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Special Issue on AI-Driven Smart Networking and Communication for Personal Internet of Things: Part II

Yong Jin, Honghao Gao, Tao Hu, Xinrong Li
2020 International Journal of Wireless Information Networks  
With the rapid development of personal computing technology and intelligent devices, the Internet of Things (IoT) industry has reached a new level for consumers. Compared with the conventional IoT, Personal IoT integrates various ubiquitous networking, communication, sensing, and control capabilities, as well as intelligent analysis and decision technologies, into all aspects of personal daily life process. Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) facilitates ubiquitous smart networking and
more » ... ication, application analysis and prediction, and thus to make an optimal decision. The basic idea of Personal IoT is to leverage a multitude of collaborative ubiquitous personal smart devices and near-user infrastructures to carry out a substantial amount of personal data retrieval, recognition, compression, and communication tasks with low latency, energy efficiency, and many other desirable features. Despite tremendous benefits and opportunities that the AI offers, there are still many technical challenges that need to be addressed by the research and development communities to realize the full potentials of the Personal IoT. The goal of this special issue is to attract high quality contributions that collectively provide a comprehensive coverage of recently developments related to the AI-driven Personal IOT technology and applications.
doi:10.1007/s10776-020-00486-4 fatcat:m2f5nta5rjdyzh3qt7tkx7ncea