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Message from the SAUCE Workshop Organizing Technical Co-chairs

Peter Reiher, John Zimmerman, Kevin Eustice
2008 2008 IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications  
Over the last two decades, the focus of much computer research has shifted from desktop systems intended to make workers more productive to intelligent environments and mobile devices that explicitly and implicitly interact with people in the many different contexts they inhabit and in the many different roles they enact. While the model of one person to one desktop computer is still valid, there are many new interaction models that must be investigated. Many of the most interesting and
more » ... ing questions raised by ubiquitous computing involve the role of technology in shaping, supporting, and improving social interactions. Questions researchers face include (i) how do ubiquitous computing systems or devices influence and assist in people's social performances? (ii) how do intelligent systems that take autonomous action influence people's sense of control and sense of self in social situations? and (iii) how does the interjection of computing into social spaces such as homes, cafes, parks, malls, and entertainment venues affect the meaning of these spaces and create new opportunities for computing to bring value to people's lives? This workshop brings together researchers from industry and academia, from several countries. In addition to presenting and discussing their individual research in this area, workshop participants will brainstorm on the key challenges and promising directions for ubiquitous computing to enhance the social aspects of people's lives.
doi:10.1109/wimob.2008.128 dblp:conf/wimob/ReiherZE08 fatcat:mkmdhq3lsff6zfkokjtzyelqce