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Low-Power Resistive Memory Integrated on III-V Vertical Nanowire MOSFETs on Silicon

Mamidala Saketh Ram, Karl-Magnus Persson, Mattias Borg, Lars-Erik Wernersson
2020 IEEE Electron Device Letters  
III-V vertical nanowire MOSFETs (VNW-FETs) have the potential to extend Moore's law owing to their excellent material properties. To integrate highly scaled memory cells coupled with high performance selectors at minimal memory cell area, it is attractive to integrate low-power resistive random access memory (RRAM) cells directly on to III-V VNW-FETs. In this work, we report the experimental demonstration of successful RRAM integration with III-V VNW-FETs. The combined use of VNW-FET drain
more » ... electrode and the RRAM bottom electrode reduces the process complexity and maintains material compatibility. The vertical nanowire geometry allows the RRAM cell area to be aggressively scaled down to 0.01 µm 2 enabling realization of dense memory (1T1R) cross-point arrays on silicon.
doi:10.1109/led.2020.3013674 fatcat:brrlq4ctxba4fhm6jpttclpcpq