
In the context of knowledge-based economy, with the booming of the maker movement, the open innovation theory based on collaborative innovation and user innovation has promoted the makerspace as a significant innovation medium and an emerging form of economy. The review of the maker movement and the analysis of the meaning, operation mechanism and external environment of open innovation can justify the idea that open innovation will become an important thrust to the new round of technological
more » ... volution. Based on theoretical research, this paper attempts to explore the use of open innovation theory to provide guidance for the construction of makerspace, cultivate the maker culture, and promote the reform of innovation and entrepreneurship education in application-oriented universities.
doi:10.12783/dtssehs/ecemi2020/34663 fatcat:6s476pqylzbzneq6mfiwqefe5e