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Visual Assessment of Clustering Tendency for Incomplete Data

Laurence Anthony F. Park, James C. Bezdek, Christopher Leckie, Ramamohanarao Kotagiri, James Bailey, Marimuthu Palaniswami
2016 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  
The iVAT (asiVAT) algorithms reorder symmetric (asymmetric) dissimilarity data so that an image of the data may reveal cluster substructure. Images formed from incomplete data don't offer a very rich interpretation of cluster structure. In this paper we examine four methods for completing the input data with imputed values before imaging. We choose a best method using contaminated versions of the complete Iris data, for which the desired results are known. Then we analyse two real world data
more » ... s from social networks that are incomplete using the best imputation method chosen in the juried trials with Iris: (i) Sampson's monastery data, an incomplete, asymmetric relation matrix; and (ii) the karate club data, comprising a symmetric similarity matrix that is about 86% incomplete.
doi:10.1109/tkde.2016.2608821 fatcat:qbwl53w3wnh7hjoklmmxwncnfa