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Hecate: Abuse Reporting in Secure Messengers with Sealed Sender [article]

Rawane Issa, Nicolas Alhaddad, Mayank Varia
2021 IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive  
End-to-end encryption provides strong privacy protections to billions of people, but it also complicates efforts to moderate content that can seriously harm people. To address this concern, Tyagi et al. [CRYPTO 2019] introduced the concept of asymmetric message franking (AMF), which allows people to report abusive content to a moderator, while otherwise retaining endto-end privacy by default and even compatibility with anonymous communication systems like Signal's sealed sender. In this work,
more » ... provide a new construction for asymmetric message franking called Hecate that is faster, more secure, and introduces additional functionality compared to Tyagi et al. First, our construction uses fewer invocations of standardized crypto primitives and operates in the plain model. Second, on top of AMF's accountability and deniability requirements, we also add forward and backward secrecy. Third, we combine AMF with source tracing, another approach to content moderation that has previously been considered only in the setting of nonanonymous networks. Source tracing allows for messages to be forwarded, and a report only identifies the original source who created a message. To provide anonymity for senders and forwarders, we introduce a model of AMF with preprocessing whereby every client authenticates with the moderator out-of-band to receive a token that they later consume when sending a message anonymously.
dblp:journals/iacr/IssaAV21 fatcat:bisd6kguure25makrsq7ki3gty